Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You are currently at position number 1 in the queue.
You have been connected to (03) Chris V..
(03) Chris V.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer. How may I assist you?
mhowie: Hello. I would like to make a change to my programming.
(03) Chris V.: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(03) Chris V.: May I know the changes you wish to have on the account?
mhowie: I understand that effective today the Platinum HD package is included in the HD package. My account still shows it as being separate and is shown as an additional charge. All the HD channels should be $10. Can you please make the appropriate change?
(03) Chris V.: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(03) Chris V.: I've made the necessary changes on the account and the Platinum HD is free on the account.
(03) Chris V.: You can view the changes within 5-10 minutes.
(03) Chris V.: You are all set. Have I handled everything to your satisfaction?
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]mhowie[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]: Thanks, Chris. How long will it take for the change to show up in my online account profile?
(03) Chris V.: You're very welcome.
(03) Chris V.: It will be updated within 24 to 48 hours online.
(03) Chris V.: My pleasure assisting you!
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]mhowie[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]: Ok. By the way, are there any other offers I should be aware of?
(03) Chris V.: Let me check that for you.
(03) Chris V.: I apologize, there are no promotions available currently.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]mhowie[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]: Thanks for checking and thanks again for making that change.
(03) Chris V.: I would suggest you to contact us back after sometime to check with the availability of the promotions if any.
(03) Chris V.: You're very welcome.
Ok, so... I have TurboHD Bronze. I just called and requested the free Platinum HD upgrade... The rep reviewed my account and confirmed I qualified and added it to my account. Within a few minutes, the channels were live in my Guide! Thanks Dish! :-)

*** EDIT!!! Don't get too excited, TurboHD customers. I just found a whole mess of additional channels, in addition to Platinum. I think he upgraded me to the Classic Bronze HD package! I'm gonna have to call back to see what's what. :rolleyes:

OK, I called back and confirmed that the previous rep upgraded my account to Classic Bronze 100-Plus HD. My bill was going to increase by $21. I didn't ask for that and he didn't tell me that that was what he was doing, but apparently that's the level of service needed to get Platinum HD at no charge. Either he couldn't see that my account was changing from TurboHD to ClassicHD, or he just assumed I wanted to pay more. LOL! :rolleyes:

Anyway, the 2nd rep asked if I wanted to revert back to my TurboHD package only. I asked if I would no longer get the Platinum, and she confirmed that I would not. I said I liked the Platinum channels and asked about any other promos. She immediately offered to leave my account as-is, with the Classic Bronze HD/Platinum at no extra charge for 2 months, to essentially test drive Classic service. I'm supposed to get a $21 credit for the next two months, and then either keep the new service or go back. I agreed, but I'm not sure if in two months they'll even let me go back to Turbo-only since the packages don't really exist anymore. I guess we'll see. :confused:
OK, I called back and confirmed that the previous rep upgraded my account to Classic Bronze 100-Plus HD. My bill was going to increase by $21. I didn't ask for that and he didn't tell me that that was what he was doing, but apparently that's the level of service needed to get Platinum HD at no charge. Either he couldn't see that my account was changing from TurboHD to ClassicHD, or he just assumed I wanted to pay more. LOL! :rolleyes:

Anyway, the 2nd rep asked if I wanted to revert back to my TurboHD package only. I asked if I would no longer get the Platinum, and she confirmed that I would not. I said I liked the Platinum channels and asked about any other promos. She immediately offered to leave my account as-is, with the Classic Bronze HD/Platinum at no extra charge for 2 months, to essentially test drive Classic service. I'm supposed to get a $21 credit for the next two months, and then either keep the new service or go back. I agreed, but I'm not sure if in two months they'll even let me go back to Turbo-only since the packages don't really exist anymore. I guess we'll see. :confused:

You really should have done it on online chat, then you could have saved the log and raised heck to the ceo email address in case you had issues reverting back to Turbo.
ok can somebody help me out here?
I tried searching this thread, but no valid results.
I have the following currently on my bill:
dishHD Absolute with Locals - $34.99
DISH DVR - 5.98

I don't see anything like this on their website nor on this thread.
What kind of package do I have?
Will this be affected by the platinum HD package?

thanks in advance,
I also don't see Vip922 listed on their website, would be interested in getting this, are they actually available from them?

