95 now, add 12 RSNs, 2 nationals, and a few PPVs (we'll say 6) = 115

Still upwards of 15 or so channels that are not named yet.


I'll repeat what I said in another thread. RSN's are not national. So Dish has said 150 NATIONAL HD's by years end. DirecTV has only said 130 HD channels (conveniently leaving out national).......
I dont know why people keeping thinking 1080p is going to make a difference on their LCD or PLASMA or DLP.. they have a fixed number of pixels and will always display the same number of pixels regardless of what is sent.. ( however 480i or p is still going to look like crap on them, can't make pixels from what doesn't exist )

the only thing that cares in the i vs. p is CRT's which almost no one has anymore.. not that any CRT has ever supported 1080p..
1080p output from the receiver will gain me absolutely nothing, as my TV was already capable of perfectly reassembling 1080p24 from 24fps sources packaged inside of a 1080i60 signal (using 3-2 pulldown to go from 24p->60i). So for myself and many others, this is a complete non-announcement.

Now if what they are really offering is high-bitrate content, then that is an announcement, but I'm already watching perfectly reconstructed 1080p from Dish, and the PQ sucks compared to OTA or Blu-Ray.
Apologies, I may be missing something here .... I woke up this morning and my 722 receiver says "You've been turbo charged" (see attachment).

But when I go into the 722 HDTV setup, I don't see a 1080p option yet.

What changes should I expect to see today based on this announcement? What new HD channels have been added today?

UPDATE: I see about 10 VOD (HD) movie channels with the same channel #501 - seems like all of these are PPV ones ($6.99)


  • turbocharged.jpg
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Dish stop being a lier lier pants on fire you only have 50 at the most HD national channels. To count part time RSN as HD is a JOKE!!!! and when those RSN have HD it is Blocked out--Charlie you will be called on this making dish look foolish.

The good news is 1080P--I just hope the update goes smoothly and our receivers will work.(remeber how some updates make things worse)

Lastly Charlie get your MOJO on. Without MOJO Dr Evil wins.
I think most people are just sick and tired of hearing you whine! If Dish sucks that bad for you, then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! Sign up for Directv. This will give you a whole new company to bitch about. TRy actually counting the channels before you accuse them of lying. Any channel that is available for any sub to subscribe to, should be counted. It's noone elses fault, but your own, if you don't sub to the premiums or sports pak!! And RSN's being blocked, isn't Dishs' fault. Blackout rules apply there and there is absolutely nothing Dish or you can do about it. So either grow up or get over it!!
If source material is encoded 1080p and delivered that way, it will usually look better than progressive scan material that was converted to interlace, and then back to progressive. Less processing is better, and avoiding interlacing/deinterlacing artifacts is better still.

Deinterlacing doesn't just "undo" interlacing. Certain automated decisions have to be made. Not always correctly. I'm sure all of us have paused material we are watching and have seen the interlacing lines. Horrible stuff.

Yes, this is a step forward. A very welcome step forward. To complain that it's not everything, or that it doesn't matter to you, is to ignore that most progress is made in small steps, not giant leaps.

I'll enjoy what I can get today, rather than stew about the holosuite not being half price at Wally World.
I'll repeat what I said in another thread. RSN's are not national. So Dish has said 150 NATIONAL HD's by years end. DirecTV has only said 130 HD channels (conveniently leaving out national).......

1. D* said 130 HD channels by August 14th, not the end of the year.

2. D* counts all their RSNs in that number, but they will all be full time (of course, limited HD programming).

3. Both companies would have higher numbers if they counted non-"national" HD, as in HD channels you couldn't get from every location in the country. Hence the RSNs are national.
Apologies, I may be missing something here .... I woke up this morning and my 722 receiver says "You've been turbo charged" (see attachment).

But when I go into the 722 HDTV setup, I don't see a 1080p option yet.

What changes should I expect to see today based on this announcement? What new HD channels have been added today?

UPDATE: I see about 10 VOD (HD) movie channels with the same channel #501 - seems like all of these are PPV ones ($6.99)
What software version do you have now?
I think most people are just sick and tired of hearing you whine! If Dish sucks that bad for you, then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! Sign up for Directv. This will give you a whole new company to bitch about. TRy actually counting the channels before you accuse them of lying. Any channel that is available for any sub to subscribe to, should be counted. It's noone elses fault, but your own, if you don't sub to the premiums or sports pak!! And RSN's being blocked, isn't Dishs' fault. Blackout rules apply there and there is absolutely nothing Dish or you can do about it. So either grow up or get over it!!

