All the traditional providers lost subs in the first quarter, Comcast with the biggest drop at -512,000.
The only gains for Live TV was Hulu Live and You Tube TV.
All the streaming services gained also, even Netflix would of gained 500,000 expect for the loss of Russia subs ( -700,000)
While they need to hold onto the subscribers they have, Dish need to innovate to attract new subs, be it smaller packages or figure out a way to get rid of some of the fees.
I have posted this before, I would have Dish except I refuse to pay those extra fees.
I have 11 rooms with TVs, only one gets all day use, the rest a little to none, but I need access for when I have guests or for other reasons.
For example, the Living Room it is always on, so I can see paying for a box, the outdoor theater is only on Live TV in the morning, watching CNN while I am on the Life Cycle for 2 hours, at night, always watching a streaming service like Netflix Paramount, Vudu, etc.
The TVs in my bedroom and Kitchen, never except for noise in my bedroom when I was tossing my wife's stuff a few weeks ago.
The rest are my kid's former rooms and guest rooms.
Why should I have to pay that extra fee when they do not get used that much, the only time lately one of the other rooms got used is when my Step-Father was here for 3 days after my wife's passing, all he watched was the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
What Dish needs to do is maybe combine Sling TV with Dish at no extra cost, I would have a Hopper in my living room, but when I am outside, I can watch CNN via Sling, or when I have guests (Family is coming here for Thanksgiving / Wife's Memorial ) they would have access.
By the way, Charter and Comcast already does this, you can access any of the channels you subscribe to via their apps at no extra charge, you no longer need to even rent a box.
It has been estimated DirecTV has between 11- 13 million Sat Subs, then another 2 million for streaming and Uverse, tough to get real numbers since they were spun off.