Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

I don't know Scott. I see the words "existing customer" a lot here.
For the Platinum HD package it does mention existing customers, but for Dish DVR Advantage and the others it does not.

One thing I find interesting is that we have it in writing from Dish that the HD Platinum is no longer going to exist as of August 1st, so I do believe that exisiting customers have a right to bitch if they continue getting charged for a package that by Dish Networks own words no longer exists. :)
Today you can bundle premiums and save;
2 premiums - 22.00
3 premiums - 31.00
4 premiums - 40.00
5 premiums - 50.00

So come August 1st If only one premium is chosen you will pay full price of each premium whether you bundle with other premium movie packs or not?
15.99 -Hbo
12.99 -Showtime
12.99 - Starz

IF there is no more savings by bundling the premium movie packs, like DIRECTV still allows....

I think you guys are reading this wrong. (Admittedly, this section is even more poorly written than the rest.)

I'm pretty sure that what it is saying is that the HD add-on will no longer be considered a premium package. (Nor will the "250/Gold/whatever" add on, because it won't exist anymore.)

This really should only be a big deal if you JUST have HBO. And, as it says over and over, you can always stay with your current pricing/packaging.

Disregarding whether or not we will still get the $3 DVR Advantage discount (which was temporary anyway), here's how I see it.

Best case scenario...people who are already paying for everything (or almost everything) can save $10 a month.

Worst case...someone with DVR Advantage Silver, HBO, 250/Gold/Whatever, and HD calls to get the "free" platinum channels, and loses their bundle discount. Their bill goes up $4.99. With other combinations of premiums, they might be able to get the platinum channels for $1.99, .99, or even free. No matter the case, they would be getting something that used to be $10. And no one is forcing them to do it.

The reason this looks complicated (aside from the poor writing) is because they are UNDOING some of the complicated rules they already have. They have to explain how those changes affect the currently insanely complicated fee table.

To a new customer, the pricing will be much simpler than it was (though still not simple enough). To existing customers, all you have to do is nothing, and everything stays exactly the same. What's the problem?
For the Platinum HD package it does mention existing customers, but for Dish DVR Advantage and the others it does not.

One thing I find interesting is that we have it in writing from Dish that the HD Platinum is no longer going to exist as of August 1st, so I do believe that exisiting customers have a right to bitch if they continue getting charged for a package that by Dish Networks own words no longer exists. :)
I have a feeling if you are already a platinum sub (like i am) and dont do anything, come Aug1st, you will still be charged the 10.00 for platinum and will be "grandfathered in."
Reading that press release, i have never seen something so easy be so complicated. And this is after all of the name changes that took place back in feb/march. I see a bunch of people(who dont come here) opening their new bill, go into shock and and then leaving dish.
I think you guys are reading this wrong. (Admittedly, this section is even more poorly written than the rest.)

To existing customers, all you have to do is nothing, and everything stays exactly the same. What's the problem?
So if you already have the platinum add on and do nothing, will the bill go down by $10.00? or will we pay for platinum that some others will get for free?
Not bitching, just asking.
Dish Absolute is the best package that they ever thought of,that's all i can say,even if we don't get all the HD channels its still the best deal 29.95 and no hassles, that's the way i like it
You the man!

Thanks. BTW, my parents died "in their sleeeeep?"

Just ask our turbo HD friends how being grandfathered is working our for them.

Turbo subs aren't grandfathered...Absolute subs are. Though they both get treated equally awful.

But I think being grandfathered into "HD Bronze Add-On", HD Silver Add-On", etc is a different situation. If you already have a "Classic" package, you are already paying the programming fees on all those SD channels. The $10 is simply a fee for turning on the corresponding HD feeds. Those feeds are provided to Dish at little-to-no cost above the original SD feed. Your $10 is really just paying for bandwidth, and whatever HD Net, HD Theatre, and Palladia costs. Maybe a few pennies here and there for other channels...obviously I don't know the terms of every deal. But you should continue to get new HD channels added as they come online, as long as you're already paying for the SD versions.