Dish fan boy grow up and do not listen to liers part-time RSN HD channels is not HD and Direct TV has called dish out on this.

I hate half truths and yes Dish is not being trutfull.

Watch the upcomming ads to see what I mean.

PS are you JL you sure do sound like him??
My HDTV outputs 720p and 1080i so which setting would render the best PQ.....or is it really the PQ is in the eye of the beholder ?
It depends on your equipment and its ability to scale properly. Some get better results from 720p, some from 1080i. Even though my PJ is 720p, I usually leave the DVR on 1080i.
Does everyone really believe they will be receiving 1080P???

Have you all forgotten when hd-lite was implemented in December, 2005? Prior to then we had an awesome picture in 1080i with high bitrates. Things have gone downhill since then. I still get macroblocking on many of the "HD" channels. My OTA picture in SD approaches what Dish calls HD.

I am sorry to be negative, however I have seen this movie before. By implementing 1080p we will be lucky to get back to the pre December 2005 1080i HD quality levels.
Deinterlacing doesn't just "undo" interlacing.

Sure it does. It is true that not all de-interlacers are created equal, and there are some that don't do it correctly. But those that do do it correctly can perfectly re-construct progressive frames from film based material that has previously gone through a proper 3:2 telecine process.

For customers that have sets with proper de-interlacers, 24p broadcasts provide no advantage. But broadcasting in 24p takes the de-interlacer variable out of the picture, and saves a little bandwidth at the same time.
As far as channel count goes, even if you buy dish's math that they have 114 channels and that this means that we will see an additonal 36 channels... that is still an important number to hit:

As of 8/1 (not counting NBC temp Olympic basketball and soccer channels):

National basic cable networks in HD: 45
Premium cable networks in HD: 19
Full Time RSNs in HD: 1 (Since Big Ten is treated as a full time RSN on Dish)
If these are all you count: 65 Channels (as of 8/1)

Accepting dish's math for the minute, they have 114 and will be at 150 by EOY; they need 36 channels to get there. If those channels are real channels (ie Premiums, Basic Nationals and Full Time RSN's) then by then end of the year dish will have a REAL 101 full time HD channels. Not too shabby.
As far as channel count goes, even if you buy dish's math that they have 114 channels and that this means that we will see an additonal 36 channels... that is still an important number to hit:

As of 8/1 (not counting NBC temp Olympic basketball and soccer channels):

National basic cable networks in HD: 45
Premium cable networks in HD: 19
Full Time RSNs in HD: 1 (Since Big Ten is treated as a full time RSN on Dish)
If these are all you count: 65 Channels (as of 8/1)

Accepting dish's math for the minute, they have 114 and will be at 150 by EOY; they need 36 channels to get there. If those channels are real channels (ie Premiums, Basic Nationals and Full Time RSN's) then by then end of the year dish will have a REAL 101 full time HD channels. Not too shabby.

Now that is a number Dish should crow about. That from now untill the end of the year dish will add 36 more HD channels.
I would be SHOCKED if 1080p can be output via component cables. HDMI is the only true digital connection. Everything else is analog.

Yep, there is not enough bandwidth on the components to get 1080P. The highest you can go on component is 1080i. All current blu-ray players will only output 1080p or 1080p/24 over HDMI. They will also upscale 480P DVD's up to 1080i over HDMI only. Component will not upscale to 1080i due to copy protection.
Sure it does. It is true that not all de-interlacers are created equal, and there are some that don't do it correctly. But those that do do it correctly can perfectly re-construct progressive frames from film based material that has previously gone through a proper 3:2 telecine process.

Sure sounds like we agree.

Yep, there is not enough bandwidth on the components to get 1080P. The highest you can go on component is 1080i.

As has been posted earlier, there is little bandwidth difference between 1080 24p & 1080 30p & 1080 30i. 24p will be the lowest. For the 30 frame sequences, you are still sending 30 fps. It's just a matter of whether you are transmitting them as sequential, or alternating, lines. People keep thinking "1080p" means 1080 60p. And that animal is a truly rare creature indeed. And is not part of the ATSC specification. Still could be used other than OTA, but there would be no benefit unless the source material was captured, transported and edited at full "bandwidth." Yes, very very rare.
Yep, there is not enough bandwidth on the components to get 1080P. The highest you can go on component is 1080i. All current blu-ray players will only output 1080p or 1080p/24 over HDMI. They will also upscale 480P DVD's up to 1080i over HDMI only. Component will not upscale to 1080i due to copy protection.

not true, xbox 360 supports it..

Retailer Chat Recap - August 7, 2008

KOLR 10 Springfield OTA
