Dish Retention No Longer Offering A Discount

I just called (888) 496-1260 and only offered a $20 something discount with a 2 year deal. Been a customer for probably 15 years or so, maybe longer. I pay on time. My total comes to $161 and change. I have Top 250/Locals/Epix Package/(1) Hopper 3 & (1) 4k Joey. My Hopper 3 has been on the fritz for a month so it has got me thinking to finally do a switch to Fios before I go and have them send me a replacement Hopper. I already have Fios Internet so adding TV & Phone is cheap with the total of the 3, especially with a 2 year deal from them. I even let him know that and he's like "Check the prices and you can call back" and that was that. Didn't seem to have any interest in keeping me as a customer. Maybe it's time but I hate changing anything. My wife will drive me insane not knowing how to use new equipment that is totally different.
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I've had dish going on 16 years, and sadly just kept paying the out of contract pricing the last few years. After reading through this thread I called retentions and got pricing similar to the pdf attached earlier, after agreeing to a 2 year contract, and also was offered 50% off showtime for 3 months, and a one time $20 bill credit.

My bill will be going down around $30 per month for 3 months, and $25 per month for the rest of the 2 yr commitment. All in all, not bad for a 5 minute phone call.

Now if they could just fix the buggy hopper3/joey4k software recently released!
I've had dish going on 16 years, and sadly just kept paying the out of contract pricing the last few years. After reading through this thread I called retentions and got pricing similar to the pdf attached earlier, after agreeing to a 2 year contract, and also was offered 50% off showtime for 3 months, and a one time $20 bill credit.

My bill will be going down around $30 per month for 3 months, and $25 per month for the rest of the 2 yr commitment. All in all, not bad for a 5 minute phone call.

Now if they could just fix the buggy hopper3/joey4k software recently released!

Maybe I just got the wrong rep or they just don't care for my business because this guy was basically saying "oh well, nice knowing you" lol. I will give it another shot tomorrow. It's their last chance though. I just don't have the time to waste. Many years ago, probably 20 years ago at least I had Comcast. I had ordered a Wrestling PPV which was like $30. The thing didn't work right away for some reason, definitely something on their end, around 30 minutes later it decided just to pop right on. So I lost around 30 minutes of it. So I called them and asked for a partial refund which is fair. I only wanted a few bucks credit. They wouldn't do it. Now this was when I was really into wrestling so I rented one every time one was on. Paid my bill on time, long standing customer, etc. Anyway I asked for a supervisor and they said someone will call me back. Of course that never happened. I called back again the next day and got a really nasty woman. She said nope, asked for a supervisor and she wouldn't get one. I told her to cancel then and she cursed me out. So I called back again and got a different rep and explained what happened. No apology, nothing. And still no small credit. I told her to have a supervisor call me (This time I knew they would not bother calling anyway) and if they don't by a certain time I will cancel and go with another service. So of course they didn't. And I called Direct TV that very night to schedule installation, then called Comcast to cancel which they did easily. They never asked why, never tried to keep me, nada. The irony of this is that within a week they had called me trying to get me back. I said nope, I even cut the cable that goes to my house. And when I told them that the guy flipped out on me saying I am not allowed to cut it. I told him I will do whatever I want on my property. I told him to call the police then. He even told me he will send a tech over to reconnect it. I dared him to. Of course they didn't. After that I kept getting direct mail ads to get me to come back offering me all kinds of discounts. Yeah right. They want me back so bad after the fact and want to give me credits after the fact. All they had to do is give me $5 credit and all would have been good. So for $5 they lost around 20 years of my business. I likely would never have dropped them. Dish didn't curse me of course and they did offer me something but it's no where near enough to keep me. If I got a deal like yours I would stay. I guess I will see tomorrow. Do they want my money still? I really am curious to see. Fios would be very happy with more of my money and I would be happy to save a decent amount whether it is them or Dish.
A couple of my neighbors who are retired and on fixed incomes installed OTA antennas recently and were shocked to find that they could receive over 50 channels in crystal clear HD. They both called Dish and tried to see if they could get some kind of discount since the prices go up every year. No help from Dish and they both cancelled after nearly 20 years with the service.
I think the issue is you have gotten the retention department to give you a discount too many times.