HD Absolute already includes the Platinum channels, this package was grandfathered a year ago. If you change to another programing package you can not get it back.
I would like to get the HD Platinum Package
Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Peter v.
(03) Peter v: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(03) Peter v: Thank you for your patience.
(03) Peter v: For account security purposes, can I please verify the full name and address with zip code that is on the account?
(03) Peter v: Thank you.
(03) Peter v: I've signed you up for the Platinum HD package promotion.
(03) Peter v: You will receive the Platinum HD programming in 10 to 15 minutes.
(03) Peter v: The monthly rate will remain same.
(03) Peter v: You are all set. Have I handled everything to your satisfaction?
(03) Peter v: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
xxxxxxxx: yes
(03) Peter v: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great weekend!
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.


I noticed that he took my HD channels off (thinking he was taking HD off and putting HD + Platinum on) but the HD channels never came back on. I done a check switch and waiting for the program guide to download again and its been like 30-40 minutes now and still nothing. I guess I got to contact them back before they are done for the night online as it is 1 AM EST already. I guess they need to do a rehit.
OK, I had to call them up since their online chat was no longer available, seems like they are having issues or something. She told me my new monthly rate, told her that could not be right since I pay annually. She said that I cannot get annual service if I get an HD package, that it has to be monthly. I told her just change it back the way it was, she said she couldn't do it. She said she could add TOP 250 classic onto my bill (that I paid annually for) then give me credit or it each month as well. GREAT, another credit I have to keep track of for something. Now I will have to wait and see if this is going to work out and see how screwed up my bill will be next month. Yee haw.
You really should have done it on online chat, then you could have saved the log and raised heck to the ceo email address in case you had issues reverting back to Turbo.

I didn't think about that, but I couldn't log into my account anyway. I tried numerous times this afternoon and evening, and the site was down. I could only access the main pages (ie: home, packages, etc.)

OK, I had to call them up since their online chat was no longer available, seems like they are having issues or something. She told me my new monthly rate, told her that could not be right since I pay annually. She said that I cannot get annual service if I get an HD package, that it has to be monthly. I told her just change it back the way it was, she said she couldn't do it. She said she could add TOP 250 classic onto my bill (that I paid annually for) then give me credit or it each month as well. GREAT, another credit I have to keep track of for something. Now I will have to wait and see if this is going to work out and see how screwed up my bill will be next month. Yee haw.

Sounds familiar. I think all of their systems, online and phone centers, are really messed up today.
Has anyone noticed that every time you talk to a Dish CS Rep now they are overly polite, apologetic, etc. to the point where it seems robotic and insincere? I was on the phone with them for a while today while they activated my replacement ViP722. (Had video jitters / dropped frames due to what they claim was a hard drive issue). The CS rep was a nice lady from the Phillipines, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard the word 'apologize'. I felt like saying to her 'I apologize, but there is no need to apologize to me'. And I could have added 'I apologize if its inconvenient for you to stop apologizing every other sentence.'

I have been a Dish customer for 12 years. When I called them back in the 90's it was normal conversation, and the CS reps were well trained, helpful, and informed. They didn't apologize every other sentence and had no reason to -- service was great

Seems to me its pretty complex now and the company policy depends on who you talk to. I really miss the good old days.

Now I have a ViP 722 and America's Everything Pack + HD Gold. If I do nothing, will I automatically get Platinum free on August 5th? Or will the millions of HD subscribers like me have to do it one at a time?
Has anyone noticed that every time you talk to a Dish CS Rep now they are overly polite, apologetic, etc. to the point where it seems robotic and insincere? I was on the phone with them for a while today while they activated my replacement ViP722. (Had video jitters / dropped frames due to what they claim was a hard drive issue). The CS rep was a nice lady from the Phillipines, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard the word 'apologize'. I felt like saying to her 'I apologize, but there is no need to apologize to me'. And I could have added 'I apologize if its inconvenient for you to stop apologizing every other sentence.'

