DISH Press Conference Notes

Here is the updated pricing structure for new and existing customers for the new Hopper with Sling.

New Customers:
1st Hopper with Sling $199 (Customers subscribing to AT 120 or higher or DishLatino Plus may be eligible to receive an instant $199 credit)
2nd Hopper with Sling $199
1st Joey $0
2nd Joey $0
3rd Joey $0
4th Joey $99 (Must have a second Hopper)

Existing Customers:
Fist Hopper $200 for most customers an $300 for some
Second Hopper $200 for most customers and $300 for some
1st through 4th Joey $0 for most customers and $50 for some (4th Joey only available for 2 Hopper accounts)

Retail price for the new Hopper with Sling is $449
As for people curious about what will happen with the current Hopper, Dish is still making that the primary Hopper and the customer must ask for the Hopper with Sling in order to get it. Sales agents are asked not to sell the Hopper with Sling to customers without broadband internet since they will not be able to take advantage of the new features.
So in other words existing customers will get shafted on an upgrade again. That's not much off the retail price. If you're not in contract I don't see why DISH can't give you the same deal as a new customer. I'm sure Directv is the same way but I'm just saying. Cell phone companies don't do this to their customers. Once you're out of contract or close to it you can get a new phone for the same price as a new customer.
Here is the updated pricing structure for new and existing customers for the new Hopper with Sling.

New Customers:
1st Hopper with Sling $199 (Customers subscribing to AT 120 or higher or DishLatino Plus may be eligible to receive an instant $199 credit)
2nd Hopper with Sling $199
1st Joey $0
2nd Joey $0
3rd Joey $0
4th Joey $99 (Must have a second Hopper)

Existing Customers:
Fist Hopper $200 for most customers an $300 for some
Second Hopper $200 for most customers and $300 for some
1st through 4th Joey $0 for most customers and $50 for some (4th Joey only available for 2 Hopper accounts)

Retail price for the new Hopper with Sling is $449

So...that upgrade pricing for existing customers is for the Hopper w/ Sling...Is upgrade pricing for the original Hopper still going to stay the same pricing as current, or is that going up too? I've already upgraded to the Hopper, but have a relative considering upgrading as well. He wouldn't need the new Hopper w/ Sling.
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also noticed in the pics...says faster DVR...that meaning faster then all other providers dvrs? Or faster then the orignal hopper??
Faster then the original Hopper. This is why the new Hopper can do the Hopper Transfer feature and the old Hopper can't.
So...that upgrade pricing for existing customers is for the Hopper w/ Sling...Is upgrade pricing for the original Hopper still going to stay the same pricing as current, or is that going up too? I've already upgraded to the Hopper, but have a relative considering upgrading as well. He wouldn't need the new Hopper w/ Sling.

The current Hopper prices would remain the same for now. I see no reason for them to increase.
So the way I read it other than the transfer to iPad feature, Nothing...... New.?

The original Hopper had sling with the sling adapter so nothing new.
Still external OTA
Still 3 tuners
Still requires MOCA connections
Still requires wired Joeys.
No new features (keyboards, mousepads, remotes, nada other than the transfer feature to an iPad) Big whoop. Now allow me to transfer a DRM protected show to a friends hopper, just like giving him my copy of my Bluray DVD) that would be great!

So, tell me, why did they even have the presentation and even calling it a new Hopper? :rolleyes:
Really, the only thing somewhat attractive to me about the new Hopper would be the "faster" part...and really only then if channels display faster when changing channels. The original Hopper was said to be faster in this respect, but I only got mine after the last few software updates that apparently slowed that part down. Mine still seems slower than the 722k when channel surfing, but happy with it otherwise. I might have an occasional use for the Hopper Transfer when traveling, but only if it was ported to Android.
That was my point completely DWS, right now I'm sooo happy I decided to stay with my 722k and my 622. They both switch channels blindingly fast, who needs icons to look through, I like lists! I can see any show on any TV in my home because of the UHF remote and I take the RF outputs and multiplex them into my internal cable network! Yes, not in HD but the only 2 HD TV's I have, have the 722k and 622 attached directly HDMI to them! Why do I need to watch in HD on a 28" TV in a guest bedroom? Or the 32" TV on my back screen in porch that there is so much reflected light from the windows that it's good that I can even see the picture?

