DISH HD Migration off of 61.5

easy to say when your not the one getting shafted

You read my mind Englishtycoon. Tampa8 you might get some PPV coupons with that statement. In the end who looses, Dishnetwork. In the world of bussiness you have to adapt. This is why China will become # 1 economic power in 2019 and the U.S second or third. Better start cutting coupons from the supermarkets.

If you feel defending your principles is not right, well that's tough..

I don't have to be from Libya to support the general population. THE END
Translating idioms is just so difficult. Though the words can be translated, the actual meaning of the phrase is steeped in the culture. Without knowledge of the culture one cannot truly understand the the phrase.

[No hay] [mal] [que] [por] [bien] [no venga]

[there is no] [evil/bad] [that] [by] [good] [doesn't come]

There is no evil/bad that doesn't bring something good.

The closest English translations of the idiom "No hay mal que por bien no venga" are the English idioms "Every cloud has a silver lining" or "Look on the bright side". These are just approximations, but serve the purpose. Nothing about ill winds here. :)

And of course when I think about "no hay mal que por bien no venga" I think of the song sung by Celia Cruz. :)
Thank you Tony, I understand about the idioms, and your explanation of the meaning of the phrase makes absolute sense. I often visit Germany and they have some difficulty with our phrase 'lucky dog." When I explained the American usage for that phrase I was told that in Germans have a similar phrase and that is "lucky mushroom."
Although is a fact and saw it on a local newspaper, someone from PR can maybe elaborate. It is widely known.

Here is a copy, in Spanish, of one article. Although most of the article is not about the debt, but of a local law, there is a part around the middle of the article that I will translate:

Rendirá cuentas la TV por satélite
viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Por: Antonio R. Gómez / Primera Hora

2/25/2011 Antonio R. Gómez Primera Hora
Estas compañías no tenían que responder a ningún organismo local.
Los cerca de 380 mil suscriptores del servicio de televisión por satélite en Puerto Rico tienen ya un foro con jurisdicción para radicar sus querellas y reclamaciones contra las empresas proveedoras de estos servicios en la Isla.
Ya es ley un proyecto que faculta a la Junta Reglamentadora de Telecomunicaciones (JRT) para regular y fiscalizar todo lo relacionado con servicios al cliente de estas compañías.
"Puerto Rico se convierte así en la primera área bajo la jurisdicción de Estados Unidos que tiene legislación para reglamentar estas empresas", proclamó la presidenta de la junta, Sandra Torres, al hacer el anuncio ayer.
La nueva ley dispone que la JRT tendrá "jurisdicción limitada sobre las compañías de televisión por satélite "DBS" que ofrecen sus servicios en Puerto Rico, para reglamentar los términos y condiciones que se estipulan en el contrato de servicios; atender querellas relacionadas con dicho servicio, y ordenarles a las compañías que se registren en la Junta".
Se aclara en la medida que "la Junta no ejercerá su jurisdicción en aquellos asuntos que han sido reservados, única y exclusivamente, para ser atendidos por las leyes y reglamentos federales, constituyendo campo ocupado".
Hasta ahora estas compañías no tenían que reportarse ni responder a ningún organismo local.

Incluso una de ellas, Dish Network, no tenía ni siquiera presencia física en Puerto Rico y estuvo por años sin pagar el impuesto sobre ventas y uso (IVU ) al Gobierno de la Isla, se informó ayer.
Torres indicó que la empresa llegó a un acuerdo con el Departamento de Hacienda y pagó la deuda "y se puso al día", en sus pagos del IVU.