They probably have your account flagged.

There are only so many discounts they can give out until it gets to the point they are not making any money on your account so why try to keep you as a customer.
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It seems the good old days when Dish offered $40 a month discount when you made a new 2 year commitment are over. If Dish demands that (and rightfully), a customer should expect some discount.
If what Dish offers is not good enough you sit with wifey and decide what to do. A smaller pack with Dish, jump to streaming or cable, ota only? You gotta make the wifey happy. That comes first.
In theory, Dish should offer some discount rather than lose a customer. They also know that some leave, not too happy with stream or cable and come back.
if I were in your shoes, I would get a smaller pack with the wife's blessing and move on.
Well, I was looking at my dish bills over the last 6 months since my 24 month price lock is coming to an end and I saw that the bill said in November I was in the 21st month of my 24 month committment, then December said it was the 22nd month, but January said it was the 21st month again and January said it was 22nd and so on.

I called Dish and the rep said sometimes things get changed like that in the computers, but I asked when I should renew and she was able to renew my 24 month price lock committment for the same price as I have paid for the last 23 months plus, since I evidently am a "Dish preferred customer", I got $6 off my equipment fees for the next 24 months (down to $16 from $22).

I am on AT 200 on autopay with no premium channels just an H3 and a Joey 3.0 and have been a Dish customer since 3/13/2003.

My bill is actually going down for the next two years - I was astonished!
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Well, I was looking at my dish bills over the last 6 months since my 24 month price lock is coming to an end and I saw that the bill said in November I was in the 21st month of my 24 month committment, then December said it was the 22nd month, but January said it was the 21st month again and January said it was 22nd and so on.

I called Dish and the rep said sometimes things get changed like that in the computers, but I asked when I should renew and she was able to renew my 24 month price lock committment for the same price as I have paid for the last 23 months plus, since I evidently am a "Dish preferred customer", I got $6 off my equipment fees for the next 24 months (down to $16 from $22).

I am on AT 200 on autopay with no premium channels just an H3 and a Joey 3.0 and have been a Dish customer since 3/13/2003.

My bill is actually going down for the next two years - I was astonished!
I have pretty much the same except no joey(use a firestick and dishanywhere).Top200 plus locals 85 bucks.Fees and taxes another 15.
I recently set up my MIL on Youtube TV (was on Xfinity tv and phone-switched to Ooma for house phone also dropped her internet speed to the one they don't tell you about) .I have to admit the channel lineup was pretty similar for $65.
I enjoy the autohop but I'm not sure it's worth the difference in price.
The only thing I know for sure is the TV landscape will be much different when the contract runs out in 14 months.
I am getting prepared for changing up my plans when my contract expires in 6 months. I will also drop the locals. I have an antenna and I have to switch to them each time it rains anyway. But I have to be prepared that I can only record or watch two local channels at a time. This will save $12 a month. If I switch from the Top 200 to the lower 120 plan plus the Heartland package this would save close to $20 a month. There are only three channels that I will lose that we watch. They are the Cooking channel, LMN and Magnolia Network. If by chance I get high speed internet before then maybe I could stream these.
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I have the H3 with the Welcome pack and a TiVo which receives 66 channels, of which some are religious channels. I have Amazon Prime and watch steaming on my Roku ultra. I have more to watch that I can fit in. All for $61.61 per month to Dish, plus my cox internet.
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I just sent in $39.95 for a 2 year membership. RVVAQUERO, does that satisfy the 10% requirement ?? Thanks for the suggestion and I ask others who have saved $$$ on this thread to consider doing the same.
More than satifies. If you're happy, I'm tickled to death. Good on you.
Dish reported a pretty awful first quarter, losing 228k subs on satellite and a very surprising 234k subs on Sling, for a total loss of 462k. Satellite now has 7.99 million subs and Sling has 2.25 million, for a total of 10.24 million pay TV customers.

