Is there no conflict management of events? DRA and my 622 itself both show conflicts but I don't see an interface in DO to handle this.
In DO I see "Recordings" and "Scheduled", but I don't see the word conflict anywhere.
DRA's conflict handling isn't brilliant, the grouping of multiple conflicts for the same time slot is a pain, and you can't see the start/end times and other important details for the conflicts.
However not having any conflict handling in DO is worse.
For me, the main reason for using DRA/DO is to be able to handle timers and events while I'm not at home, especially when I'm away for a week or so.
Not having conflict handling means that DO is not usable for me.
Along the same lines, where is the management of Timers and Skipped Events in DO?
Is DO still in an early stage of development with respect to the feature set?
Or is this more or less it as far as features go?
When DRA was first released, I sent about 30 or so suggestions to the feedback.
All of them were very reasonable, and most of them should have been quick things to change, but none of them were ever addressed.
DO looks very pretty and all, but it's not particularly practical for me.
I tend to prefer the opposite, I don't much care how it looks as long as it does what I need it to
Having said all this, I don't actually use DRA/DO much, but that's mostly a result of it being nowhere near as easy to use as the 622 itself and I'm not away that often.
On a positive note, I do really like the look of the UI.