-----(Translation (quite freely): Indeed, one of these companies, Dish Network, did not have a local physical office in Puerto Rico, and went years without paying taxes (IVU) to the Government of the Island, as informed yesterday.
Torres said that the company made a deal with the Departamento de Hacienda (note: local IRS), paid its debt, and it is "up-to-date" in its IVU payments.)-----

La representante Paula Rodríguez Homs, autora de la legislación y quien encabezó una pesquisa legislativa sobre las operaciones de estas empresas en Puerto Rico, dijo que el acuerdo con Hacienda fue secreto y que ni a la Legislatura le quieren informar cuánto pagó la empresa.
Junto a Torres y a Rodríguez Homs estuvieron ayer en la conferencia de prensa el presidente de la Comisión de Desarrollo Económico de la Cámara, José Chico, y la presidenta de la Comisión de Asuntos del Consumidor del Senado, Lorna Soto. Ambos denunciaron que las empresas de televisión por satélite, particularmente Dish Network, presionaron y cabildearon ante la Legislatura y aún en Fortaleza para evitar la aprobación de esta ley.
"Ahora las compañías como Dish Network, Direct TV y Claro, que ofrecen servicios de televisión por satélite, tendrán que registrarse en la Junta Reglamentadora y con este registro se podrán atender las reclamaciones o querellas de los consumidores, lo que antes era imposible por la ausencia de facultades protectoras", sostuvo la autora del proyecto.
Según Torres, los problemas más frecuentes que enfrentan los consumidores de estos servicios son los cargos excesivos, cambios en facturación sin aviso previo y la falta frecuente de señal.
"Con esta nueva ley nos proveen una importantísima herramienta para evitar mayores quejas, los sobrecargos injustificados y cualquier otra preo cupación que tenga el ciudadano y que antes estábamos imposibilitados de atender", señaló.
"Las compañías ofrecen sus servicios en Puerto Rico, beneficiándose de nuestro mercado, sin que ninguna agencia estatal o federal regule aquellos asuntos relacionados con el servicio, términos y condiciones contractuales. Ahora se le estará haciendo justicia al consumidor porque se le provee un foro donde pueden acudir para hacer valer sus derechos", dijo por su parte Chico.
"Con la aprobación de esta medida, en la Legislatura hemos ganado una batalla que por años hemos luchado mano a mano con la Junta Reglamentadora de Telecomunicaciones", agregó la senadora Soto. "Los ciudadanos enfrentaban muchos problemas con estas compañías al éstas no estar reguladas", agregó.
Torres recordó que la Junta tiene capacidad para imponer multas de hasta $25,000 por violación y cancelar la franquicia de una empresa.
La JRT tiene ahora noventa días para adoptar un reglamento, "especificando la forma y el contenido de las solicitudes para que las compañías que prestan servicios de televisión por satélite "DBS" en Puerto Rico se registren".
Una vez aprobado el reglamento, las empresas tendrán otros 90 días para presentar a la Junta sus solicitudes de registro. Deberán presentarle además al organismo regulador, dentro de los 90 días luego de su registro, un procedimiento para la resolución de disputas con sus usuarios.
Dicho procedimiento, establece el nuevo estatuto , estará sujeto a la aprobación de la Junta y es el que aplicará en el trámite de las querellas y reclamaciones que presenten sus clientes ante la agencia.
Translating idioms is just so difficult. Though the words can be translated, the actual meaning of the phrase is steeped in the culture. Without knowledge of the culture one cannot truly understand the the phrase.

[No hay] [mal] [que] [por] [bien] [no venga]

[there is no] [evil/bad] [that] [by] [good] [doesn't come]

There is no evil/bad that doesn't bring something good.

The closest English translations of the idiom "No hay mal que por bien no venga" are the English idioms "Every cloud has a silver lining" or "Look on the bright side". These are just approximations, but serve the purpose. Nothing about ill winds here. :)

And of course when I think about "no hay mal que por bien no venga" I think of the song sung by Celia Cruz. :)
Letra de La vara y la moneda de Celia Cruz - MUSICA.COM

I have friends that are in bands over seas so I have an online program that does translation. It has rarely failed me. So that is why I was able to get the translation of the phrase.
Hi all,

I've been having an issue over the last 4 weeks where some of the HD channels I subscribe to have been disappearing (HBO, Starz, etc...) and I've never received some of the HD channels listed on the current Dish channel lineup (TCM, AMC, etc...). After poking around a bit, I found this forum, and what you've been discussing seems to be exactly what I'm experiencing: I have a 110/119/61.5 setup that Dish installed 2 years ago, and some channels don't seem to be covered by that setup.

