Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

Its true on the annual accounts, they are locked until the period of time is done.

I sort of understand the reason why they do that. The reason for that is when you pay annually you get a discounted rate. Any changes and you would lose the discount.

I don't understand. The additional HD and platinum packs are not part of the annual package. I have always paid for the third level non-premium packages (Gold 250 now) a year at a time, even before I got HD. The Gold HD package was $10 a month on top of that and Platinum another $10. A couple of months ago I decided that the Platinum package wasn't worth the $10 so I cancelled it but I'm still being charged the $10 a month for Gold HD. It almost sounds as if I hadn't cancelled the Platinum package that I'd be more likely to get it free now. Not adding the Platinum HD package to me now doesn't seem to have any to do with the fact that I'm on the annual Gold 250 package.
Ok, forgive me if this has been answered, but I don't have the time to read through 30 plus pages.

Will existing customers, existing HD customers, receive the Platinum channels eventually, as in on or about the 5th of August as I had read way, way back in this thread?

I'm just wondering if the word has been given or whether it's all just another DISH snafu.
Ok, forgive me if this has been answered, but I don't have the time to read through 30 plus pages.

Will existing customers, existing HD customers, receive the Platinum channels eventually, as in on or about the 5th of August as I had read way, way back in this thread?

I'm just wondering if the word has been given or whether it's all just another DISH snafu.

Gee, an easy way to answer that question:

Wait 24 hours. :rolleyes:
I finally got on chat to switch...unlike most of you, I was already paying for Platinum. (I know I'm a sucker, but I need my HDNet Movies, and now my wife has started watching Fashion TV, so I would have had to deal with that too.) Anyway, I was expecting more of a fight, but not a hilarious passive aggressive argument.

The guy was super nice and started switching me right away, but then he asked how often I looked at the website. I said once a month when I look at my bill, which is true.

Then he said "Well, you are a very good customer, so I am going to give you that deal, even though it's for new customers only."

I know he's being nice, but I can't let something like that go "Well, it doesn't say that on the page I am looking at, but thank you very much"

He's the same way..."It's no problem at all, but it does say for new customers only at the bottom of the page."

(Scroll down...nothing about new customers)..."Well, I'm not going to argue with you, because you don't design the website, so...thanks so much for your help."

"I understand. It's my pleasure to serve you. You're probably looking at a cached page."

(hit refresh...same damn page comes up...pause...bite figurative tongue.) "Well, thanks again! You guys are the best!"

I'm not blind. I feel so sorry for these guys though. They shouldn't have to put up with people trying to navigate their poorly designed, poorly coded website.
So this is why it looks like some browsers are seeing different things. If your browser is seeing the offer at the bottom of the page then you have never logged in as a customer using that browser.

They are playing with cookies there. :)

But, if you go to any package page (even Dish Family, which I thought you couldn't get HD with), it will show you a graphic that says "Special Bonus! Platinum HD included free with any HD package". (Which, now that I think about it, should include Turbo subs too.) There's nothing about new subscribers.

It shows me this even when I'm logged into my account. It's on at least 6 different pages.
By the way, I just checked my account, and the Platinum option is now gone entirely. The only HD options are "GoldHD- $10" and "None of the above."

I'm telling you...they actually want everyone on this package, they just don't want to do it one customer at a time. They want to squeeze people for an extra $10 for a month or two, and then switch everyone automatically later on.
(03) Nash Y.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(03) Nash Y.: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(03) Nash Y.: I'd be happy to assist you with that Bill.
B Kimbler: Thank you.
(03) Nash Y.: You're very welcome.
(03) Nash Y.: You are all set. Have I handled everything to your satisfaction?
B Kimbler: I believe so. I will have Gold HD and Platinum HD for $10 total?
(03) Nash Y.: Yes, you are right.
(03) Nash Y.: At Dish Network, we are dedicated to providing world class service to our valued customers. You will have the opportunity, at the end of this chat, to rate how well I have provided you with exceptional service.
Please take this brief survey to rate the impact I had on your issue.
B Kimbler: Great. Thank you.
(03) Nash Y.: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great day.

Piece of cake.......
You haven't answered anything except confirm my increasing impression that you remind me of a jackass. lol

If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't reply.:rolleyes:
He was referring to Dish updating their website 24 hours later to make this clearer and answer his question.
$10 Credit not applied to my August Bill

I called Dish to ask about eliminating the additional $10 for Platinum from my bill. She was unable to do that with my current HD package. I currently have AEP + Gold HD + Platinum HD + Dish Home Protection.

She instead gave me a $10 credit for 1 year so the result will be the same.

Tonight, I viewed the August 2 statement which will autopay on August 22. The $10 credit was not applied so my total bill remained at $159.55. I called DISH customer support and was told that the $10 credit would start with my September bill and continue for 1 year. The credit was not applied to my August bill because the computer had already generated the August bill. Although the logic made sense, I explained that the revised costs started on August 1 and I would be penalized $10 for August. The customer service representative understood and will credit my account an additional $10. I will check up in several days to see if the credit is applied.
Well, since everybody is putting their chats in this thread, here is mine. Took about a minute to get what I asked for.

