DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

Same. I'm probably going to cancel when they're able to process cancellations. This is about the 3rd or 4th strike. The whole Disney/ESPN debacle, the fact that I haven't had an ABC affiliate because of a carriage dispute since November, and now that I haven't been able to use HBO Max for nearly 3 weeks. It just seems like it's always something lately. I just want to be able to watch something without the headache.

The service is fine, I have a Wally so fees are minimal. I just don't use it much...I work from home and leave the news on mute in the office while I work and that's about all I use it for. Surprisingly the app I watch the most is YouTube, if I had to give one up it would easily be cable/satellite over YouTube.
I can say that I've never real had any problem with the service from dish..My only complaint has always been the fees..DVR fee that nobody else charges for..extra receiver fees when you own the equipment..Most all of the streaming service will give you three tv's and no DVR fee..I have to wonder if this cyber attacked could have been limited to not such extreme if Charlie would have spent more on better cyber security.It's well known he likes to skimp when possible so look where he's at now..Sure we see cyber breaches quite often and on large corporations but none have been crippled like this..Its normally been people's info exposed..Being a multi million dollar company you would think security would have been better not to mention that theres basically no communication from dish..I believe he was only focused on the new phone system and satellite has taken a back row since we all know it's already got one foot in the grave..It's almost funny that people are loosing service because they can't pay their bills and I turned off my autopay in Feb and service should have stopped feb27th but I'm still receiving my programming on pay as you go account
Agree. The only way to avoid fees is with streaming services. And even some of those have some sort of DVR fee. I tried out YouTube TV and was very impressed. The picture quality was much better than Dish. 1080p was very noticeable over the 1080i on a 4K TV.

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Nobody even wants a STB..that's old technology..DVR is dying when you can look up anything you want to see with streaming at any time...Charlie payed for all of those hoppers he had manufactured a long time ago with everyone paying that DVR fee..Think about it..How much do you really think they spend on having one million hoppers manufactured and how much did he make off of the required fees for each one installed with the 2yr agreement and the early termination fees??You can't even get a new h3 installed..they are all remand..I know people have a hard time understanding but streaming killed satellite and iptv service I've had for three yrs now cost less than my receiver fees per month if I used my hoppers...I'm not afraid of the tv police knocking on my door either
The service is fine, I have a Wally so fees are minimal. I just don't use it much...I work from home and leave the news on mute in the office while I work and that's about all I use it for. Surprisingly the app I watch the most is YouTube, if I had to give one up it would easily be cable/satellite over YouTube.
I use Dish Gallery for this and really like it especially during the holidays.
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I took these offers Norton Deluxe for only $15.00 instantly!

What is your thoughts? Waste of money? I know it can/will slow your computer and the constant upgrade offers get annoying.


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The service is fine, I have a Wally so fees are minimal. I just don't use it much...I work from home and leave the news on mute in the office while I work and that's about all I use it for. Surprisingly the app I watch the most is YouTube, if I had to give one up it would easily be cable/satellite over YouTube.
Ironically, YT is what I watch about 75% of the time. Hypocrisy aside, I do not miss having a cable service at all - 3 yrs and counting
I took these offers Norton Deluxe for only $15.00 instantly!

What is your thoughts? Waste of money? I know it can/will slow your computer and the constant upgrade offers get annoying.
Waste of money - Norton is junk. There are much better ways to protect your system without installing some bloated, corporate-owned, expensive program that takes over your whole computer

The ransomeware could heve been sitting dormant for months before it activated. Proper, thorough forensics is the only recourse.
The correct way to do it is to use the data from the most recent backups while putting a new system up. When I mean data, I mean information only like databases but the software and the OS will all be a new setup as being a service provider, downtime costs money which for us requires giving 4 minutes of credit for every 1 minute of downtime so get things working again. And then at the same time, examine the existing systems which would no longer be connected to the outside world and take whatever time is needed to really put everything under a microscope.
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I received an email from Dish with my correct Dish bill. My payment is due on 3/17/23 which is my normal billing date. Since I am on autopay I don't need to do anything. So it looks like Dish has got their billing working again. It is a shame that people are so quick to quit Dish when they have been diligently working to restore their services. I am also glad that they did not give in to the pirates.
My only issue is that I can't authorize my Firestick for my basement TV but I am sure Dish will get that working soon.

