I always have to wonder when people comment about TWC and ask if they've ever seen or had TWC on cable ? It's different... It's USEFUL, actually ! On satellite, we literally NEVER tune to this channel for "weather". No offense, but for day-to-day weather, I don't care what the weather is in CA, TX, NY, FL, and so on. People want to know what the weather is in their area.
The interactive thing that TWC added was a very slight improvement, IMO, but I can check it on the internet quicker than waiting for it to load on satellite. Maybe if they'd use our broadband connection, if connected, it would be a bit better... Could also use higher-resolution graphics that way too.
As much as I hated my cable company, I will say TWC was more useful on cable than it is on Dish for me. Of course, I just found out about this interactive mode on TWC from reading this thread...I guess I never knew about it because I only had TWC in HD on my favorites list. Duh!