That's much different than Turbo/Absolute, where they have to negotiate a completely different deal for the HD channel. I suspect many program providers don't like the Turbo/Absolute package, because they don't get paid for their SD channels. So, for example, Viacom gets no fees from Turbo subs for TV Land, N, Noggin, NickToons, VH1 Classic, MTV2...maybe more I'm forgetting? So they refused to sell them MTV, VH1 and Nick, knowing that many subs would stick with the classic packages and they'd still get paid for all those other channels.
So if you already have the platinum add on and do nothing, will the bill go down by $10.00? or will we pay for platinum that some others will get for free?
Not bitching, just asking.

I'm pretty sure you'll have to call, or at least go online. I've said this before, but if they switched you automatically, you would lose your grandfathering for the HD Add-On. What if you had the Platinum free for 3 months and it was up on August 5th? What if you had decided to drop Platinum, but there was a movie on MGM August 2nd that you wanted to record and you thought "I'll just drop it on the 3rd." You would be forced into the inevitable price increase for "HD and Platinum" in the spring.

It says that existing Platinum customers can keep it as long as they want. You'd have to be crazy to keep it for very long, but there are reasons for not doing it automatically besides the obvious one (that they make more money if you don't.)
I think you guys are reading this wrong. (Admittedly, this section is even more poorly written than the rest.)

I'm pretty sure that what it is saying is that the HD add-on will no longer be considered a premium package. (Nor will the "250/Gold/whatever" add on, because it won't exist anymore.)

This really should only be a big deal if you JUST have HBO. And, as it says over and over, you can always stay with your current pricing/packaging.

Disregarding whether or not we will still get the $3 DVR Advantage discount (which was temporary anyway), here's how I see it.

Best case scenario...people who are already paying for everything (or almost everything) can save $10 a month.

Worst case...someone with DVR Advantage Silver, HBO, 250/Gold/Whatever, and HD calls to get the "free" platinum channels, and loses their bundle discount. Their bill goes up $4.99. With other combinations of premiums, they might be able to get the platinum channels for $1.99, .99, or even free. No matter the case, they would be getting something that used to be $10. And no one is forcing them to do it.

The reason this looks complicated (aside from the poor writing) is because they are UNDOING some of the complicated rules they already have. They have to explain how those changes affect the currently insanely complicated fee table.

To a new customer, the pricing will be much simpler than it was (though still not simple enough). To existing customers, all you have to do is nothing, and everything stays exactly the same. What's the problem?

IF they don't mess with the bundled price for PREMIUM movie packs , there is no problem. I have always said that DISH should practice the KISS method and clean up their confusing programing and fee structure. That being said , this didn't clear up the mess and make it clear to subs, they only complicated it further.

So If you are right Sparks, we will still be able to bundle and save with Premium movie channels and only those premiums? But the way they worded it was to say if you had dvr advantage and now "with dvr",each premium add on would be added at full price to the bill- thus the confusion. IF all they are doing is saying you can't count the hd pack , and the top 250 bonus pack as premiums , then I understand. This never made a lot of sense to me to count those add ons as premiums anyway.

Now to the $3.00 discount that they have been showing on our bills since February, I feel that was all a way to show an increase disguised as a customer discount. Kind of like the way they worded the no phone connection fee: " YOU SAVED $5.00 " vs 5.00 service fee for no phone line connected before February. They probably never really intended on going up on the dvr advantage pack by $8.00 and just hiked it that much so they could show the $3.00 discount as a bonus to current subs. Softening the increase by wrapping it up in a big $3.00 discount for being a dvr advantage customer. I call it the optimistic glass half full theory . It is all the way you say it or present it in writing.
I would like to know who the freaking moron is in the accounting department that came up with the new packages. I have been with Dish for about 8 years and have really never understood their billing system. I am sure that they will justify the need and their reasoning behind the change.