Perhaps this will incentivize them to offer a bit larger retention discounts to prevent further steep losses? Pay TV is supposed to be the profit machine that will last Dish long enough to subsidize the built-out of their new 5G wireless network until it can become a sustainable profit-making business in its own right.

Also, I wonder at this point which service has more satellite subs, Dish or DirecTV? My guess is that it's still DirecTV, but not by much. And once NFL Sunday Ticket is gone there, they'll probably slip behind Dish.
Dish reported a pretty awful first quarter, losing 228k subs on satellite and a very surprising 234k subs on Sling, for a total loss of 462k. Satellite now has 7.99 million subs and Sling has 2.25 million, for a total of 10.24 million pay TV customers.
All the traditional providers lost subs in the first quarter, Comcast with the biggest drop at -512,000.

The only gains for Live TV was Hulu Live and You Tube TV.

All the streaming services gained also, even Netflix would of gained 500,000 expect for the loss of Russia subs ( -700,000)
Perhaps this will incentivize them to offer a bit larger retention discounts to prevent further steep losses? Pay TV is supposed to be the profit machine that will last Dish long enough to subsidize the built-out of their new 5G wireless network until it can become a sustainable profit-making business in its own right.
While they need to hold onto the subscribers they have, Dish need to innovate to attract new subs, be it smaller packages or figure out a way to get rid of some of the fees.

I have posted this before, I would have Dish except I refuse to pay those extra fees.

I have 11 rooms with TVs, only one gets all day use, the rest a little to none, but I need access for when I have guests or for other reasons.

For example, the Living Room it is always on, so I can see paying for a box, the outdoor theater is only on Live TV in the morning, watching CNN while I am on the Life Cycle for 2 hours, at night, always watching a streaming service like Netflix Paramount, Vudu, etc.

The TVs in my bedroom and Kitchen, never except for noise in my bedroom when I was tossing my wife's stuff a few weeks ago.

The rest are my kid's former rooms and guest rooms.

Why should I have to pay that extra fee when they do not get used that much, the only time lately one of the other rooms got used is when my Step-Father was here for 3 days after my wife's passing, all he watched was the NCAA Basketball Tournament.

What Dish needs to do is maybe combine Sling TV with Dish at no extra cost, I would have a Hopper in my living room, but when I am outside, I can watch CNN via Sling, or when I have guests (Family is coming here for Thanksgiving / Wife's Memorial ) they would have access.

By the way, Charter and Comcast already does this, you can access any of the channels you subscribe to via their apps at no extra charge, you no longer need to even rent a box.
Also, I wonder at this point which service has more satellite subs, Dish or DirecTV? My guess is that it's still DirecTV, but not by much..
It has been estimated DirecTV has between 11- 13 million Sat Subs, then another 2 million for streaming and Uverse, tough to get real numbers since they were spun off.
If DTV loses The NFL Ticket, it'll be the most damaging nail in their coffin, I predict
It has been reported they only have about a million subs for NFLST and they have been losing between $600-800 million a years on ST.

That is why you have not seen one news story about them keeping it, specially at $2 billion dollars a year ( they are paying $1.5 billion now).

By the way, DirecTV put their own nail in the coffin, they are not spending any money on the service, just enough to keep the lights on, no new Satellites and no new boxes in development, their equipment is getting quite dated, imagine what it will be like in 2-3 years.
By the way, DirecTV put their own nail in the coffin, they are not spending any money on the service, just enough to keep the lights on, no new Satellites and no new boxes in development, their equipment is getting quite dated, imagine what it will be like in 2-3 years.
Well, since they still have the best DVR in the H3 and nobody is pushing them, why waste the money developing something? If it ain't broke…………………..
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Well, since they still have the best DVR in the H3 and nobody is pushing them, why waste the money developing something? If it ain't broke…………………..
Talking about DirecTV's equipment, read what I wrote.

And all companies should have new equipment in development if they plan on sticking around, the Hopper 3 might be good now, what happens in a couple of years, that is what DirecTV is facing right now with nothing new.

And yes, Dish is at least trying with new Equipment, Hopper Snap for example, DirecTV, nothing.