That's the point......
EXACTLY! There are several channels I have that I watch, but if I had the choice of knocking off the channel to save $0.10 a month, I'd kill it. That's why sports kill me. They add WAY more then $0.10 a month, yet I'm stuck with them. The argument of people watching it 6 minutes a month is STUPID. Honestly, does anyone know of any channel they only watch for less than 30 minutes a month that they wouldn't be OK to be rid of?
In fact, I just looked. Out of my recurring timers, I only have 14 timers on 8 channels that are "cable" channels (i.e. non broadcast networks).* Of those, I really only consider 4 of those channels "must" haves, i.e. I'm willing to pay fair amounts of money to have them.
* - as an aside, the only reason I have AT250 is because my roommate wants it. Otherwise, I'd probably have the Welcome Pack, if not off Dish completely. I used to watch more, but due to the crapification of niche channels like Travel, History, The Learning Channel/"TLC", Sci-Fi/"Syfy", and TechTV/"G4"/"The Esquire Network", fewer and few channels are worth watching and just have turned into reality "pretty/rich people whining"/"make fun of white trash/hillbillies" garbage.