To me it looks like Dish wants to alienate their already shrinking subscriber base and give us a mid year price increase for some.

blah, blah blah

But hey, we are getting QVC HD shortly! :confused:
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I see a bunch of people(who dont come here) opening their new bill, go into shock and and then leaving dish.

If they don't come here, then they would never know the difference. Price wise, nothing changes unless you want it to. A few packages would change names, but they will be clearer. ("DVR Advantage?" "Classic 250 Add-On Pack?" Good riddance!)
IF they don't mess with the bundled price for PREMIUM movie packs , there is no problem. I have always said that DISH should practice the KISS method and clean up their confusing programing and fee structure. That being said , this didn't clear up the mess and make it clear to subs, they only complicated it further.

So If you are right Sparks, we will still be able to bundle and save with Premium movie channels and only those premiums? But the way they worded it was to say if you had dvr advantage and now "with dvr",each premium add on would be added at full price to the bill- thus the confusion. IF all they are doing is saying you can't count the hd pack , and the top 250 bonus pack as premiums , then I understand. This never made a lot of sense to me to count those add ons as premiums anyway.

I agree that it's worded TERRIBLY, but that's how I read it.

Remember, this press release is not aimed at consumers. The bottom line is, the pricing structure that will be presented on websites, brochures, etc, will be simpler than it was. Not simple enough, but simpler.
I would like to know who the freaking moron is in the accounting department that came up with the new packages. I have been with Dish for about 8 years and have really never understood their billing system. I am sure that they will justify the need and their reasoning behind the change.

Well, it wouldn't be accounting, it would be marketing, since it's mostly just name changes. If you're complaining that they are too complicated (which they are), shouldn't you be happy that they are a bit simpler now?

To me it looks like Dish wants to alienate their already shrinking subscriber base and give us a mid year price increase for some.

Where is the price increase? I don't see it. The only wild card is the $3 discount some of us are's not mentioned here. But the package associated with it is not changing price-only name. And it was going to end in a few months anyway.

Check the record, I have LONG been a very vocal critic of DISH's package structure. This is a small step in the right direction. And if you don't want to deal with it, just do nothing.
I tell you what Dish, you throw in ESPNU hd and we will act like this whole program change is a great idea and that we really know what you are talking about.:D
The only wild card is the $3 discount some of us are's not mentioned here. But the package associated with it is not changing price-only name.
There is also the locals wildcard. I don't see that mentioned either.
For the Platinum HD package it does mention existing customers, but for Dish DVR Advantage and the others it does not.

One thing I find interesting is that we have it in writing from Dish that the HD Platinum is no longer going to exist as of August 1st, so I do believe that exisiting customers have a right to bitch if they continue getting charged for a package that by Dish Networks own words no longer exists. :)

But the HD customers who don't have Platinum will also have a right to bitch if they don't get get the extra channels since they'll be paying the same price as those who do. I don't see anything addressing that.

What needs to happen is that someone needs to get Dish to address this issue, since the press release is almost completely illogical. If they're unable to offer a coherent explanation, they should be in a mental hospital, not running a company.
So, I've read this whole thread, and somehow still missing the bottomline//..

If you have Platinum now, which is a $10 package, come 8/1, you'll get it anyway and your bill goes down $10, yes or no??


If you have Platinum now, and you cancel it, you get a $5 cancel fee, and save $10 month thereafter, but on 8/1, those channels come back? Yes or No?

If you never had Platinum, but had Gold, come 8/1, do those channels fall into Gold HD, Yes or No?

Like many others, I am not sure why these people sit around and try to find ways to seemingly make this more complicated.
So if you have to call and order the former Platinum HD channels after August 1st, what do you ask for?

The channels formerly known as Platinum?

The ex-Platinum channels?

I think they should follow Mel Brooks' lead and call it Ludicrous HD.

Clarification on 211 DVR capabilities

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