Yeah, but does the Military History Channel have Ancient Aliens?How will we ever live without that?
Sure they do. Film from back when the Goa'uld ruled earth.

Yeah, but does the Military History Channel have Ancient Aliens?How will we ever live without that?
man it's a good thing I am doing some work to the servers so, IF and just IF these two companies go to war, we can handle the traffic.![]()
As far as I know A&E is not included in these talks.
Yeah, but does the Military History Channel have Ancient Aliens?How will we ever live without that?
Still good.
I can imagine it. It's not about market share or ratings, it's about ESPN having to pay for their latest big, fat, juicy overblown and overpaid contract they just signed. Giddyup.I'm probably in the minority but I wouldn't miss ESPN in the least. I did read an article recently showing ESPN has lost market share so I can't imagine they are asking for an increase. But what do I know.
Here's the thing, Dish offers a crippled ESPN/Disney package. People with other carriers I talk to can't believe that ESPNU and ESPN News are in SD, much less that the Disney networks are too. And no access to WatchESPN. Dish pays for it, why don't they have what the other networks do in terms of HD and online offerings? Split ESPN off, I'll gladly pay for them as a premium package as long as EVERYTHING ESPN offers is part of it.
The HD feeds were not dropped... they were pulled by Disney.
I remember at first they thought there was an issue with their IRD's or Fiber connection from which those channels were received.
Well, please keep us in the loop.Oh I was assured by online customer chat support just now, when contacting them about another issue, that I would be the first one to know when the agreement was signed. I almost had my drink go out my nose I laughed so hard.
The amount of money it'll cost to replace the CSR phone systems that explode if Dish let ESPN go briefly would probably not make stalling worth Dish's while.there is no way this contract is going to be signed without at least a few days of ESPN outage. Ergen likes to drive the hardest bargain and he is still smarting from the way he lost the lawsuit on Disney Channel HD. Payback is a bitch.
Don't you get it?! Naked mole rats don't wear clothes! No, that isn't it. I mean, ESPN wants everybody who subs to Cable or Sat to pay for ESPN, not merely the people that actually watch the channel. So a la carte can't be done. Everything used to be a la carte in the C Band days, but the channel providers have convinced everyone that such a system would lead to either the heat death of the universe... or naked mole rats wearing clothes.Here's the thing, Dish offers a crippled ESPN/Disney package. People with other carriers I talk to can't believe that ESPNU and ESPN News are in SD, much less that the Disney networks are too. And no access to WatchESPN. Dish pays for it, why don't they have what the other networks do in terms of HD and online offerings? Split ESPN off, I'll gladly pay for them as a premium package as long as EVERYTHING ESPN offers is part of it.