I'm not in a contract, I am month to month so that I can drop out anytime I want. I just don't do contracts because of things like this.
As for the "additional receiver fee" I don't understand, it's not clearly defined.
Does that mean an additional fee on top of the fee you're paying now?
Or is it just saying that if you have an additional receiver then this is what the fee will be?
As it is now I pay $7 extra for having a second receiver. Each one has an EHD connected which I had to pay a one time fee for having that.
If they are not doubling the fee for having a second receiver, which it what the information about the increases
appears to be saying then
it isn't AS BAD as it first appears. If everything stays the same except for the $5 increase, well that still infuriates me but not enough to cut it off. YET.
I was MAD that I had to pay $20 a month for Game of Thrones last year so I bought an Apple TV and now I get HBO NOW for $15 a month
and I can watch it anytime I want rather than have to wait for stuff to air over the satellite. I also have Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus and Netflix
because Dish is pretty much a wasteland of reality crap. Even the "Science" channel has succumbed to the stupidity and that was my favorite channel.
I like educational stuff that makes me smarter, not the reality crap which makes people dumber. The BBC is about to begin a subscription service for Americans
so we can get actual BBC content, not the garbage on BBC America. There's only about three shows I watch on BBCA but I would rather get them from the BBC
streaming without commercials, watermarks and idiots dancing around the lower third waving and jumping to tell you about a show coming back three months from now.
Once the BBC begins US subscriptions that's going to be the time for me to drop Dish.
I don't watch 98% of the channels in AT250 but I have to subsidize all the garbage channels to get a tiny handful of channels I like.
Ala Carte is what people want. We're sick of these garbage packages.