DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

Backups are worthless if you don't know when they got in, restoring could just put back in the holes back in place.
I know this on a very small minor scale . . . . I manually backup my music directory every two weeks from my PC to two different backup disks. I discovered a problem on my PC hard drive which I soon learned was also on my backups. The solution, of course, is to create different backups, by date, and keep a whole series of these -- but not only does this take a LOT of disk space, it is not a trivial task to go back far enough to find a "clean" backup without losing a ton of music acquired since then. A trade-off. Magnify this my thousands and you have Dish's current dilemma.
I received an email from Dish with my correct Dish bill. My payment is due on 3/17/23 which is my normal billing date. Since I am on autopay I don't need to do anything. So it looks like Dish has got their billing working again. It is a shame that people are so quick to quit Dish when they have been diligently working to restore their services. I am also glad that they did not give in to the pirates.
My only issue is that I can't authorize my Firestick for my basement TV but I am sure Dish will get that working soon.

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Backups are worthless if you don't know when they got in, restoring could just put back in the holes back in place.

Right. Just restoring a backup from the day before the system came down doesn't fix it. The hacker could have gotten in weeks before that and laid dormant. "Nightmare" is an understatement. This is IT hell.
DISH has some very good it folks, I know and talk to them from time to time, it's a shame this happened to them. But hopefully they learned from this and can prevent something like this from taking down everything again in the future.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I've tried to follow this thread and am unsure about an error message I'm getting when I try to sign into the Apple ios "TV provider" option. It says there is an error "Invalid userid or password". Is that a result of dish being down, or do I need to reset my password?

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. Thanks in advance.
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ALL of my channels have been gone for the past 4 hours. Only thing showing up on the guide are PPV, On Demand channels and the Hopper How to on 103. Nothing else. Multiple resets have not helped.
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I received an email from Dish with my correct Dish bill. My payment is due on 3/17/23 which is my normal billing date. Since I am on autopay I don't need to do anything. So it looks like Dish has got their billing working again. It is a shame that people are so quick to quit Dish when they have been diligently working to restore their services. I am also glad that did not give in to the pirates.
My only issue is that I can't authorize my Firestick for my basement TV but I am sure Dish will get that working soon.

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I'm on autopay but haven't received an email yet. It usually arrives on the 12th and payment is on the 25th.
Not sure what to do now ??
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ALL of my channels have been gone for the past 4 hours. Only thing showing up on the guide are PPV, On Demand channels and the Hopper How to on 103. Nothing else. Multiple resets have not helped.
For the 1st time since the attack, I'm getting calls from customers who's DISH service has been shut off. 3 so far today. This development seems to be in conflict with the statement that no late fees or disconnects would result from non-payments during this time.
I've tried to follow this thread and am unsure about an error message I'm getting when I try to sign into the Apple ios "TV provider" option. It says there is an error "Invalid userid or password". Is that a result of dish being down, or do I need to reset my password?

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. Thanks in advance.
It's all part of the down time. You won't be able to reset your password anyway.
I am getting word (not confirmed) that RING (the Doorbell and Camera folks) were just attacked like DISH was.

As I was typing this, the following also showed up in my Reddit feed.

Reddit is still down. This is quite a long time for them, it must be something major. They say it's an "internal systems issue". But they're also only admitting to a 1.5 hour downtime so far, though everyone says it went down a lot earlier than that.
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It's now been 20 days with no inkling of when recovery will be complete. This leads me to believe Dish's security and backup policies were likely haphazard at best, and possibly non-existent, forcing them to reconstruct many applications mostly from scratch.
I will have some insight into this tomorrow
My worst fear in all this is that it was an inside job, or at least assisted by someone on the inside, and that inside man is still there. Man, I hope I'm wrong. Looking on the bright side, I've been wrong my whole life . . . :)
It's already known who it was and how they attack. They use the same signature on their attacks - which is on par with how these cyber-attacker work
For the 1st time since the attack, I'm getting calls from customers who's DISH service has been shut off. 3 so far today. This development seems to be in conflict with the statement that no late fees or disconnects would result from non-payments during this time.
I have no late fees or non-payments. I've never missed a payment. WTF!?? And trying to get someone to talk to at Dish is nearly impossible.
A BIG word of cation is be careful of everything right now especially! Many will take advantage of this situation and send you fake email, text and even try calling you!

At first, I thought like some here simply reboot a backup and set up new security BUT as many have said and I fully agree now they need to identify the way it was done and hopefully who did it! That will help protect it in the future and help other companies. I am also becoming aware the length of this time doesn't show Dish's lack of preparedness but the level of sophistication by the hackers! You know they have hired out the very best as well as every government agency is working with them.

If you need tech support, try calling in the middle of the night. For billing try calling the minute they open.

Hopper Plus for existing customers

Dish traveler not locking on Satellites
