DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

What kind of amateurish site is that? It reads like a bad high school newspaper. Sparse, delayed info.
The are only putting out the minimum basics as directed by their legal team.

I can't wait until this is all fixed. (I am sure they can't either)
I have Auto-Pay and Paperless Billing set up and today I received a paper statement in the mail showing that my Auto Pay will be charged to my credit card as usual on 3/21. With all the other problems they're going through right now, I thought it was a decent gesture to send out the paper statement.
Yes, I just received my billing statement in the mail today which is the due date, creation date March 2, 2023. I pay manually and nothing came by e-mail.
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Got my statement saying my auto bill to my credit card will happen today. Have not seen it yet. Also, from experience I know after a ransomware attack it can be very time consuming to get your systems back up but this has been more than two weeks. Either I am misjudging the situation, or they are not committing the necessary resources to get their system back up. Another possibility is that they did not have an adequate disaster recovery plan in place. This has been too long IMO. I also understand the impact on me is inconsequential compared to that of the Dish employees, vendors, and sub-contractors. My empathy is with them at this point though not Dish corporate.
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Got my statement saying my auto bill to my credit card will happen today. Have not seen it yet. Also, from experience I know after a ransomware attack it can be very time consuming to get your systems back up but this has been more than two weeks. Either I am misjudging the situation, or they are not committing the necessary resources to get their system back up. Another possibility is that they did not have an adequate disaster recovery plan in place. This has been too long IMO. I also understand the impact on me is inconsequential compared to that of the Dish employees, vendors, and sub-contractors. My empathy is with them at this point though not Dish corporate.
When a third-party forensic team and federal law enforcement are involved, Dish may not have a lot of control over how fast the various system elements can be brought back on line.
I'm well under 70, closer to 40 as the previous poster mentioned. I prefer owning my recordings on my terms.

No clutter, as most of my collection is stored digitally and redundantly on my NAS, even the physical media I collected before streaming and DVR came into play. I prefer the ease of streaming MY media from MY network, not someone else's at their selfish whims.

The main reason I still have Dish is the time it takes to offload my DVR/Ext HDD recordings to my NAS, which is time consuming, but worth it for the content I want to keep permanently.

If you want to differentiate viewing behaviors between people, try using technical expertise instead of age.
If you read what I said, I referred to OVER 70 and UNDER 30. At 40, this does NOT include you. At 1000 homes a year for over 20 years... I've been to over 20,000 homes for television services. I definitely have the experience to make that claim.
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You obviously weren't watching Westworld, The Nevers, or Raided By Wolves…all recently pulled and sold off to FAST services!

With HBO suffering through the debacle of the Discovery merger, no show is safe.
I watched all of those those shows. Aside from the first 2 seasons of Westworld (which was on their service for a few years), the shows were not good and won't be missed. That's why they were cancelled. The good shows, going all the way back to Oz (1997) are still there.
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I am up north in San Francisco where on Tuesday Morning, there was a brownout for 2 seconds before the power went back on. On my system when I upgraded to the Hopper H3 in 2016 from a Hopper 2000 when I first got DISH in 2012 after Directv moved TVB Jadeword (Chinese Cantonese programming package) from Directv to DISH, they had to install a 2nd DISH which handled 118 while the other handled 110, 119 and 129. So anyways, at 10:00AM - the TVB channels which was the only thing using 118 went out and then basically after that were strong storms with winds and heavy rains which I had never seen before after owning the house in 2009 when Directv was originally installed. So basically, even until this minute, all the TVB channels are out. Yesterday, I called DISH at 1-800-333-DISH and chose option 4 for technical support and it said they can't take the call right now and hanged up. Out of curiosity, I went to and called TVB directly - they said they used Frontier Communications which had a outage with the fiber but from what they can see, everything was recovered by 1:00PM which was 3 hours later. So at this point, either my 2nd DISH is out of alignment or DISH had somehow lost their feed from TVB. On the Hopper H3, I tried switching the satellites and 118 has 0% signal and all the TVB channels do show complete loss of signal. I was able to reach DISH on Facebook Messenger who responded within minutes and actually chatted with me for 30 minutes and wanted to send a tech out after verifying that I did not move the Hopper H3, checked all connections and also unplugged the Hopper H3 for at least 10 seconds (I actually did it for 1 minute) before plugging it back in again as I did all of those before calling DISH. So I don't know if they do send a tech out, as I have things that blocks the path to the Hopper H3 without tripping over unless I did a major cleanup. I wonder are tech calls all free now since I am on their protection plan.
The above was written on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 4:00AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time (GMT -700) and support service from DISH had been awesome as I will briefly mention below. As I mentioned, I was communicating with DISH via Facebook Messenger which I prefer as everything is in writing and it does not require both sides to be available at the same time. So I will post the chat dialogue, all times are Pacific Daylight Savings Time (GMT -700):

DISH response on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 6:22PM:
"I appreciate your patience. I will need to set up a technician visit for you. We want to get this working for you. Please click the link below to provide me with your account information. We would be glad to help. To protect your privacy and personal information, click the link below to provide your information in a secure web browser. You will have 24 hours to fill out the form and submit your information.************

~Zoraida R."

