80 SD channels is about 7 TPs of SD on a DBS satellite. I suspect they will be on 105/121 or similiar off satellite (they do not have 7 TPs available on a main DBS satellite if they wanted). You ask about a niche channel importance if you use the same 7TPs for HD you would end up with about 49 HD channels. Yes to answer your question I think they could put 49 HD channels up and sell it to a lot more people than 80 horse racing channels. So the 49 niche HD channel watchers are more important than the horse racing people.
Dish/DIRECTV answered your question a long time ago. If these channels were such hot sellers they would have been bidding them up trying to attract new subs. Instead they have focused on bringing as much HD as possible. And yes providers force thier less popular channels into the packages with the popular ones.
Thge operative is "Sell".. Look we all know that HD enthusiasts expect HD options to be provided free or at a very small cost.
That's a fact.
Let's take your number (49, which I believe to be high by quite a bit. Based on one HD ch taking the same bandwidth as 5 or 6 SD Channels, research to follow), do you think Dish would simply "give away" 49 channels of HD service without extracting more coin from those who want them? I think not.
However, Dish IS going to charge 50 bucks a month for the service in question. That's guaranteed revenue for Dish.
Now let's say dish charges 50 cents per new HD channel adding 25 bucks per month to each HD sub that wants those channels. In my experience the uproar from HD enthusiasts would be something Dish would not want to hear. Especially in light of the fact that the additional channels are of the niche variety.
Using that logic (one niche group vs another) which service would you add as a business owner, one that generates instant revenue or one that generates none at all?
I think at the end of the day Dish will NOT jeopardize their future expansion of HD offerings. So I am not understanding the alarm from HD enthusiasts.
It is as though the HD people have assumed that their HD programing desires will be dealyed to accomodate the Horse Racing service.
I don;t think so.
Now Wiht that said, how do you justify one niche group to be more than Improtant than another. Answer that question objectively. In other words forget your desire to see more HD.
One last thing.
I think this whole hullaballoo over HD for free is nonsense. If you want more stuff you should be willing to pay for it.
PS......In checking the figures on how much space HD vs SD ,it appears that some sources convey one HD channel takes up an equivalent space of 4 SD channels.
So while 7 Tp's (as you say) would be required to x-mit 80 channels that equals just 20 or so HD chs. That's based on mpeg 4 compression figures.. It is my understanding that up to 12 SD channels can be transmitted by one TP so your 7 TP estimate is pretty close. While 4 HD chs in mpeg 4 can be on one TP. That's with quite a bit of degredation to the HD quality. A major bone of contention among those who rightfully(IMO) demand their HD quality be untouched by compression(HD lite).
Anyway who knows the plans Dish has to offer.