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No email yet from either and, my bill has a date on the 2nd of the month and a due date of the 17th but I am on paper statements and pay manually. Seems like your bill is also dated the 2nd of the month if the due date is the 17th which is the same as mine if I am correct.
Reddit is still down. This is quite a long time for them, it must be something major. They say it's an "internal systems issue". But they're also only admitting to a 1.5 hour downtime so far, though everyone says it went down a lot earlier than that.
It may not be a security issue as Reddit is located in San Francisco where I am also located and there was a major storm earlier today that it knocked out my DISH service on all satellites, 118 is still out for all channels in my TVB Jade package. There are places without power so that could be related. Nevermind, looks like it's really a internal issue.
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Nobody even wants a STB..that's old technology..DVR is dying when you can look up anything you want to see with streaming at any time...Charlie payed for all of those hoppers he had manufactured a long time ago with everyone paying that DVR fee..Think about it..How much do you really think they spend on having one million hoppers manufactured and how much did he make off of the required fees for each one installed with the 2yr agreement and the early termination fees??You can't even get a new h3 installed..they are all remand..I know people have a hard time understanding but streaming killed satellite and iptv service I've had for three yrs now cost less than my receiver fees per month if I used my hoppers...I'm not afraid of the tv police knocking on my door either
My only complaint is when there is a outage, sometimes almost a weeks worth is like with TVB Jade, DISH would not credit for the downtime. Comcast/XFinity for all the hatred that they get will issue credits as long as it's at least 4 hours which applies to all services including Cable, Internet, Phone service. I am only continuing with DISH because of where the TVB Jade package is located as it was with DirecTV until 2012 when they moved it to DISH. One can get the same package for the same price but there is no DVR and also one has to provide their own internet transport so it's not a dedicated pipe and xFinity Internet is capped and should the Internet go down, so will the tv service. Cable has TVB but only with certain MSOs and only one channel instead of at least half a dozen.
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Waste of money - Norton is junk. There are much better ways to protect your system without installing some bloated, corporate-owned, expensive program that takes over your whole computer
Most of the anti-virus scanners are junk as take the Win32.Licum virus for example which infects all .exe's on the system. All A/V's detects it after all the .exe files on the system are infected which is useless. Norton stuff was only good when it was Peter Norton Computing owned before it was sold to Symantec.
Waste of money - Norton is junk. There are much better ways to protect your system without installing some bloated, corporate-owned, expensive program that takes over your whole computer
If it was even a dollar more I would have passed. My two biggest complaints are it greatly slows you down and it constantly tries to up sale you!
Most of the anti-virus scanners are junk as take the Win32.Licum virus for example which infects all .exe's on the system. All A/V's detects it after all the .exe files on the system are infected which is useless. Norton stuff was only good when it was Peter Norton Computing owned before it was sold to Symantec.
Think I still have Norton diskettes for DOS. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to Defrag my 1 TB hard drive with that software. :D
My only complaint has always been the fees..DVR fee that nobody else charges for..extra receiver fees when you own the equipment.
Everybody charges for their DVR services. The difference is that DISH charges the people who use the service and others just charge everyone. I'm glad I don't have to pay for other peoples' Hoppers and extra receivers. Let the ones who use such things pay for it.
Nobody even wants a STB
Nonsense. I love my Wally. The interface is way better than searching and stumbling through streaming apps and waiting for them to catch up and start playing. If I had decent internet and if youtube TV developed a smooth and seamless interface like my Wally, I might consider switching to streaming. As it stands, I get what I pay for.
I can say that I've never real had any problem with the service from dish..My only complaint has always been the fees..DVR fee that nobody else charges for..extra receiver fees when you own the equipment..Most all of the streaming service will give you three tv's and no DVR fee..I have to wonder if this cyber attacked could have been limited to not such extreme if Charlie would have spent more on better cyber security.It's well known he likes to skimp when possible so look where he's at now..Sure we see cyber breaches quite often and on large corporations but none have been crippled like this..Its normally been people's info exposed..Being a multi million dollar company you would think security would have been better not to mention that theres basically no communication from dish..I believe he was only focused on the new phone system and satellite has taken a back row since we all know it's already got one foot in the grave..It's almost funny that people are loosing service because they can't pay their bills and I turned off my autopay in Feb and service should have stopped feb27th but I'm still receiving my programming on pay as you go account
Apples and oranges. Many of the data breeches were the company's butts hanging out the window and hackers walking right in. Hmm... that metaphor seems broken.

Dish was ransomwared, which is so much different. The entire system has to be rebuilt. Every single hard drive, every computer needs to be dealt with. Some have paid up because of the hassle that is what Dish is dealing with. With Dish sat on the way out, I ponder how much future proofing actually going into the new system to adapt for Boost, 5G, and Sling for the future. A major PITB, but his insurance is likely paying for future infrastructure of the company that is adapting beyond Dish itself.

As far as fees, streaming services don't develop and sell electronics, so of course they don't need to charge for that.
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Hopper Plus for existing customers

Dish traveler not locking on Satellites
