What gets me is I've been a long time customer of Dish, well at least we are off contract. Well this last month we ran into financial difficulties, and the truth is it's only TV and not a priority, so we let the service get disconnected

Anyway since our service has been disconnected DISH feels they are entitled to continue to bill us for a full months service which we may have had 6 days of viewing. And I checked the account and they have already billed us for another month of service which isn't even here yet. At the time of disconnect we only owed around $100. Got a call today saying we needed to make a payment for around $200, and here in a week or two we are going to have to make a payment for around $300. Now it doesn't bother me to not receive service for not making a payment, that's a no brained, what bothers me is to keep getting billed while we aren't receiving service. That's like me doing a construction project for a customer and billing them for work I have done, then let's say it rains for a couple days or a week then I just go ahead and bill them for work I could have done but didn't do because it rained. Trust me billing for something I could have done won't fly. The reps wan' t me to pay for service I haven't received and say they will prorate it later but can't tell me how much credit I will receive, I don't like that. If you get water, electric or anything like that disconnected the meter stops and you don't get billed for utilities you didn't use just because you might have used them. There are several options available to us and I'm even considering small claims cort if we continue to get billed for services we haven't received. I really hate getting bullied by companies like Dish. It might be time to go back to DTV. Trust me I will pay and I can pay and get service reinstated but I don't like the really small prorated credits Dish gives out. Heck we lowered our package and got our package lowered instantly but we still payed the rate of the higher package for about 5 months after our package was lowered. Dish just acts like you can't match the dates you are billed for with the service you receive for those months. Just getting sick of it.
There's not enough detail here to really reply, but I can tell you, you will NOT be charged for service you do not use. There may be a "crossing in the mail" on the bill versus the time it was disconnected. Also, Dish has two types of disconnection. In the short term disconnect, in order to restart the service, you pay anywhere between the past due amount and the total amount due, and Dish will turn things back on. Now, if you only pay the past due, you will still have a leftover balance. If the service is off a good while (measured in months), what you have to pay to restart is the past due balance (that will be the balance for time up to the date the service was cut off, which is likely LESS than the previous bill), and then you have to pay for your next month of service in advance.
Your post has a lot of "around" amounts, no dates, so beyond the info I gave, it's hard to really comment on your situation. If you chose to give all the details, folks could do so. But on the face, the things you are saying are incorrect. You do say something about "
The reps wan' t me to pay for service I haven't received". Yes...you pay in advance for your service. That's the way Dish works.
You have a choice. Either restart the service, cancel it, or let it go into a permanent disconnect. The restart will take into account the past due balance as of the shutoff. If you cancel it, a final bill will show a revised final due amount, based on the actual date of the shutoff. And the third option is much like the second...the final bill will show the final due based on the time of the shutoff (plus any early termination fees that may be due). Talking about small claims court is wasting your breath, because depending how long since the service shut off, the next bill will show a revision based on the actual time it was shut off. If that was a month ago, you're too close to that date for the next bill to come out and show it.
I do hope your rant made you feel better, because with the lack of actual info, nobody can really comment on your particular situation.
As a Dish employee, my opinions are my own, and do not represent my employer in any way, shape, or form.