Dish Payment Enforcement

well treat your customer nicely retains the business

treat them badly they churn to someone else........

remember its nearly always cheaper to keep a existing customer happy than find a new one......

and for the reps tired of collection issues. if there werent issues they might not have a job.....

with unemployment so high perhaps its time to be thankful for what you do have?
Yes but at what cost? In your opinon, when is a company owed money allowed to draw the line and say enough is enough?
Umm, customer service does not exist just collect bad debts.
Lets not forget that DISH has to actually pay the people that work in payment enforcement. Since payment enforcement deals in deadbeats that are usually flaky about paying their bills, its a good bet that many of those same people end up in collections. Those of us customers who keep our bills in good standing are the ones who are paying for DISH to deal with these deadbeats. That's right, a portion of that check you send to dish is to pay someone to try and get some flake to pay his bill. Every dollar DISH spends comes from money their customers send to them and some of that is spent chasing deadbeats.
Lets not forget that DISH has to actually pay the people that work in payment enforcement. Since payment enforcement deals in deadbeats that are usually flaky about paying their bills, its a good bet that many of those same people end up in collections. Those of us customers who keep our bills in good standing are the ones who are paying for DISH to deal with these deadbeats. That's right, a portion of that check you send to dish is to pay someone to try and get some flake to pay his bill. Every dollar DISH spends comes from money their customers send to them and some of that is spent chasing deadbeats.

yeah and some of that money goes to pay the CSR who has such a bad attitude in this thread. if everyone paid he would likely be unemployeed.

Verizon wireless sends people behind on their bill multiple notices and a rep calls them before turning them off..

friends tell me E no longer sends the nag sreen and cut them off without a warning call...

they went back to cable. were they wrong to be behind on their bill YES, did E accomplish anything but lose a sub NO.

I had set them up many many years ago....

at the time they were very busy
Lets not forget that DISH has to actually pay the people that work in payment enforcement. Since payment enforcement deals in deadbeats that are usually flaky about paying their bills, its a good bet that many of those same people end up in collections. Those of us customers who keep our bills in good standing are the ones who are paying for DISH to deal with these deadbeats. That's right, a portion of that check you send to dish is to pay someone to try and get some flake to pay his bill. Every dollar DISH spends comes from money their customers send to them and some of that is spent chasing deadbeats.

ANd of course those who have the entitlement mentality, the "oh give them a break "people conveniently forget that legitiamte customers get stuck holding the bag for their compassion.

The hand wringers like to say "It's ok"....Let them go for months at a time and not pay their bills".....

I really am thrilled when in the name of compassion, the compassionate stick their hand in MY pocket.
yeah and some of that money goes to pay the CSR who has such a bad attitude in this thread. if everyone paid he would likely be unemployeed.

Verizon wireless sends people behind on their bill multiple notices and a rep calls them before turning them off..

friends tell me E no longer sends the nag sreen and cut them off without a warning call...

they went back to cable. were they wrong to be behind on their bill YES, did E accomplish anything but lose a sub NO.

I had set them up many many years ago....

at the time they were very busy

You keep it up mr. bitter.
Ok wise guy...Got a deal for ya. If you are so bloody compassionate for those who can't or won't pay their bills, here's an idea....write a check. Because we legitimate paying on time customers OPT OUT. We no longer wish to foot the bill for YOUR compassion...How's that grab ya.
You keep it up mr. bitter.
Ok wise guy...Got a deal for ya. If you are so bloody compassionate for those who can't or won't pay their bills, here's an idea....write a check. Because we legitimate paying on time customers OPT OUT. We no longer wish to foot the bill for YOUR compassion...How's that grab ya.

my ONLY POINT is by treating customers nicely while still getting their money E or whoever keeps the customer.

When anyone just terminates service without warning its highly likely E will NEVER get their money, and may have lost the customer FOREVER.

This raises churn, decreases E stock value and whatever investment E had in the sub like the install is all lost.......

Plus and few here seem to remember we PAY A MONTH IN ADVANCE, so a sub 2 months out has ultimately just ot one months free service.

perhaps I understand this better because I have a business?
my ONLY POINT is by treating customers nicely while still getting their money E or whoever keeps the customer.

When anyone just terminates service without warning its highly likely E will NEVER get their money, and may have lost the customer FOREVER.

This raises churn, decreases E stock value and whatever investment E had in the sub like the install is all lost.......

Plus and few here seem to remember we PAY A MONTH IN ADVANCE, so a sub 2 months out has ultimately just ot one months free service.

perhaps I understand this better because I have a business?

With all do respect Bob, I'm don't think you understand the mind set of most of these people who are months overdue in paying Dish. A lot of them (not all) have no game plan in mind for paying their bill other then a portion of it being written off.
The Customers who do have legit reasons of why they are behind, usually either makes first contact or are willing to except what Dish can offer to help them get out of this bind.
A prime example of this is of my sister in law. She called my wife one day wanting us to lend her over $300 for a past due cable bill! At the time we had only basic cable which was about $25/month. I asked my wife how could her sister's bill be so high. It turns out her sister had the top package and hadn't paid it in 3 months. Now it was pay in full or lose the cable. I told my wife her sister was going to lose her cable, sorry. If this would have been a request for her utilities, or for food, or even something medical, my answer would had been yes, but for cable TV, the top package, no way!

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if everyone paid their bill on time, i still would have a job. i just would be taking any payment enforcement calls anymore. in the tulsa csc, we do not only take one kind of call. actually would be nice if a split was canceled. they might end mandatory overtime. nothing like getting ready to pack up to go and a manager saying you have to stay longer for mandatory overtime or having to work on your day off.
yeah and some of that money goes to pay the CSR who has such a bad attitude in this thread. if everyone paid he would likely be unemployeed.