After talking with a Dish rep this past Monday, I hinted that the 110/119/61.5 setup might not be correct for my subscription (based on this forum's info and the Echostar Knowledge Base site), but they diagnosed it as requiring a receiver replacement. Well, as you can guess, I installed the replacement and no change. To my knowledge, nobody from Dish contacted me about changing my setup to easternarc, so I'm hoping someone here can offer some advice on what to do. Should I call Dish back and keep going through "the system"? Ask for 2nd level support maybe? What about calling the company that installed the setup 2 years ago? Is asking for an easternarc setup the right thing for Vermont?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

Hi all,

I've been having an issue over the last 4 weeks where some of the HD channels I subscribe to have been disappearing (HBO, Starz, etc...) and I've never received some of the HD channels listed on the current Dish channel lineup (TCM, AMC, etc...). After poking around a bit, I found this forum, and what you've been discussing seems to be exactly what I'm experiencing: I have a 110/119/61.5 setup that Dish installed 2 years ago, and some channels don't seem to be covered by that setup.

After talking with a Dish rep this past Monday, I hinted that the 110/119/61.5 setup might not be correct for my subscription (based on this forum's info and the Echostar Knowledge Base site), but they diagnosed it as requiring a receiver replacement. Well, as you can guess, I installed the replacement and no change. To my knowledge, nobody from Dish contacted me about changing my setup to easternarc, so I'm hoping someone here can offer some advice on what to do. Should I call Dish back and keep going through "the system"? Ask for 2nd level support maybe? What about calling the company that installed the setup 2 years ago? Is asking for an easternarc setup the right thing for Vermont?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


Private message one of the Dish Internet Response Team members that post at this site. One of them will help you out. There's MattG, TonyT, and MaryB. Look in the MSNBC Cooking Dish America Gold thread. Locate one of their names and click on it, and select a private message to them. Tell them the problem and give them your account number or telephone number so they can look at your account. Link to thread below:
Private message one of the Dish Internet Response Team members that post at this site. One of them will help you out. There's MattG, TonyT, and MaryB. Look in the MSNBC Cooking Dish America Gold thread. Locate one of their names and click on it, and select a private message to them. Tell them the problem and give them your account number or telephone number so they can look at your account. Link to thread below:
he only has one post. I believe Tommy may be here shortly. ;):D
he only has one post. I believe Tommy may be here shortly. ;):D

Ask an ye shall receive :D:p

Hi all,

I've been having an issue over the last 4 weeks where some of the HD channels I subscribe to have been disappearing (HBO, Starz, etc...) and I've never received some of the HD channels listed on the current Dish channel lineup (TCM, AMC, etc...). After poking around a bit, I found this forum, and what you've been discussing seems to be exactly what I'm experiencing: I have a 110/119/61.5 setup that Dish installed 2 years ago, and some channels don't seem to be covered by that setup.

After talking with a Dish rep this past Monday, I hinted that the 110/119/61.5 setup might not be correct for my subscription (based on this forum's info and the Echostar Knowledge Base site), but they diagnosed it as requiring a receiver replacement. Well, as you can guess, I installed the replacement and no change. To my knowledge, nobody from Dish contacted me about changing my setup to easternarc, so I'm hoping someone here can offer some advice on what to do. Should I call Dish back and keep going through "the system"? Ask for 2nd level support maybe? What about calling the company that installed the setup 2 years ago? Is asking for an easternarc setup the right thing for Vermont?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


Peter, more than likely you would need to be put onto a complete Arc setup. Either WA or EA would work for you, though which one is available depends on the account and zip code.

