The receivers if they are leased but if you buy your own lnb I am wondering if they would try to say that it was leased too.
I've been audited once, but person was OK. Even I had to walk outside to my shop to verify one of my receivers he said it is no problem. Your story sounds almost unbelievable.
This is ridiculous. So what if he lives in a duplex.
3 receivers is easy to justify on an account, especially if you have kids.
Living Room
Master Bedroom
Kids Room
Easy to justify 3 receivers on a 2-bedroom home.
Wat exactly does d audit team look for
This thread has developed a life of its own.
And Dish Network will continue to lose subscribers because of this. Thank goodness there is another choice in case you have severe problems with the audit nazi's (Directv).
...My money goes to a company that treats me like they want me.
The location ID is a logarithm based on the receiver number and the Date/Time. They know what it's supposed to be. Unless you can crack the logarithm they use, you will not know what the location id should be.
Nice butchering of the English language. The word you're looking for is "algorithm".
Nice butchering of the English language. The word you're looking for is "algorithm".
What's worse, Audit Nazi or Spell and Grammar Police? Both douches in my book.
If all of that story is true, then that is ridiculous. I can't believe they audited someone with only two receivers. I have had up to three and never a problem.