Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

911: What's your emergency?
Caller: My car was just abducted by aliens!
911: Could you repeat that please?
Caller: A flying saucer just swooped in and sucked up my Subaru with a tractor beam or...
911: What is your location sir?
Caller: I'm in the Big Boy parking lot! Send the police!!
911: Standby sir, I've dispatched EMS to come pick you up and transport you to the hospital.
Caller: What about my Subaru!
911: I've issued an APB for all law enforcement in the area to keep a lookout for any UFO's hauling a Subaru. EMS will be there shortly. Have a nice evening, sir.
911: What's your emergency?
Caller: My car was just abducted by aliens!
911: Could you repeat that please?
Caller: A flying saucer just swooped in and sucked up my Subaru with a tractor beam or...
911: What is your location sir?
Caller: I'm in the Big Boy parking lot! Send the police!!
911: Standby sir, I've dispatched EMS to come pick you up and transport you to the hospital.
Caller: What about my Subaru!
911: I've issued an APB for all law enforcement in the area to keep a lookout for any UFO's hauling a Subaru. EMS will be there shortly. Have a nice evening, sir.
Yeah, the flying saucer was out of place and unnecessary, IMHO.
That was my favorite part! (By the way, is the truck that it picks up the same truck that passed through last July's scape?)

Of course, my favorite part of last month's scape was the fly-eating plant, but my sister felt that was out of place and unnecessary. I guess I have different tastes in what I like in my Dish Scapes.
That was my favorite part! (By the way, is the truck that it picks up the same truck that passed through last July's scape?)

Of course, my favorite part of last month's scape was the fly-eating plant, but my sister felt that was out of place and unnecessary. I guess I have different tastes in what I like in my Dish Scapes.
And of course we were all waiting for the ship to come after the balloon decorated with an alien practically marked the town as a target!
Yeah, the flying saucer was out of place and unnecessary, IMHO.

I finally got to watch it long enough to see the flying saucer pick up the truck. I think it adds an element of surprise so I enjoyed it.

April's Cherry Blossom Dish scape has been my favorite scene with all the actions. The Halloween Dish scape with the contest was the most fun.

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When I first turned the station on to see what was happening this month, the first thing I saw was the town and thought to myself, hey, it's the town from the movie Cars. Love Mater. ;) My favorite balloon is the darker green with the trees and Bigfoot on it. It is so cool and for some reason calming to me. I also enjoy the fact that they actually made the people in the hot air balloons move around and not just stay in one spot. The one where the person waves is pretty awesome. Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of me finding this station and I really do enjoy watching it.
When I first turned the station on to see what was happening this month, the first thing I saw was the town and thought to myself, hey, it's the town from the movie Cars. Love Mater. ;) My favorite balloon is the darker green with the trees and Bigfoot on it. It is so cool and for some reason calming to me. I also enjoy the fact that they actually made the people in the hot air balloons move around and not just stay in one spot. The one where the person waves is pretty awesome. Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of me finding this station and I really do enjoy watching it.
Happy anniversary!
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The night sky is rotating the wrong way again, although the looping would be annoying no matter which way it was rotating.
I think it was correct. The view is to the west. The sun as well as the stars go down over the pinnacles behind the town. At sunrise, the pinnacles on the right are the first to be illuminated.

Does anybody know why there is a rocket with lights in the town? Can we identify any town it was modelled after (like the lighthouse scene we had earlier)? Those pinnacles remind me of Monument Valley in Arizona and Utah.
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Does anybody know why there is a rocket with lights in the town? Can we identify any town it was modelled after (like the lighthouse scene we had earlier)? Those pinnacles remind me of Monument Valley in Arizona and Utah.
The flat-topped mesas (pinnacles) resemble those of the Great Basin in northern Arizona and southern Utah. That area does not have saguaro cacti. Saguaros are native to the Sonoran desert of southern Arizona and southeastern California. The one ocotillo shown doesn't grow in the Great Basin. Neither do the large-leafed agaves in the lower right corner. Almost all of the vegetation seen here is native to the Sonoran desert or the Chihuahuan desert--- not the Great Basin. Rocket and spaceship parts of the town could be taken from Roswell or the Alamogordo areas of New Mexico. The balloons could resemble those at Albuquerque's Balloon Festival.
Saguaros are native to the Sonoran desert of southern Arizona and southeastern California

I felt disappointed when we drove Route 66 (I-40) through Arizona and didn't see any Saguaros. I was led to believe (by Hollywood) that they were all over the place out there. Didn't see any in Nevada, either. I was bummed.
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My favorite balloon is the darker green with the trees and Bigfoot on it. It is so cool and for some reason calming to me. I also enjoy the fact that they actually made the people in the hot air balloons move around and not just stay in one spot. The one where the person waves is pretty awesome.
If you look closely at the Bigfoot balloon it's actually Bigfoot riding in the basket as well!