Dish Expands High Definition Package

jmd102354 said:
Sure it works great! But is obsolete because it is NOT mpeg4 compatible . Why would you want (buy) it if it didn't work with mpeg4 HD ??? What do you mean when you say :confused: mpeg4 does not impact the 942 ??

Since there is no mpeg4 anywhere, the 942 is not obsolete. Just because there is a discussion of possible future technolgies that do not yet exist, does not make a 942 obsolete. To make something obsolete, to me, you actually have to have something to buy to replace older technology.

When they finally announce or release a mpeg4 compatible reciever (which I think will be later next year), then that will be time to look at what the upgrade path will be.

And even then, there are going to be slews of channels that are not affected that you can still record on a 942 and they are probably not going to instantly convert any or all existing HD channels to mpeg4 until there is some sort of plan in place to migrate customers to the new technology, which will take even longer.
Can you please take this conversation elsewhere? Doesn't seem all that relevant to this thread. Thanks.

I agree, this is not the thread to be discussing what is obsolete and whats not. At this point i'm happy to be seeing that we will be getting 10 new HD channels this weekend. Hopefully with no 2nd dish or no price increase (at this time)

I just find it hard to believe that Dish can cram 10 HD channels onto the 110 satellite. That is three and a third transponders which must be freed up. Pretty good trick if you ask me.
I think until the channels appear and we know exactly what satellite they will appear on, this discussion has been over for several pages, irregardless of side threads on the 942.
peid said:
This is about the new HD channels, not ANYTHING to do with the 942. Take it else where!
The 942 is the high-end HD DVR receiver. E* has the MPEG-4 version of the 811 in demo mode at the Team Summit NOW, receiving MPEG-4 video. This discussion IS pertinant to the future of E* HD, and current decisions on what receivers to buy.
I'm a Cubs fan, I know a fair amount about hope Not bloody likely unfortunately.

John, maybe you need to switch your aligence to the Sox. They are tearing it up so far this season. :D

Do we know what channels the new networks well be located in the guide?

Here's a thought on the 110 vs. 61.5 issue...perhaps they would put 2-3 on 110 (hasnt it been siad that there was room for at least a couple on there?) as a sample or demo for all the folks on Dish 500 only...and the rest on 61.5?
peid said:
I just called Dish Network and spoke to Jesse in Advanced Technical Support.

Me: Hey, congrats on the new HD channels coming up! I have one question though.
Jesse: Thanks. What's your question?
Me: What satellite will these new 10 or so HD channels be shown on?
Jesse: Satellite 110.
Me: You're positive? Rumors are saying 61.5 and some will require a second dish.
Jesse: No, you will not need a second dish, that is why we are putting it there on 110.
Me: Thanks a lot, have a great weekend!
Jesse: Thanks for calling Dish Network.
Me: Bye
Jesse: Bye

So far so good as far as that phone call goes.

Of course, it is POSSIBLE he doesn't even know about the NEW channels yet and simply stated where the current ones are already.

Fingers crossed.

Well, another call to dish just now. This CSR said that he just got the info 5 minutes ago. It is confirmed for this Sunday the 10 new HD channels but, as of right now, they're coming out of Voom's 61.5 bird :no :no :no
I have the HD pack now (110 & 119) and hope that they somehow get the new channels on 110. I'd hate to have to put up a second dish. Looks like my 811 is going to get a workout!! :)
Fgsilva said:
Well, another call to dish just now. This CSR said that he just got the info 5 minutes ago. It is confirmed for this Sunday the 10 new HD channels but, as of right now, they're coming out of Voom's 61.5 bird :no :no :no
Pair for the course there. Never the same two answers twice!

John, maybe you need to switch your aligence to the Sox. They are tearing it up so far this season.

Do we know what channels the new networks well be located in the guide?

Aren't they #2 on the futility charts in MLB these days now that the BoSox have gotten rid of their curse? Or is that the Indians?

Either way, if the pitcher can throw at a batter, he should have to stand up in the batter's box ;)

mailman390 said:
I have the HD pack now (110 & 119) and hope that they somehow get the new channels on 110. I'd hate to have to put up a second dish. Looks like my 811 is going to get a workout!! :)
There is no magic wand to put 10 pounds into a 5 pound sack. Well, yeah there is, but it involves major compression, and that affects PQ. I think the new channels will stay on the wings for some time.
mdonnelly said:
There is no magic wand to put 10 pounds into a 5 pound sack. Well, yeah there is, but it involves major compression, and that affects PQ. I think the new channels will stay on the wings for some time.

That's what I was afraid of. We already have the 121 SuperDish w/ DP34. I would have to find another place for the new dish, buy another switch (44?) to hook it up. The SuperDish is a major eyesore, there is no way that yet another dish is going to fly in this household.
I say its going to 61.5 and 148 for a couple of reasons. For one there is a lot more space on the wings. Two they already have HD at 148 where they was demonstrating the MPEG-4 HD channels.

I do recall saying that all new HD content would be at 110 and/or the SuperDish was all that we would need. It would be cheaper and better to just put up an additional satellite to point at one of the wing satellites.
mdonnelly said:
The 942 is the high-end HD DVR receiver. E* has the MPEG-4 version of the 811 in demo mode at the Team Summit NOW, receiving MPEG-4 video. This discussion IS pertinant to the future of E* HD, and current decisions on what receivers to buy.

a demo from past experience is a long way from actually hitting the streets..
jabroni said:
I am so tempted to sell my HD Tivo and switch to Dish.... Dish also has my locals and I have waivers from CBS......SHEESH.

You lose your waiver when you swich satellite providers (unless they allow you to keep your waiver - you would have to reapply).

322 receiver coax picture quality problem

942 replacement

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