My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 1:59AM as I wanted to make sure that they actually checked that the TVB JadeWorld (Hong Kong Cantonese Chinese programming) which consists of channels 614-01, 626-01 SD and HD, 626-03, 626-04, 626-06, 626-07 which all used satellite 118 had a working feed and DISH was broadcasting the channels since as the owner and network architect and network engineer of an Internet Service Provider, there can be problems either upstream or downstream to avoid them sending a technician if the problem is actually on DISH's side or between TVB and DISH:
"But before doing that, are you able to verify that those channels are currently actually still working in general on DISH's side?"

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 6:38AM:
"The channels are working and are available for use.

~Zoraida R."

My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:18AM:
"Interesting so that means maybe the storm and winds knocked one or both dishes out of alignment as the other satellites 110, 119 and 129 have 10-20 signal strength while 118 shows 0 since that happened after the 10:00am outage."

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:28AM:
"Yes, we do need to get a technician out there for you. Please click the link below to provide me with your account information. To protect your privacy and personal information, click the link below to provide your information in a secure web browser. You will have 24 hours to fill out the form and submit your information.*************

~Zoraida R."

My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:49AM:
"Just provided the information... need to clear out the path to the Hopper H3 so the technician can actually walk in without tripping over. I provided the PIN but I need to see the security question to know what to provide for the answer."

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:49AM:
"Thank you. What is your home address?

~Zoraida R."

I provided the address on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:50AM.

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:53AM:
"Thanks. The soonest we have available would be for Tomorrow 3/17/23 from 12PM to 5PM. Will this work for you or do you need a different date?

~Zoraida R."

My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:53AM:
"That should work as it gives me enough time to clean up before the technician arrives."

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:59AM:
"Great! I have set up the tech visit for you for tomorrow from 12PM to 5PM. However, the system issue prevents me from guaranteeing you an appointment time. Most appointments take 2 hours to complete. Dish will call on the day of the appointment to provide you with a better arrival estimate.
There will be no charge for technician visits at this time; any fees will be waived. We will call you on the day of the appointment to provide you with a better arrival estimate. Someone over the age of 18 must be present for the entirety of the appointment, and any pets must be kept secure. These appointments typically take 2-4 hours to complete.

~Zoraida R."
My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 8:00AM:
"Sounds good, thanks for the prompt response since I thought with what DISH is going through, it would take a long time for things to be fixed."

DISH response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 8:02AM:
"You're welcome. We're making progress on the customer service front every day, but it will take a little time before things are fully restored. Thanks for being a valued customer. Have a great day!

~Zoraida R."

My response on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 8:15AM:
"Thanks again for handling this from the beginning."

So here are the events that happened on Friday, March 17, 2023:
At 8:00AM: I see in USPS Informed Mail that my DISH Paper Statement is arriving which is just in time as my bill is always created on the 2nd of the month and due on the 17th of the month. I did not receive any emails from DISH that was mentioned by others as my last e-mail about the bill was ready was on February 4, 2023 and the last communications by email from DISH was for "Get the best of DISH's Outdoor Pack on sale" was on February 23, 2023 at 7:03AM
At 9:18AM: USPS delivers my mail and surely enough, the DISH paper statement has arrived with the creation date of March 2, 2023 and due date of March 17, 2023 which meant it arrived on the due date just in time.
At 2:07PM: The DISH technician arrives and basically disconnected the RG-6 coaxial cable from the Hopper H3 and then connected it to his diagnostic equipment to look at the signal levels which were 0 for satellite 118 and almost non-existent for satellites 110, 119, 129. He then connected the coaxial cable back to the Hopper H3 and looked at the satellite signal levels which read as follows:
11 for 110
0 for 118
13 for 119
18 for 129
so he went to get his extension ladder at 2:09PM and climbed the roof. Then the next thing I know, there was heavy drilling from 2:15PM-2:45PM. He came back to let me know at 2:45PM he was done and had me tune to 626-01 on the tv to show it works and then said he's leaving and went to get his ladder. I asked what the problem was and he said the 118 dish broke in half from the storm which was replaced and he also replaced the LNB on the other dish handling 110, 119, 129 which was also damaged.
After he left, I checked the network signals and saw the following readings for the satellites:
30 for 110
40 for 118
30 for 119
35 for 129
It appears the coaxial cable was extremely loose as I can still turn it about 20+ times before using a Crescent adjustable wrench to tighten another 1/4 of a turn and then got the following signal levels:
68 for 110
53 for 118
45 for 119
57 for 129
My setup for reference is mentioned here:

I am pretty impressed at how fast the response was from DISH on Facebook Messenger when the same representative handled everything for the entire two days and also for how fast they actually fixed the problem.

I have a few questions for HipKat:
1) When DISH techs align the dish, do they actually check the signal levels after the dish but before it reaches the STB?
2) I did not ask if the technician was actually a employee or not but I noticed that unlike the previous two visits, one in November 2012 for the original DISH install of the Hopper 2000 and DISH service and the second time in February 2016 to replace the Hopper 2000 and upgraded to the Hopper H3, the vans all were DISH branded and used Little Giant Multi-position ladders while in this case, it was a white van that did not have any livery.
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