Nothing nonsensical about it. All you have to do is look at any company that buys or merges with another one and you see a cut in staff ,especially the upper administration of the company bought. Also DISH took a company like Blockbuster and instead of investing in streaming video and trying to compete with Netflix , they dismantled the physical stores and have closed down all the blockbuster applications for the general public to view them too. DISH knows nothing about Cell phones and I can imagine that in their need to cut costs quickly, that the senior upper staff of Sprint would be gone so that they could control it with unfettered access. This of course would doom the new company. Have you seen any partnership with DISH and another company work out in the past? Microsoft and DISH : the original webtv/dishplayer a failure over disputes between them ruined this great receiver. Tivo and DISH -the lawsuits over Charlie Stealing their software went on for years and Charlie paid billions to them for patents. I see nothing nonsensical about the idea of the upper staff being scared, just look at the history of DISH and the way that they deal with partnerships , the perpetual lawsuits and you can easily see why the Sprint upper staff would be apprehensive about being terminated ,if there was a DISH takeover.