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Jane A..
(03) Jane A.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer. How may I assist you?

ME: hi, I understand that platinum HD is now included with the HD channels at no extra charge. Could you set this up on my account?
(03) Jane A.: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(03) Jane A.: I see that you are being charged $10 for the Platinum HD package.

ME: that is correct
(03) Jane A.: I am Glad to inform you that you can add the Platinum HD package free with the basic HD package on your account.
ME: thank you
(03) Jane A.: Do you wish to avail this offer?
ME: yes please
(03) Jane A.: You're very welcome.
(03) Jane A.: Sure. I will update the information on your account now.
(03) Jane A.: I have made the changes on the account.

ME: thank you, that is all
(03) Jane A.: You are all set. Have I handled everything to your satisfaction?
ME: yes, thanks have a nice day
(03) Jane A.: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great day.
(03) Jane A.: Take care. Bye.
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

I checked online a few minutes later and my two separate $10 charges have been merged into one $10 charge for HD plus platinum.

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Saved $10 per month too!

Yes I too was successful today in getting my present DISH package reduced $10 per month since I was paying for Gold HD and Platinum HD using the "On-Line Chat". Was very confusing since at first they said they would remove my Platinum Package per my request. Finally I have a new package called HD Gold & Platinum for $10. On my new bill just checked "On-Line it states only HD & Platinum.

I attempted to do this earlier today and listed my name with the "On-Line Chat" but they said they could not perform my request since the Account was in my Wife's name! Anyway make sure you sign in using the account holders name if it is not yours. In my second (Wife's) request I was able to add my name to the account also for the future.

They also wanted to update my DISH but don't think they know it has already been up-dated. They backed off on that, but did save me $10 per moth. Thanks Scott!
Just FYI, I guess they sent the following out to CSR's tonight. I got a few copies of this. It appears they are trying to talk customers out of things and why.

HD Grand fathering vs New customers HD 8/1Programming

In regards to concerns for existing customers for grandfathered HD there are 3 key points to keep in mind:

1. The subscription TV industry always includes offers for new customers that existing customers do not receive.

2. Customer satisfaction is not determined by proactively giving price breaks to customers. It is determined by educating customers and managing their expectations when they call us.

3. We currently have the best existing customer offers ever including the ability to participate in our premium offers (HBO/Showtime and Cinemax for a penny), as well as free upgrades for our best customers to our award winning receivers.

Personally I think its a load of BS.

Dish made the offer on their website and Dish should honor what they advertised. I especially disagree with point #2.
1. The subscription TV industry always includes offers for new customers that existing customers do not receive.

What's confusing is they appear to be circling the wagons in regards to number 1. Maybe I'm missing something but when has programming been offered exclusively to only new customers? Pricing offers and breaks, yea, but not programming.

As an existing customer that doesn't subscribe to the platinum channels, Dish is saying that they aren't available to me at any price.
I just received the free Platinum with my existing HD, so I guess all CSRs haven't read the memo yet.
Scott, every year this site saves me many times my Pub membership. I wish all my investments would provide a return like that! Many thanks to you and your staff for all the work you do.:)
Well, I did the chat, said they would change it, but when I checked my account tonight, no change was made.

I also asked to "hit" my recievers to get my missing HD channels, but no luck with that either.

So, chat was a bust for me.
Dish made the offer on their website and Dish should honor what they advertised.

It is STILL on their website! In six places! I have logged in, logged out, refreshed, switched's always there. I just opened Internet Explorer...which I never use...and it is there. It's not "cached".

"Included FREE with any HD package" No asteriks, no footnotes. Here it is, unless they change or delete it...

Of course "the industry" always has introductory offers for new subscribers. What they do not have is completely different permanent rate cards for new and existing subscribers. And if they do, they certainly don't post them on their website or otherwise make them public. If it's not illegal, it's certainly the second fastest way to piss off your customers. (The first being pulling channels completely.)

Here's the really stupid thing...I had everything except for Cinemax. I am getting ready to move, so I don't want to lock into a contract, so I never had the penny deal. So I took my $10 savings and UPGRADED to AEP. So I'm saving $6 (actually, probably only $3 , because of the DVR Advantage credit that I assume will go away.) Anyway...saving a few bucks, have more channels...happy customer! I'm paying $4 for a channel that they give to other people for a penny, and I'm not complaining. I don't think anything's OWED to me. I just want what's fair. That CSR today did his job and made the customer happy, simply by charging me the same amount he would have charged a new customer. I don't want something for nothing!

However, if they had shut me out, I would have canceled the Platinum channels out of principle. And I would have dumped DISH as soon as I moved.

You were absolutely right, Scott. This has the potential to be a major disaster for them. I have been defending them for weeks, saying that no one should be forced to leave a grandfathered package. But if they are actively trying to stop people from This is simply the worst run non-banking company in the US. I'm happy I got what I wanted, but it seems like it's only a matter of time before they blow it with me also.
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