I have been a Dish customer for 12 years. When I called them back in the 90's it was normal conversation, and the CS reps were well trained, helpful, and informed. They didn't apologize every other sentence and had no reason to -- service was great

Seems to me its pretty complex now and the company policy depends on who you talk to. I really miss the good old days.

I noticed the "apologetic" mentality a few weeks ago when I had a problem with my 722. It is obvious they brought in a consultant with a Call Center script they are to follow. Apologizing for problems, asking for permission to put you on hold, apologizing for putting you on hold, commiserating with you about how frustrating this must be, using the customers name every opportunity, etc....

We do some of this at my employer as well. What is funny is that when I get complaints I get the "they were rude" comments and "they were condescending" comments using the same scripts.

The problem with the script is the CSR is no longer listening to the customer and is throwing out the canned responses which also pisses off the customer.
Has anyone noticed that every time you talk to a Dish CS Rep now they are overly polite, apologetic, etc. to the point where it seems robotic and insincere? I was on the phone with them for a while today while they activated my replacement ViP722. (Had video jitters / dropped frames due to what they claim was a hard drive issue). The CS rep was a nice lady from the Phillipines, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard the word 'apologize'. I felt like saying to her 'I apologize, but there is no need to apologize to me'. And I could have added 'I apologize if its inconvenient for you to stop apologizing every other sentence.'

I have been a Dish customer for 12 years. When I called them back in the 90's it was normal conversation, and the CS reps were well trained, helpful, and informed. They didn't apologize every other sentence and had no reason to -- service was great

Seems to me its pretty complex now and the company policy depends on who you talk to. I really miss the good old days.

Now I have a ViP 722 and America's Everything Pack + HD Gold. If I do nothing, will I automatically get Platinum free on August 5th? Or will the millions of HD subscribers like me have to do it one at a time?

Thanks for letting us know you prefer rudeness. We'll try to oblige.;)
For those with TurboGold.... I just upgraded to the Platinum package for free!
I went online to add To my Turbo Gold and they couldnt/Wouldnt do it.Either CSR didnt know how to overide system or just didnt know how.If he was honest he said they will note my account and add if possible ,Soon.
I will try another Chat later today if not added.
Need reports on if people are losing the bundle discount with Gold Bonus Pack if requesting HD + Platinum.

Yes you will lose any bundled discount you had before if you change to Hd + platinum. This was my bill before the change :

57.99 Classic silver with dvr advantage for 57.99
31.00 3 Premiums: Hbo/gold hd/Top250bonus
00.00 1 cent Cinemax
07.00 additional receiver
03.00 - Dvr credit
10.00 - Loyalty discount credit
$82.99 before tax

Now my bill is:

67.99 Classic Gold WITH DVR
15.99 HBO
00.00 1 cent Cinemax
10.00 Hd + Platinum pack
07.00 additional receiver
03.00 -dvr credit
10.00 - Loyalty discount credit
$ 87.98 before tax.

So I now pay 4.99 more than before without the bundling discounts we had with the metallic hd packs. You can still bundle Premium movie packs , but they don't count the metallic hd pack or top 250 bonus pack as a premium any longer, if you change from metallic hd packs to HD + platinum pack.
just got them added also via online chat, must say it was very easy to do -

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Please wait while we find a representative to assist you. In order to ensure we are providing you with the highest level of customer satisfaction, this conversation will be recorded.
You have been connected to (24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF.
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, my name is Miguel Operator ID DRF. I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: For account security purposes, can you please verify the account number, name on the account, and the full address?
harry clark: edited out
harry clark: edited out
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: I'd like to take a moment to confirm we have your current e-mail address; we have, is this still a valid e-mail address?
harry clark: no, my new address is newemail@address.comt i thought i updated that?
harry clark: if not oops
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: Thank you.
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: Okay, the change will take effect in 5-10 minutes, the monthly rate will remain the same.
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: It was a pleasure assisting you, do you have any more questions for me?
harry clark: no, thank you for adding them for me, have a nice day
(24DrDepT) Miguel F. DRF: Thank you for chatting with Tier 2 Technical Support. Have a great day.
Last edited by a moderator:
I dumped my turbo bronze pack and returned to classic silver w/hd. I had just switched to turbo hd about 3 months ago. Just lost too much of the kids programming and the wife was going through fox news withdrawl. Online chat with csr was great and they threw in cinemax for a penny since I already did autopay (thought this was only for new subs as they never offered online in the promotion section of my account.) I am very happy now.
Just chatted with Linda R. and she got me hooked up right away......:)

She was quite the chatter....