Verizon wireless sends people behind on their bill multiple notices and a rep calls them before turning them off..

friends tell me E no longer sends the nag sreen and cut them off without a warning call...

they went back to cable. were they wrong to be behind on their bill YES, did E accomplish anything but lose a sub NO.

I had set them up many many years ago....

at the time they were very busy

I'm sure your compassion towards deadbeats ends at your wallet. E does send the nag screen. However, how many people here simply needed a hit and for whatever reason it never took and they had to call back.

As far as tulsa agent having a bad attitude, that attidude usually comes from customer interaction. See, I used to work for E and have a lot of friends who still do. I was gung-ho about helping people but so many of them treated me poorly because they had some beef with DISH and decided I was their punching bag. See, you think its one person who has a chip on our shoulder. I see it as being at a place for several years, trying to help people who just turn on you and sick their teeth into you because you have to be the one who enforces rules there. People are no longer nice to the person on the phone who wants to help them. That's why I bailed on that place.
my ONLY POINT is by treating customers nicely while still getting their money E or whoever keeps the customer.

When anyone just terminates service without warning its highly likely E will NEVER get their money, and may have lost the customer FOREVER.

This raises churn, decreases E stock value and whatever investment E had in the sub like the install is all lost.......

Plus and few here seem to remember we PAY A MONTH IN ADVANCE, so a sub 2 months out has ultimately just ot one months free service.

perhaps I understand this better because I have a business?
Let's get on the same page here. We're not discussing the custy that has an occasional boo boo and forgets about his bill. This issue deals with those who have run out of options. Habitual non or late payers. The ones that have exhausted all of the understanding they are due.
my ONLY POINT is by treating customers nicely while still getting their money E or whoever keeps the customer.

When anyone just terminates service without warning its highly likely E will NEVER get their money, and may have lost the customer FOREVER.

This raises churn, decreases E stock value and whatever investment E had in the sub like the install is all lost.......

Plus and few here seem to remember we PAY A MONTH IN ADVANCE, so a sub 2 months out has ultimately just ot one months free service.

perhaps I understand this better because I have a business?

E is a business, not customers' mother. If they can't pay their bill on time, their toy gets taken away. It worked when you were 2, it worked when you were 12, and guess what? It still works.

Pay for what you purchase, or go somewhere else. People need to start taking responsibility for their choices instead of blaming it on "evil corporate greed". After all, we're talking about Charlie here, not Gordon Gekko.
E is a business, not customers' mother. If they can't pay their bill on time, their toy gets taken away. It worked when you were 2, it worked when you were 12, and guess what? It still works.

Pay for what you purchase, or go somewhere else. People need to start taking responsibility for their choices instead of blaming it on "evil corporate greed". After all, we're talking about Charlie here, not Gordon Gekko.

don't waste your breath. He wouldn't get it if he was the one having to try and collect money he was owed for non-payment
don't waste your breath. He wouldn't get it if he was the one having to try and collect money he was owed for non-payment

been there done that collections on schools who sometimes let bills hang for months.......

if anyone pushes too much they just go elsewhere. this used to more of a problem when interest rates were thru the roof, schools could earn millions by paying late intentionally.

those who dont have a business may never understand :(
When anyone just terminates service without warning its highly likely E will

I don't understand this statement.

There was a period about 4-5 years ago when I was going through a financial hardship, and while I was able to meet most of my obligations, I was rather slow in doing so. So there were days when I would turn on the TV set and wonder if it would work, because I knew I was behind on my bill. Thankfully, that situation is behind me now, things have completely turned around, and the automated attendant on the 800-number informs me that I'm one of their top-customers when I call nowadays.

My point is, I didn't need Dish to give me a "warning" that they were going to terminate my service. I realized that because I had not paid my bill, it was quite possible that my service would not be available.

Personal responsibility is something that many people lack. If your Dish service gets cut off for non-payment, it is not Dish's fault for not "warning" you. It is your fault for not paying.
E is a business, not customers' mother. If they can't pay their bill on time, their toy gets taken away. It worked when you were 2, it worked when you were 12, and guess what? It still works.

Pay for what you purchase, or go somewhere else. People need to start taking responsibility for their choices instead of blaming it on "evil corporate greed". After all, we're talking about Charlie here, not Gordon Gekko.
Yeah. Bingo.. This Haller guy claoims to be or has been a business owner.
I know where he is coming from. He feels (not thinks) it's ok for Dish to give away services to deadbeats, but if it were his business and he had a habitual slow pay or non-pay that would be another story.
I don't understand this statement.

There was a period about 4-5 years ago when I was going through a financial hardship, and while I was able to meet most of my obligations, I was rather slow in doing so. So there were days when I would turn on the TV set and wonder if it would work, because I knew I was behind on my bill. Thankfully, that situation is behind me now, things have completely turned around, and the automated attendant on the 800-number informs me that I'm one of their top-customers when I call nowadays.

My point is, I didn't need Dish to give me a "warning" that they were going to terminate my service. I realized that because I had not paid my bill, it was quite possible that my service would not be available.

Personal responsibility is something that many people lack. If your Dish service gets cut off for non-payment, it is not Dish's fault for not "warning" you. It is your fault for not paying.
There are still people in this country who think Mc Donalds is finacially culpabale for the "Hot coffee lady". If ya know what I mean.
pabeader, i can confirm. i am a payment enforcement agent. we are allowed to release the call, aka hang up, if the customer does not make payment after the 3rd time asking. so if the customer is a dick, we will ask 3 times in a row really quickly, then spiel off the script like the micromachines guy even if we have to talk over the irate dead beat on the other end and hang up on their ass and laugh to ourselves afterwards.

on to the next one. call up dtv and eF charlie

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