Dish Online On-Screen Controls - Full Control Bar Flips to Only 4 Buttons!?


Original poster
Feb 9, 2009
Dish Chat Tech Support was clueless on this. I'm watching Dish Online and most of the time I have the full controls on the bottom of the image with skip, pause, play, enter channel, up, down, etc. Then all of a sudden in the same session, I get the four-button bar, with only volume, on-screen remote, something else and the full-screen button. My questions are: why did this change on its own and how do you get back to the normal controls that are much easier (to me) to use? Anyone else have this problem?
The second option is really better, it puts an image of your DVR remote to the left of the screen where you simply click on the appropriate button as you would with your remote. Unfortunately, not all remote functions are active - maybe soon ;^).
Dish Chat Tech Support was clueless on this. I'm watching Dish Online and most of the time I have the full controls on the bottom of the image with skip, pause, play, enter channel, up, down, etc. Then all of a sudden in the same session, I get the four-button bar, with only volume, on-screen remote, something else and the full-screen button. My questions are: why did this change on its own and how do you get back to the normal controls that are much easier (to me) to use? Anyone else have this problem?
I have never had it change during a use session, but I wish Dish would allow you to pick one or the other. When I connect, I have no idea which one is going to appear. I would rather have the one with full list of controls. That one has the option to change the quality. Sometimes it needs to be changed for a quality signal.
I agree, RT-Cat. I like the one on the bottom. I have low bandwidth so the on-screen remote has a refreshing issue ... parts of the image always look like a strobe ight ... at least, I think that's why it flashes so bad. But the option to choose would definitely be better. I like the service, but I feel like the entire Dish Online thing is always in beta ... it feels unfinished and it feels like it never will be. Hope they finally get it right.
I have 1.5 mbps down and 0.5 mbps up on my DSL, which is pretty standard for basic DSL and I have never seen the strobe like behavior of the remote. Are yo sure it is not your video card or similar, the remote once it is downloaded uses hardly any bandwidth.
You may be right about the video card issue, Jim. My PC is circa 2001 and I was planning on replacing it ... I wish I could say that I'll post an update soon but I won't know until I reopen my cottage in April. If so, I'll give the on-screen remote a chance. I also get a lot of off-color ghosting, like when watching a hockey game (go Wings), the red line on the boards is offset yellow throughout the entire game ... other strange colors too ... do you think this is related to video card, too?

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