Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

So what happens to HD customers that don't have Platinum HD right now?

Say you have AT 250 or Gold 250 or whatever it is now and GoldHD. Will you not get the Platinum channels? Will I be able to call and get them for free?
Outstanding Article

I read your article for Mutichannel.
Great Job!!!
Hopefully, you will start the ball rolling in DISH making things right for current HD customers.

Again, Great Article!
D* should change the commercials that use the cable company to dish, this seems right out of one of their commercials. heck we may wake up on august 1st to 1,000,080p for the VOD. lol :D lol
Please refer to posts145, 150 & 158 this thread. Received a reply from Exec Offices in response to Platinum HD with Turbo HD. As of now, current customers who sub to Classic + Add On HD + Platinum HD will be credited after 8/09 for the cost of Platinum. This will be handled thru regular monthly billing. Estimated time for credit to appear, 2 billing terms. The plans for the Turbo HD customer has not been decided. Classic accounts that are already viewing Add On HD should see Platinum added after 8/09. From what has been determined thus far, the present Classic accts are going to be the first to enjoy the services that are currently called Platinum at the Add On $10 charge. Be cool, Dish wants all accts to continue enjoying their chosen programming package at the lowest possible price. Hope that this info is of help.
Please refer to posts145, 150 & 158 this thread. Received a reply from Exec Offices in response to Platinum HD with Turbo HD. As of now, current customers who sub to Classic + Add On HD + Platinum HD will be credited after 8/09 for the cost of Platinum. This will be handled thru regular monthly billing. Estimated time for credit to appear, 2 billing terms. The plans for the Turbo HD customer has not been decided. Classic accounts that are already viewing Add On HD should see Platinum added after 8/09. From what has been determined thus far, the present Classic accts are going to be the first to enjoy the services that are currently called Platinum at the Add On $10 charge. Be cool, Dish wants all accts to continue enjoying their chosen programming package at the lowest possible price. Hope that this info is of help.

Thanks for the info!!, hope it does pan out like this!!!
I want to bullet point these developments, some one please correct me if I misunderstand:

CURRENT PLATINUM SUBS - Will get $10 credit on their bills starting with the September Cycle
-In these situations it has been my experience that the first credit will include a retroactive credit for the "missing" month. But YMMV

CURRENT HD ADD-ON SUBSCRIBERS (Classic Bronze/Silver/Gold+HD) - Will get the platinum channels automatically for no charge. But not necessarily at 12:01am Aug 1

CURRENT TURBO HD SUBSCRIBERS - nothing has been decided yet by Dish.

See ya
The plans for the Turbo HD customer has not been decided.

I think that's likely a big eff you to the Turbo subs. You would have thought they would have told the retailers they were dropping Turbo as a package option during the chat if they were going to do it. Maybe they'll try to starve us out of the packages by never adding anything to them. What an outfit.
So, if I understand this correctly, Classic + Add-On + Plat HD subs will get the $10/month fee removed from their bill over a period of two billing cycles, automatically? Is that correct? Or do we need to call and request not to be billed for a package that won't officially exist after 08/01?
So, if I understand this correctly, Classic + Add-On + Plat HD subs will get the $10/month fee removed from their bill over a period of two billing cycles, automatically? Is that correct? Or do we need to call and request not to be billed for a package that won't officially exist after 08/01?

To be absolutely what makes you feel the best. The above examples are the plan. Plans can be altered.
So, if I understand this correctly, Classic + Add-On + Plat HD subs will get the $10/month fee removed from their bill over a period of two billing cycles, automatically? Is that correct? Or do we need to call and request not to be billed for a package that won't officially exist after 08/01?

I am thinking from the recent posts we still may have to see how things shake out after the 1st, if things happens automatic. I am guessinng there will be a whole lot of phone calls going on. May be a good time to use the chat feature dish has after the August the 1st?
Please refer to posts145, 150 & 158 this thread. Received a reply from Exec Offices in response to Platinum HD with Turbo HD. As of now, current customers who sub to Classic + Add On HD + Platinum HD will be credited after 8/09 for the cost of Platinum. This will be handled thru regular monthly billing. Estimated time for credit to appear, 2 billing terms. The plans for the Turbo HD customer has not been decided. Classic accounts that are already viewing Add On HD should see Platinum added after 8/09. From what has been determined thus far, the present Classic accts are going to be the first to enjoy the services that are currently called Platinum at the Add On $10 charge. Be cool, Dish wants all accts to continue enjoying their chosen programming package at the lowest possible price. Hope that this info is of help.

Awesome! We greatly appreciate your efforts in digging for the details and sharing with everyone. Thanks!:up
Am I correct, that these changes makes the Everything Pack a much better deal at least for new customers? I've never thought it gives customers much of a savings, but it seems to now with these changes.

Everything Pack $97.98 (DVR included), Locals $5.00, HD & Platinum $10.00 = $102.98

Classic 250 with DVR and Locals $67.99
HD & Platinum $10.00
HBO $15.99
Cinemax $12.99
Showtime $12.99
Starz $12.99

Total $127.98 making Everything Pack a $25 a month savings
Am I correct, that these changes makes the Everything Pack a much better deal at least for new customers? I've never thought it gives customers much of a savings, but it seems to now with these changes.

Everything Pack $97.98 (DVR included), Locals $5.00, HD & Platinum $10.00 = $102.98

Classic 250 with DVR and Locals $67.99
HD & Platinum $10.00
HBO $15.99
Cinemax $12.99
Showtime $12.99
Starz $12.99

Total $127.98 making Everything Pack a $25 a month savings
Everything is right, except for one thing,
If you subscribe to 4 premium movie packs, they give you the Everything pack automatic. As long as you have the top 250 pack.

I think if you also pay for 2 movie packs you still get a dscount on the 2nd movie pack. They just aren't letting you use HD gold and top 250 as premiums anymore, to use as discounts on your movie packs.
I was told by E* that 2 or more premium movie packs, still quailify you for discounts on the 2nd,3rd,4th,and PlayboyTV.

Clarification on 211 DVR capabilities

Eastern Arc issues with 77

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