Anyone think this guy is bluffing? They could have removed all the Voom channels. Maybe he is looking for a new deal.
Exactly...He said they would take them down "when we can"? What's stopping them?
I've said it several times...Charlie is just trying to pressure them into contracting into a smaller service. Watch for "Voom Movies", "Voom Sports", "Voom Lifestyle", "Voom Family" and "Voom (Word To Indicate Educational Programming That Doesn't Sound Stuffy or Infringe On Discovery Channel Copyrights)"
OR...maybe he's trying to say "Look, you have a few potentially valuable channels, you need to cut your losses on the others, and sell them separately." If I HAD to pick 5 to keep, Monsters and Rave would be no brainers, Equator & Rush would be next (even though I don't watch them much), and Kung Fu would be the only one left that's truly unusual. (OK, Gallery is totally original, but WAY too niche.)'s a combination of the two. "We want these 5 channels...figure out how to condense the others down to 2 or 3 and we'll talk again."
Animania and Family Room do have programming you won't see elsewhere, but they could easily be on one channel. Ultra, Treasure and Gallery could be one channel. Throw the live Worldsport stuff on Rush and forget the reruns. Consolidate the two remaining movie channels.
HD News is just obsolete...they don't have the resources to keep up. Reminds me of the old All News Channel.
And the fact that I can't think of the 10th channel probably says something about it.