Big waste of money in my opinion. For every programmer dish/nagra has there are 20 out there that will work on breaking it. All dish is doing is creating a new revenue stream for the people selling hacker products. "All your old gear wont work, buy my new product!"
Over the past year I have noticed wierd things going on at dish. Products and releases seem to be "rushed" and not much thought being put into them. Superdish/HD fiasco. I mean come on, they are a SATELLITE company. They didnt know the range of their signal? Then the supply problems of the superdish, 811, and 921. Numerous bugs in the 811 and 921. Now the apparent oversight about PPVs stored on the old blue card not being billed. They didnt think of this?? Or they just dont care about all that lose revenue? Either way, if I was a stockholder I'd be pissed. Who is working at dish??? I think there are major management issues and all the good programmers/developers left. I would leave if this was the way my company was operating. Remember the stories about the VPs resigning?
One slipup i can understand, but now its habitual. The only thing they launched without a problem was BINGO TV. If they invested this much into new SD and HD channels (real chans, not bingo tv, porn, QVC clones) I wouldnt be so upset. Ok, rant is over. Bottom line, if dish turns off the nagra-1 stream this year, it will be compromised by the end of the year.