I have SlingBox'es on both 722/622 models I can use the Dish Anywhere site right not to stream anything to my PC or iPad and use the Sling app to watch anything I want on the iPad and if I want to pay the 4g fees I can even do it while driving down the road!

So releasing a 'new' box for the sole reason to charge people for it??? A faster processor, give me a break, that makes sense on PC's not on appliances such a DVR's. Who the heck cares how fast the processor is in your new Samsung refrigerator. The Hopper is an APPLIANCE not a computer! They said the 2G drive was the largest available. B.S. - There are 3TB and new 4TB drives out there right now. They could also change the form factor and put in 2 - 2TB drives in Raid 0 configuration for a 4 GIG capacity. What's the difference, if the current single drive fails now you lose everything so if a single drive in a Raid 0 config fails you still lose all your shows. Now put in another 2 TB drive in Raid 1 and then tell us that if your hard drive fails you lose none of your shows. That a tech shows up and replaces the bad hard drive and you are good to go that's a real feature!

But from that I see, they announced absolutely nothing in terms of what an end user can do right here and now on the current Hopper, just redressing the pig so they can charge more.
Really, the only thing somewhat attractive to me about the new Hopper would be the "faster" part...and really only then if channels display faster when changing channels. The original Hopper was said to be faster in this respect, but I only got mine after the last few software updates that apparently slowed that part down.

FWIW, I was an early adopter and never thought channel changes were faster on the Hopper vs my 722s. I think a lot of that was just "its new so must be better" perceptions. I have not really noticed it slowing down.

I think a most of the channel change delay is baked into the encoding/switching tech Dish uses and doubt it there is much to be done about it with newer hardware.

Going way back to the single LNB days, Dish has always been on the slower side when it comes to "surfing," even compared to D*, which for a long time was the only other digital provider.
Well, if they can't make their code faster ... you can throw technology at it ... and potentially make it faster that way.

It appears perhaps Dish has taken this approach with their Broadcom 7425. The 7425 is no wimpy kid. It was only released last year. At CES Broadcom did just announce the 7445. So, Dish did not really skimp on the hardware here.
Based on specs I would say it's probably faster than other reciever boxes on the market.

whats the specs? Faster then the orignal hopper???? Or is it the same hopper...just with sling. Thats what I thought. But on the photo says...faster dvr. I already know hopper is best on the market....but is the new hopper even faster??
If in deed it is $200 to $300 i wonder how many people who got the Hopper 1 will pay another $200/$300 to get the Hopper 2 Kinda of stinks i just got updated to the Hopper 1 last month now the new one comes out.
I could name a few people (from here) who will do it... :eek:
whats the specs? Faster then the orignal hopper???? Or is it the same hopper...just with sling. Thats what I thought. But on the photo says...faster dvr. I already know hopper is best on the market....but is the new hopper even faster??

I believe Vivek stated at the press conference that the new Hopper has a Broadcom chip that is twice as fast as the chip in the Hopper v1.
So releasing a 'new' box for the sole reason to charge people for it???

That's a rather myopic view. They are releasing a new box to stay current and hopefully create a competitive advantage (or at least some differentiation), not just to charge more.

Plus, they aren't really charging more for it. If it follows prior pricing history the new release "premium" charge will be gone six months from now and is more a way of limiting customers upgrading just for the hell of it, and to use up existing Hopper1 stock. For most new AT120 customers it will likely be the same price as the current Hopper, and less if they want Sling. I doubt they will maintain both Hopper models for long.

This is a rather predictable progression. It's a little more significant, but essentiallty the same as the 622/722/722k progression. They will eventually be treated as virtually the same receiver.

Dish is applying standard marketing hype to get some buzz, which is what they should do. I may not buy it all, but don't see any reason to be offended by it.

922 erases previously scanned OTAs?

Email from Dish about OTA module

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