I'll repeat what I said in another thread. RSN's are not national. So Dish has said 150 NATIONAL HD's by years end. DirecTV has only said 130 HD channels (conveniently leaving out national).......
I'll repeat what is in my sig. On Direct, RSNs are national. I can watch YES, NESN, my two RSNs, and all of the other full time HD RSNs. Yes, I can also watch pro sports on thiem as well. Since I and anyone else whom chooses to pay can do thes same, that makes them national.

I do agree that if an RSN is part time (game only) and their is no way to watch the games outside of that particular market because they do not offer the sports packages, then they should not be counted as national.
While nothing is official here is what I have heard.

1080p will only be output from HDMI outputs, this is needed for HDCP protection as required by the studios. You will not be able to save the content or move it to an external hard drive.

I dont see why everyone is upset as I personally do not know of a 1080p set out there that does not have HDMI.

I dont expect Dish or DirecTV to release the actual resolution they transmit at, they are just going to say its comperable to Blu-ray. I guess your eyes will be the ultimate judge.

As far as why only one movie this month in 1080p... Rome was not built in a day. Consider this to be a space race between Dish Network and DirecTV, except instead of trying to be the first to get to the moon, this is a race to be the first to have 1080p content. More 1080p is coming, this one movie was put up there so that they could say they did it first.

As for the 114 channels, yeah I saw that and groaned as well. I guess one positive is when they do move RSN's to be 24/7 channels they wont inflate the number of channels available again since those "channels" were already counted. :)

I applaud this announcement, this means more HD no matter what company you do business with. and more HD is good. :)
The XBOX360 supports 1080p over component because for the first couple years you could not get a 360 with HDMI. The confusion comes in because supposedly a lot of 1080p sets won't accept 1080p over component even though it can support it.
Wouldn't that just wad Charlie's panties :D
No way for 7.1/DTS/DTS-MA/DolbyTrueHD audio possible either (like bluray).
Don't you think that their engineers researched and tested to see if it was possible, before announcing it? For God's sake, these aren't homeless people living under a bridge! I'm sure they have degrees in software engineering, amongst other things.
Turbo-charged HD features state-of-the-art technology with the highest quality HD available including 1080p Video On Demand– .
That doesn't make me think one bit that Everything is 1080p. It says including 1080p VOD
I have 2 questions. 1. Does this mean that soon ALL our HD content will be Mpeg4? 2. Is it safe to assume that our annual price increase in February will be quite a shock to our wallets?? I personally am expecting a $25 increase for the "america's everything package".
"In celebration of our new Turbo-charged HD, DISH Network will be offering a 1080p HD movie at a reduced price during the month of August! Watch I Am Legend on DISH On Demand for only $2.99 August 1-30!"

I just paid $6.00 on XBOXLive to watch the alternate ending version of this movie...I wonder how it will measure up quality wise to XBL?
Sorry if this is just common knowledge, but when I watch one of dish's current HD VOD on my 722 what resolution is this in? there are like 14 movies that are HD on demand, are they really HD or just an upconvert?
If you have a 1080p fixed pixel tv, everything is displayed in 1080p already:)

Thats not the point though.
NO! It can't be displayed in a rez that your receiver doesn't support! With a 722, it currently outputs 720p or 1080i as the best. With the turboHD, the receiver will support 1080p. What part of that don't you understand? Stop over complicating everything.
While nothing is official here is what I have heard.

1080p will only be output from HDMI outputs, this is needed for HDCP protection as required by the studios. You will not be able to save the content or move it to an external hard drive.

I dont see why everyone is upset as I personally do not know of a 1080p set out there that does not have HDMI.

I dont expect Dish or DirecTV to release the actual resolution they transmit at, they are just going to say its comperable to Blu-ray. I guess your eyes will be the ultimate judge.

As far as why only one movie this month in 1080p... Rome was not built in a day. Consider this to be a space race between Dish Network and DirecTV, except instead of trying to be the first to get to the moon, this is a race to be the first to have 1080p content. More 1080p is coming, this one movie was put up there so that they could say they did it first.

As for the 114 channels, yeah I saw that and groaned as well. I guess one positive is when they do move RSN's to be 24/7 channels they wont inflate the number of channels available again since those "channels" were already counted. :)

I applaud this announcement, this means more HD no matter what company you do business with. and more HD is good. :)

Thanks for the "official word" Scott. I wasn't sure if they changed the law based on the convictions of those XBOX 360 posters convinced they were watching 1080p movies via component.

I saw several BluRay copies of "I Am Legend" at Block Buster tonight so I think I'll rent one and do an A/B of it vs. the 1080p Dish broadcast. Should be interesting. My system is set now to pass through native 1080p24 and upconvert 1080i 30 to 1080p with the video processor.

Also, I laughed when I read your reality check about 1080p sets w HDMI.

The success of this VOD system will hinge mostly on the price point of each view.

BTW- Dish Stock took a very nice upswing today by 4%. Those who had stock in DISH, Here's to being a little richer as a side benefit of their 1080p announcement.

DTV also increased but Dish's gain was about 6 times DTV. I own equal shares of each. :)
BTW- Dish Stock took a very nice upswing today by 4%. Those who had stock in DISH, Here's to being a little richer as a side benefit of their 1080p announcement. )

I am sure that the announcement of more hd did not hurt either.
Never underestimate the power of hd as well. Providers are not scrambling to get the bandwidth for nothing.;)
NO! It can't be displayed in a rez that your receiver doesn't support! With a 722, it currently outputs 720p or 1080i as the best. With the turboHD, the receiver will support 1080p. What part of that don't you understand? Stop over complicating everything.
1080i content output at 1080i to a 1080p fixed panel display is diplayed at.......1080p. It does not mean it was broadcast at that, it means it was scaled to match the display. The same way that everything on a 720p diplay is scaled to the display.

My point is that there are NO channels broadcasting at 1080p. Anything output at that by the receiver of of the normal national channels is only scaled to the output. The page is misleading.

VOD content can be different. It needs to be clarified.

Retailer Chat Recap - August 7, 2008

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