Dish Expands High Definition Package

mdonnelly said:
Nonetheless, the technologies EXIST.

This is true, and it had to be in an 811. A reciever that after 18 months and I forget the number of code updates, while Ok, really isn't fully functional. I still think its going to be next year before we see anything shippable with mpeg4 and time from then to convert existing customers to mpeg4..

How does an mpeg4 PQ look on a demo 811?
I have been reading this forum for about a year after I received my 811. Great site and a lot of useful info. Quick setup question about the Voom channels coming to E*. I have a dish 500 with a 44 switch running to 4 receivers. Can you take the 61.5 feed and the feed coming from the 44 switch that runs to the 811 and run them into a 21 switch then to the 811?
EchoStar's Fleet, Services, and CPE - 2005, Fleet Planning

If you look at the graphic attachment/photo in the "Photos from Team Summit" post, you will notice that only the 110 & 119 orbits are marked for HD content. For those of you who keep up with the satellite fleet, does this slide appear to be a reflection of today's services, or an indication of status-to-come?
I just got off of the phone with an E* CSR and she informed me that the latest info she has confirms that the addtional Voom HD channels will be availabe May 1...and that they will cost an ADDITIONAL $5/MO. I told her that ran contrary to what I'd heard elsewhere but she insisted that was the latest info given to her.

Can anyone else confirm this?
Maybe I missed something here but I was just told the the new voom channels are for new installs only. I am really starting to hate dish with a passion. I have never seen a company burn its customer base like dish. I am in the service industry and if we did what they do to our customers they would walk.
shanewalker said:
I just got off of the phone with an E* CSR and she informed me that the latest info she has confirms that the addtional Voom HD channels will be availabe May 1...and that they will cost an ADDITIONAL $5/MO. I told her that ran contrary to what I'd heard elsewhere but she insisted that was the latest info given to her.

Can anyone else confirm this?

Did she say from which bird?
Heck I talked to a guy about two hours ago it was all news to him about the add on of 10 HD channels. Heck his suporvisor had to call the head quaters about it so we will half to waite and see.But he did say he felt like the would half to move things around to free up space. Due to he said that it would not be smart to put any new HD on 61.5 due to most customers dont get it. So sounds like that all HD subscribers will be able to get them.
Ahhh, will you folks please stop calling E* and bugging them about it, you're just wasting your's and there time, please reduce the holding time for customers that have real issues.

Just wait until May 1st and until dish announces more info, no need to jump the gun.

Thanks :)
BFG said:
Ahhh, will you folks please stop calling E* and bugging them about it, you're just wasting your's and there time, please reduce the holding time for customers that have real issues.

Just wait until May 1st and until dish announces more info, no need to jump the gun.

Thanks :)


Repeat after me...Don't listen to the CSR..."They don't know anything"....Their supervisors "don't know anything"....A lot of times when "They don't know anything" they make up things or spread rumors received from other CSR's or customers that "Don't know anything" .....

I just called Dish Network to order the HD service through them and the CSR said I had to wait until Sunday to order because it isn't in their system yet or some BS. Does this guy know what he is talking about or should I call again to see if I get someone else?
d0le said:
I just called Dish Network to order the HD service through them and the CSR said I had to wait until Sunday to order because it isn't in their system yet or some BS. Does this guy know what he is talking about or should I call again to see if I get someone else?

This seems to be a pretty consistent response that people have been getting. I'm just going to wait until Sunday.


322 receiver coax picture quality problem

942 replacement
