Dish Network Earnings Call

He must be tasting crow on that one, after touting Voom in the past.
When there wasn't Sci Fi, MHD and outdoor sports channels, VOOM was it. That has changed over the last year or so. What remains to be seen is how they will replace specialty channels like Monsters and Kung Fu.
Well, money is no issue for me so the changeover, whatever the cost (I'm researching it now) does not matter.

I will say one thing. I really hope you are right in your assumption about negotiating a deal and keeping a smaller number of channels.

I apologize if I offended anyone but I am really, really upset over this. Like rhdj, I love Monsters HD and it is the ONLY reason I went with Dish. Try to understand that this is very upsetting, especially coming the day after I was elated at the addition of 20+ new HD channels.

It's not right and it's not fair. Business decision or not. It's a smack in the face to the subscribers who care about such channels, whether we are in the majority or not.

I will sorely miss Monsters HD in every way. I sure hope Direct picks this up.

Its not right and its not fair? Are you 12? It sucks, but like every other channel (or pretty much anything else in the business world), if it doesn't pay for itself, or simply doesn't make enough profit, Its discontinued for something the company believes will make money or more money.

It is absolutely right and its absolutely fair. For your sake, I also hope Direct picks up the channel or the entire Voom lineup even. However, I also believe that Direct will look at it the same way as Dish has. Great idea-Viewers = lost cause.
You would be surprised with the following this channel has. It alone has brought many people from D*/cable to E*. Charlie would be making a huge mistake especially if another provider picks it up.

It brought me to Dish and these channels were probably keeping me with Dish. We will see I guess. I know that there are a lot of repeats on Voom but there is still quite a bit of good HD programming there which is more than I can say for most of the added channels from yesterday.

It really almost is a slap in the face - they brag about adding 22 channels and having 95 national HD channels and then turn around the next day and dump 15. They aren't now bragging about 80 national HD channels are they?

I wonder if this is just some power play though, VOOM is pretty much done if they aren't on DISH and Charlie knows that.
It brought me to Dish and these channels were probably keeping me with Dish. We will see I guess. I know that there are a lot of repeats on Voom but there is still quite a bit of good HD programming there which is more than I can say for most of the added channels from yesterday.

It really almost is a slap in the face - they brag about adding 22 channels and having 95 national HD channels and then turn around the next day and dump 15. They aren't now bragging about 80 national HD channels are they?

I wonder if this is just some power play though, VOOM is pretty much done if they aren't on DISH and Charlie knows that.

Either way this is and will continue to be a PR nightmare for E*. They turned something that customers have been waiting years for into a complete disaster.
Its not right and its not fair? Are you 12? It sucks, but like every other channel (or pretty much anything else in the business world), if it doesn't pay for itself, or simply doesn't make enough profit, Its discontinued for something the company believes will make money or more money.

It is absolutely right and its absolutely fair. For your sake, I also hope Direct picks up the channel or the entire Voom lineup even. However, I also believe that Direct will look at it the same way as Dish has. Great idea-Viewers = lost cause.
I agree 100%, nothing wrong or unfair about it. It is business, plain and simple
In a matter of less than twenty-four hours, Charlie has gone from a hero (17 new HD turn ons) to a goat (dropping ten of 15 Voom channels, with a comment about doing away with them all). Uncertainty and turmoil still abound!

I have written this before, and I will say it again with a caviat: I am only an outsider and know know nothing about running a satellite provider; I do know something about running a business in general, though. That said, from my perspective, Dish is a poorly run company; you cannot be successful with a company that is laced with so many customer dissappointments as Dish.

I also know the following to be true: "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." Poet, John Lydgate.

Charlie has a hard time with that even! :mad:
I guess that explains why the Voom channels (even the ones they kept) didn't get the 3xx mapdowns yesterday...
Just dropped to HD Essential. Wife liked a few of the VOOM channels (though I never saw her watch a single one). With the recycled content they didn't offer much more than the concept of HD. Personally I'm glad to see them go so I can save $10 a month.
Anyone think this guy is bluffing? They could have removed all the Voom channels. Maybe he is looking for a new deal.

Exactly...He said they would take them down "when we can"? What's stopping them?

I've said it several times...Charlie is just trying to pressure them into contracting into a smaller service. Watch for "Voom Movies", "Voom Sports", "Voom Lifestyle", "Voom Family" and "Voom (Word To Indicate Educational Programming That Doesn't Sound Stuffy or Infringe On Discovery Channel Copyrights)" :)

OR...maybe he's trying to say "Look, you have a few potentially valuable channels, you need to cut your losses on the others, and sell them separately." If I HAD to pick 5 to keep, Monsters and Rave would be no brainers, Equator & Rush would be next (even though I don't watch them much), and Kung Fu would be the only one left that's truly unusual. (OK, Gallery is totally original, but WAY too niche.)'s a combination of the two. "We want these 5 channels...figure out how to condense the others down to 2 or 3 and we'll talk again."

Animania and Family Room do have programming you won't see elsewhere, but they could easily be on one channel. Ultra, Treasure and Gallery could be one channel. Throw the live Worldsport stuff on Rush and forget the reruns. Consolidate the two remaining movie channels.

HD News is just obsolete...they don't have the resources to keep up. Reminds me of the old All News Channel.

And the fact that I can't think of the 10th channel probably says something about it.
I dont understand all this about Voom...they were probley great when they showed new content, but when the same shows are on time after time on a never ending loop. Why would you want to keep them? All the other channels are going forward, Voom is slipping and with them losing Dish as a carrier, I asume they will basically be gone withen a year or two. That is just my guess. Like I said before, see ya voom, looking forward to new channels. :-) Bill
Thanks. Real mature response guys. Feel better? So, why is my rant considered sad? Care to explain? I'm upset over the handling and the loss of a channel I enjoy. It's nice to see there are others out there that feel the same way.

How old are you...12? Sad, sad rant my friend.
I really really enjoy the Rave channel & MHD channels, I will really miss those if they take them away. Will there be any other music video or channels that carry Soundstage?
What mainstream popular HD? Half of these channels don't broadcast more than a few hours a week of hd. The fishing network was a nice add though.

The big difference is content. Most people will watch the shows they want to see whether in HD or SD. The number of people who will decide which show to watch based soley on HD or SD is very small. In order to survive, Voom will have to improve the content of their channels. Monsters was starting to improve, but they may have waited too long.

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