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ.
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, my name is Linda, Operator GOQ, in Advanced Technical Support. I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Good morning, David, I hope that you are well, today! For account security purposes, can you please verify the full name and full address with zip code, and the e-mail that is on the account?
david gable: david gable 5180 tan street jacksonville fl 32258
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Thank you very much, David! Do you have a technical issue with which I may assist you?
david gable: I recently was informed that HD Platinum is now included with some packages at no extra cost. Does my package qualify for this?
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Yes, I believe I can add that on, without increasing your bill! Let me try it and see. (If it would try to charge, I'll remove it, and find out why it's charging.)
david gable: ok
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: How is the weather in Florida, today?
david gable: looks nice so far...we have been getting a lot of rain
david gable: and hows it where you are
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: It's raining--------again. I shouldn't complain, Virginia has been an a drought for several years, but I'm beginning to feel mildewed!
david gable: I know...and we are approaching hurricane season
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Yes, and that is always bad in Florida!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I have a cousin in Port St. Lucie who was in the path of 2 hurricanes in the same season!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: And more relatives in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale.
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I worry about them in the hurricanes, and they don't understand how I drive safely in the snow!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: So I guess it works out!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Are you with your TV, right now?
david gable: we have been pretty lucky here with hurricanes....hope that continues
david gable: yes i am
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I wish you lots of luck!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Please turn to channel 387.
david gable: 387 is on
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Terrific!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: That Crime and Investigation HD, and is part of the Platinum pack.
david gable: so I was correct
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: You now have a HD Gold/Platinum, at not additional charge!
david gable: awesome
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Do you like sports?
david gable: yes i do
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: 402 is NBA HD and NHLN HD is 9540 (No 3-digit number for it)
david gable: great
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: And then there's World Fishing Network HD on 394, if you are a fisherman!
david gable: I love to fish when I can
david gable: watching it now
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: And 361, "MAVTV HD" is to men, what 'Lifetime' is to women!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: So you may also enjoy it.
david gable: will do....i had 1 more question
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Now, LOGO on 373, is aimed at persons with an alternate lifestyle, if you want to make sure it's blocked, I can help you with that.
david gable: can you tell me when my hbo/showtime promo expires?
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Certainly!
david gable: 373 not for!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I understand that it isn't for most people, so I point out that it can be locked out, if you like!
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: The HBO/Showtime promotion will end on September 26th.
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: That is the day that you would begin to be charged $22 a month for the package.
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Or it is the day to call and drop them.
david gable: okay thats good...I appreciate the help
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: If you are near a calendar and you don't want to keep it, I suggest writing "Call Dish: Drop Movies!" on 9/26!
david gable: okay will do
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: It has been a pleasure working with you, Dennis. Have I handled everything to your satisfaction?
david gable: yes you have but who is Dennis?
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I'm sorry, I meant to type 'David', I don't think my fingers have woken up, yet!
david gable: Just messin with have been a great help Linda
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: I'm happy to hear that I helped you. Thank you for choosing Dishnetwork, please remember that we are available 24/7/365, to help you with any problem, and have a great day!
david gable: you too. goodbye
(24DrDcb) Linda R. GOQ: Good bye, and don't blow away, this season!
Will get $10 credit applied to my bill for 1 year

I called Dish to ask about eliminating the additional $10 for Platinum from my bill. She was unable to do that with my current HD package. I currently have AEP + Gold HD + Platinum HD + Dish Home Protection.

She instead gave me a $10 credit for 1 year so the result will be the same.

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