Well that is a very important subject, anyone has any detail on this?
What is SAC?
Well that is a very important subject, anyone has any detail on this?
DOH!Telemundo is Owned by NBC not Univision.
What is SAC?
SAC is (S)ubscriber (A)quistion (C)ost. Basically it is a tally of all the Hardware and installation costs as well as any promotional rate to acquire a subscriber.
SAC for both DirecTV and Dish generally about $400 dollars. This means it takes about 18 months to 24 months of being a paying subscriber until either Dish Network or DirecTV make any money from that subscriber.
Just peeked at the current 10k filing. SAC for dish is up to $720.
Another thing we agree on.I like Univision myself... I can't understand a damn word, but they have the best looking women on television.
Wow, $30/month over 24 months. That's crazy.
Let's keep thins in mind before we whine about a commitment.
Wow, $30/month over 24 months. That's crazy.
Let's keep thins in mind before we whine about a commitment.
I like Univision myself... I can't understand a damn word, but they have the best looking women on television.
Dish Network reusing satellite receivers and lnb's has got to be saving them quite a bit of money. Even if their SAC was $720, their average subscriber pays around $60+ per month so if they made $30 per month it would take two years to break even. I can see how SAC is $720 because of retailer commissions which takes around half and the other half is hardware required to do the installs. Half of the hardware costs are eliminated due to reuse I'd say but they still have some costs involved. Imagine what the SAC would be if they didnt reuse the hardware? It would be closer to $1,000