Being an IT specialist, I definitely see how most people abhor change or learning different ways to do things. Switching TV providers or equipment falls into this category, and I think that's one reason for many poor reviews. Another is sales reps misstating features, like the one who told me the Hopper had 4 tuners. Also, the Primetime Anytime feature complicates things and takes a while to get used to. It should be made clear that PTA takes one of 3 total tuners. The sales rep or installer should have told me that having 3 joeys hooked to one hopper is most likely problematic in most households. That's how they set me up when I signed up for Dish (my first experience with satellite tv) 2 weeks ago, it didn't take long to realize I must have 2 Hoppers, which I now have and everybody's happy. The one thing I really don't like are the icons for shows, I've never liked icons for anything that could be a list, a text listing with more info is always preferable. Maybe the firmware is designed that way to make it easier to program for other languages. Having no prior experience with anything other than cable tv, and spending 2 weeks familiarizing with it, I really like all the features of the Hopper/Joey system. I give it *****