I will send you a PM with some more info so we can check that out.
Hi all, Yup, Tommy set me up with a service call on Tuesday to resolve the issue. I guess I didn't read enough of the different threads to realize that a number of the Dish support team watch what's going on here and are willing to help. I try to stay "within the process" normally - I know it can be difficult to deal with confused users like me :-) I'm glad that there are forums like this available, though, so I can get a little education on the various situations. Thanks! Peter
Its true we in Puerto Rico are totally screwed by Dish, We dont get all HD premium content and they dont offer us any major networks in HD like ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, they used to thru sobongo, but even that option was taken away form us a couple of months ago. So the question is why does Dish treat us like garbage when we are loyal paying customers, betas me, maybe Charlie doesnt give a crap, cause he gets every single channel in cozy Denver, Colorado.
Hi all, Yup, Tommy set me up with a service call on Tuesday to resolve the issue. I guess I didn't read enough of the different threads to realize that a number of the Dish support team watch what's going on here and are willing to help. I try to stay "within the process" normally - I know it can be difficult to deal with confused users like me :-) I'm glad that there are forums like this available, though, so I can get a little education on the various situations. Thanks! Peter

A final followup... I got a call Monday (and a second on Wednesday), "Hi this is Dish Network. We just wanted to let you know we're moving our satellites around..." Oh really? :-) Anyway, I'm all set now. The simplest thing to do was just re-point the 110/119 dish to 72.7 and everything's fine. Evidently the service company here has had issues with the 1000.4 dishes because they tend to collect snow more than the 500s, and it can get pretty risky to clean them during the winter if they're installed on your roof (although that's not my situation). They've also been bringing service people in from other states to react to the changes, so I suppose it's possible that we here in VT are being switched-over later hoping that the end of winter will make it easier to deal with.

Thanks for the info here guys!

I'm still on 61.5 and was pleased to see more HD channels added in the past two weeks. We now get Epix 1, Epix 2, Indie and Retro. Don't think we got these before. People have directed me to the "List" before to see what is located where on satellites but I have never had any luck understanding how to do that. We have 110/119/61.5 in Minneapolis. Can't get 129. Don't want to lose my locals in HD. Can anybody tell me what HD channels we are missing with this setup? Would I gain anything by going EA? What would I lose?
Mixing arcs is tricky. I imagine you are missing some HD channels that are on 72 from the EA, that are not on 61.5 or 119/110. OR, you are missing HD channels that are on 129 from the WA that are not on 61.5 or 119/110.

You would lose nothing, and gain having all the HD channels you are supposed to get by doing one of two things. Either go to the EA and drop 110/119. Or, keep 110/119, and get 61.5 and 72. 77 is part of the EA arc, at this time there is nothing on there if your locals are not there other than international channels. While that could change, there is no indication it will. Dish will want you to go exclusively to the EA, which is fine.
The only thing you will notice is snow build up more on the EA dish because it is tilted higher. The Way Dish is doing it, if you do not get one arc or the other, you will always be at risk of losing channels as they move them around.
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Scott...... You appear to have a firm grasp on the big picture here.... Talk to me like i'm a 3yr old will ya, please ?? ::: Is 61.5 going to stop broadcasting HD programming ?? Do I have to replace my ViP211K receiver and re-point the 61.5 dish ?? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME TODAY !
Scott...... You appear to have a firm grasp on the big picture here.... Talk to me like i'm a 3yr old will ya, please ?? ::: Is 61.5 going to stop broadcasting HD programming ?? Do I have to replace my ViP211K receiver and re-point the 61.5 dish ?? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME TODAY !

Why would you have to replace a ViP211 series receiver? It is fully MPEG-4 & HD capable. No reason to replace it.

As far as repointing, which dish or dishes do you have, and where are they pointing? Dish may set you up with a new dish for WA or EA for little or nothing. Or maybe you're already getting EA. You need, in EA, 61.5 & 72. Getting 77 also helps future proof you. This can be done on one dish, the 1000.4.

As far as Scott knowing a bit- yep! He's the barkeep.

-Not Scott

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