Dish Selection Manifesto

This has not been a very promising start.

Just an you mentioned earlier, the rebooting sounded like an overheating issue. Extended periods of overheating is going to lead to some sort of failure as you've seen. These DVRs are basically PCs, and need an adequate source of air.
Phone Line Connection

Things have been going along smoothly since I received the replacement 722. No further rebootings. The only minor problem I am having with it was that the unit will not shut off automatically like it is supposed to. I usually fall to sleep with the TV on in our bedroom (TV2) but I put a timer on the TV itself to turn it off. My wife usually comes to bed around midnight, turns the TV back on and then sets the TV timer again. In the morning when I get up the TV2 tuner is still powered on. Like I said, its a minor issue.

The real reason I posted today was the our other unit (VIP222) suddenly displayed a message warning us that failure to have a phone connection would result in a monthly charge. I do have a phone line connected to the box and has been connected since its installation. I had previously tested that connection through the 222 and knew that it was working. I ran diagnostics and the phone connection failed. I plugged another phone into the jack and it worked perfectly. I checked the plug into the back of the box and it was solid. I checked the caller ID log and calls were listed there that had come in AFTER THE CONNECTION FAILURE message was displayed. ???

Anybody have any idea's? I will post this in a seperate thread to help solicit some reply's, but I wanted to keep this thread updated to for those following in my steps.


is it possible that someone is on the phone when the daily reboot happens? I had this message happen A LOT. I can hear clicking on the line when I'm on the phone and the receiver is dialing out. Not sure why it dials out more than once a month, but it seems to do a dial out daily. EVERY TIME i heard clicking on the line, i had that message the next time i turned on the receivers - just a thought. (fyi...I have a 622 in my bedroom, and the fan during reboot would wake me up at 3am, so i changed the time to 8am, and invariably i would be on the phone during reboot at 8am - for those who are wondering why I set it to 8am).
Concerning the phone connection issue, I have been told to try and re-boot the box which I will do at lunch. I have also been informed of some 622's that have had the modem go bad in them, so if the rebooting doesn't work I guess I'll be calling DISH tonight.

On a seperate note I have noticed another peculiar issue, this time on my 722. I have my OTA antenna running through my 722, but I also have it split off and run straight to the TV. I have a digital output cable run from my 722 to my audio receiver. I have noticed that for the past two nights that the majority of the commercials on NBC the only sound that I can hear is the bass. This is only the commercials on NBC, and not all of them. When I switch my TV to view the OTA channels directly from the antenna, and not through the 722, the sound is fine (albeit it is from only the TV and not the receiver). Anybody have any idea's on this one?

I'd thought I'd update a couple of issues I had reported earlier.

First, the problem with my 722 not shutting down at night was fixed by me switching the software update check to 9 AM instead of 3AM. It now works perfectly.

The other issue, the lack of sound (except bass) from NBC commericals, I'm embarrassed to say was my own fault. Somebody in our household turned off my main speakers connected to my receiver. So when a show or a commercial was broadcast in 5.1 sound my center channel, sub woofer and back speakers would put out sound, but if the channel broadcast in regular stereo (which apparently a lot of commercials on NBC are) only the sub woofer was active and could put out sound. I found the issue this weekend as I was listening to some CD's. Duh!

It appears rebooting my 222 has not fixed my phone connection problem, so I'll be calling DISH tonight.

Thats where everything stands right now.

Oh yeah.......TBS in high def is great.
Dish Selection Manifesto - One Year Later

It's hard to believe but it has been a full year since I decided to get DISH and I thought I would update this thread to give those of you who are on the fence like I was something more to mull over.

Overall I will say that my experience with DISH this year has exceeded my expectations. I had a couple issues where PPV that I didn't request was charged to my account, but an e-mail to took care of that problem. Service wise my 722 has operated flawlessly and the wife and I are now fully integrated with the DVR experience. An external hard drive will be my next purchase as the fall season approaches. MY 222 has had numerous difficulties that required system reboots (averaging about once a week), but that is only an irritation as that unit services our rec room and a lesser used TV. Another minor disappointment is the service failure we experience when thunder storms rumble through the area, which is much more frequent than I was led to believe.

As far as the HD channel selection goes, as I stated in my opening comments I'm in this for the long haul so who reached 100 channels by when wasn't really a concern. The amount of HD that is available for the Olympics is both plentiful and impressive. I am concerned about the lawsuits that DISH has been fighting and it makes me wonder about their stability going forward, but not enough to consider switching or to second guess my decision.

When all is said and done I guess I'm in the satisfied customer category. With college football season just around the corner, which is why I originally switched to DISH in the first place, I will be sitting infront of my media center with a large smile on my face once again.

Come on in the waters fine.....even one year later.
I am very glad to hear this. This month we'd switched back to E* as we'd finally moved to an HDTV.

We've gone with one of the TurboHD packages (TurboHD Gold) as we really are not interested in the SD stations and didn't see a reason to pay for a package that includes both. We also have a 722. To see a year follow-up with you still feeling good about your decision helps to lend me a similar feeling that all should be good going forward.

Thanks again for such a great thread.

HD locals via OTA and HD locals via satellite.....

Locals over antenna - how to see program info?
