But...but...but...you'll have less variety of channels that all show the same thing! Can't have that!

But...but...but...you'll have less variety of channels that all show the same thing! Can't have that!
sA :: Shaggy said:IFC rocks they brought back my "whitest kids you know" man the have some funny stuff on there.
I do miss the old music station that was on before OVATN took over. I think it was IMF. Fuse I miss but im sure it will fade.
Fuse is a chump channel and so is AMC. I really don't get those who are whining about the loss of such lame channels. R.I.P to Fuse, I say. Now, IFC, I do like, and they do air some "original" or British sitcoms (The IT Crowd being one) that are not seen on any other channel in the U.S.
Maybe back in the day AMC was a chump channel, or maybe it was just because I was younger but I would be highly ticked if I couldn't watch Breaking Bad, and there is the upcoming "The Walking Dead" that is coming to AMC in Oct. I can't wait for that. I haven't watched IFC in a long time and FUSE never really interested me, except maybe the occasional music video. Everyone has different tastes, hence different TV channels. I never thought I would be watching MTV2 again but Lucha Libre wrestling starts up this Friday.
Now Voom was a real music channel. It carried Later w/ Jools Holland from Britain. Fuse was in SD so I didn't even know what it was until E* dropped it and Fuse thread showed up.
Agreed :up...
It just seems like Dish is losing a lot of channels and that is not good, if they are SD only channels I will probably never even know about it. :rant: