DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

Do you know anything about the Hopper system or do you just want to spout off nonsense not based in current reality? I don't mind a good rant, but at least limit yourself to complaints that are based on fact.

Hopper integration was not available at release, but they made that clear. No one was forced to upgrade to a Hopper in March, people did have the option of waiting for that feature. It exists in a basic form now (with more features to roll out in the future).
Obviously ... I have *not* kept up with Hopper .. why? because its a waste of my time to do so ... When hopper was first announced, we already knew they didn't have the integration .. and then as it rolled out ... it still didn't have the integration..

The POINT to this.. is that any half wit with any thought in their brain would have immediately asked .. "why can't it do X?" It was obvious from the get go, that Dish was ONCE AGAIN rushing technology out the door with BS firmware that would have issues, and would not have all the features or customization it should have!

Lets recap the LONG history of this that dish has.. Sling Adapter? Sling Extender? 922 .. wow you mean dual tuner receiver that *HAS* a 2nd tv output port .. but that wasn't active for about a year after? Or the 922 firmware bugs and total recordings bugs (922 stuck in record mode and used up the user space causing users to loose all recordings with a reformat, or reboots caused by just having an internet connection to some 722's, or more than 1000 recordings causing a reboot and or loss of access except through the web interface.. there are more)

Did hopper do better? ok.. maybe so.. but it still doesn't change that from DAY ONE they released a product that was not what it should have been.. weeks, months later? why? because dish didn't do the work before release, didn't listen to the people that already knew what the features *should* do etc.. history of delivering an underwhelming and "catch up" products.

And lets be clear I don't think Directv is much better.. HR34's only allow the local tv to pause live tv .. others have to be in record mode (or full fledged dvr's themselves) ... UI issues, and then the whole "esata" crap where you aren't adding to the storage, you're replacing internal with external, and of course that this will cause a loss of all recordings if you have to replace the DVR because Directv doesn't have them setup to share from the account point of view, only tied to the one dvr .... extremely short sighted, stupid and more...

but ... all things equal.. it was *dish* that dropped AMC ... and as I've said elsewhere .. that's the catalyst, the point at which their stupidity on multiple fronts has finally reached the breaking point .. for me ...

The rest that have no interest in AMC itself .. that's fine you don't feel the same way ... wait till they effect your "it" shows and channels... I was surprised at the number of people that stuck with the 922 even after they'd lost their recorded shows twice, or the people that stayed without the sports options they wanted.. obviously they hadn't reached their breaking point ... some day they will.
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TG2 said:
Obviously ... I have *not* kept up with Hopper .. why? because its a waste of my time to do so ... When hopper was first announced, we already knew they didn't have the integration .. and then as it rolled out ... it still didn't have the integration..

The POINT to this.. is that any half wit with any thought in their brain would have immediately asked .. "why can't it do X?" It was obvious from the get go, that Dish was ONCE AGAIN rushing technology out the door with BS firmware that would have issues, and would not have all the features or customization it should have!

Lets recap the LONG history of this that dish has.. Sling Adapter? Sling Extender? 922 .. wow you mean dual tuner receiver that *HAS* a 2nd tv output port .. but that wasn't active for about a year after? Or the 922 firmware bugs and total recordings bugs (922 stuck in record mode and used up the user space causing users to loose all recordings with a reformat, or reboots caused by just having an internet connection to some 722's, or more than 1000 recordings causing a reboot and or loss of access except through the web interface.. there are more)

Did hopper do better? ok.. maybe so.. but it still doesn't change that from DAY ONE they released a product that was not what it should have been.. weeks, months later? why? because dish didn't do the work before release, didn't listen to the people that already knew what the features *should* do etc.. history of delivering an underwhelming and "catch up" products.

And lets be clear I don't think Directv is much better.. HR34's only allow the local tv to pause live tv .. others have to be in record mode ... UI issues, and then the whole "esata" crap where you aren't adding to the storage, you're replacing internal with external, and of course that this will cause a loss of all recordings if you have to replace the DVR because Directv doesn't have them setup to share from the account point of view, only tied to the one dvr .... extremely short sighted, stupid and more...

but ... all things equal.. it was *dish* that dropped AMC ... and as I've said elsewhere .. that's the catalyst, the point at which their stupidity on multiple fronts has finally reached the breaking point .. for me ...

The rest that have no interest in AMC itself .. that's fine you don't feel the same way ... wait till they effect your "it" shows and channels... I was surprised at the number of people that stuck with the 922 even after they'd lost their recorded shows twice, or the people that stayed without the sports options they wanted.. obviously they hadn't reached their breaking point ... some day they will.

Here's my problem with your reasoning on the Hopper... By your theory, it would never be finished. You can continually improve a product like this to improve it. At what point is it good enough to release? Who gets to make that call? Personally, I'm glad they released it when they did, because I've been enjoying it for months. On top of that, they've steadily been releasing new firmware to improve the system's features.

"Why can't it do X?" never enters into the equation because no one is forced to upgrade. You look at the features it does have and make your decision based on that. If you need it to do X, you wait until that's rolled out before you upgrade (like those here that are waiting for OTA support). Meanwhile, those that are happy with the current feature set can go ahead and get it if they wish. We don't have numbers for Hopper adoption and customer satisfaction, but based on anecdotal evidence on this forum, it seems to have been a very well received new product launch.

Meanwhile, people are reporting bugs and suggesting new features to Dish and the improvements continue (although the latest firmware seems to be rather buggy for some users). Hopefully this continues for the life of the hardware and it gets better and better. But by your reasoning, it shouldn't be released until they've got everything including X worked out perfectly and subsequently, no further firmware updates would be needed since it is released a a mature product. That's just not really how tech rollouts usually work. But to each their own.

But all this is off topic. I recognize that to some, Dish dropping AMC is the straw that broke the camel's back. I just don't think your anti Hopper stance amounts to a viable straw preceding the AMC one.

As for the sling adapter. It worked great with my 722 and 722K and works great on my Hoppers.

I can't speak to the 922 personally because I never had one. But based on what I've read, that was a completely botched product and product roll out. Which makes the Hopper rollout stand out for being so much smoother.
But all this is off topic. I recognize that to some, Dish dropping AMC is the straw that broke the camel's back. I just don't think your anti Hopper stance amounts to a viable straw preceding the AMC one.

As for the sling adapter. It worked great with my 722 and 722K and works great on my Hoppers.

I can't speak to the 922 personally because I never had one. But based on what I've read, that was a completely botched product and product roll out. Which makes the Hopper rollout stand out for being so much smoother.
But that is part of the point ... AMC was the final straw ... not the ONLY straw ...

Just like you said.. botched ... Hopper went better.. sure.. but still.. lack of a few core features and again it begs to make you ask "what were they thinking"? ... and that's how it is today.. what in the hell was dish thinking..

as to Sling.. you missed "Sling Extender" the product that would have been like the Joey only using the sling adapter ... maybe some day they will release it .. but how much longer would that be.

As to your use of the sling .. much like my experience .. I've had a few problems, actually diagnosed and helped get some Dish IRT folks onto the right thinking and getting a partial fix in place.. and then there are the loads of users that couldn't use the Adapter at all.. and all because Dish never worked to help them resolve the issues, or even be able to give meaningful reasons as to what the problem was..

and that doesn't even begin to touch on Dish Online .. and again you must qualify that as not having a care for the hbo and other 3rd party content, but solely in the use to replace access to your DVR from Dish Remote Access .. still today I get faster response by going in through the back door to the old Dish Remote Access, and have ZERO problems getting DRA to show my content .. while at Dish Online.. I had to login .. tried refresh ... log out ... log back in, refresh again, and again before it showed my DVR's content ...

And then add to that, the dismal way in getting your recorded content to play.. you have the list of recordings, have to open up the under side of it, and get to the tiny "play" button ... but yet in that same block ... to the far right they give you an ability to "delete all" ... so what sense does it make to give you a delete all.. but not give you a simple play button? why ... its because they want you to click the title.. so that it takes you to the "about page" for that item, which would potentially take you to partnering sites and again away from content you already have recorded..

that's just ONE review of Dish Online and how bad an experience it presents *if* and ONLY if your intention is only for remote access to your personal DVR ...

mistake after mistake after mistake.. + dropping amc.. and there you have it..
Here's my problem with your reasoning on the Hopper... By your theory, it would never be finished.
You must have mis-read his post. That is not his "theory" at all. His points are quite valid.

You can continually improve a product like this to improve it. At what point is it good enough to release? Who gets to make that call?
He is not talking about improving it. He is talking about releasing it when it is functioning correctly as specified. At that point it is good enough to be released.

Personally, I'm glad they released it when they did, because I've been enjoying it for months. On top of that, they've steadily been releasing new firmware to improve the system's features.
Those same firmware updates have also been introducing bugs, or re-introducing bugs that were squashed in previous releases.

It's nice that you are glad. There are many who aren't, and maybe wish they waited. There are certainly many wives with missed or lost recordings that wished their husbands waited. (Not to mention those who are locked into new two year contracts right before their favorite channels were dropped. But, that isn't directly related to the Hopper's engineering or QA, of course.)

Dish isn't the only tech company to "release and iterate". It is common practice. But, it is very frustrating to the average consumer. People like you may put up with it, although I really don't understand why anyone would. But, it pisses most consumers off.

Do you know why Apple is so successful? It's because their crap works. It works out of the box exactly as it is advertised to work. It's also easy to use. It certainly isn't because it's the best or most cutting edge technology. It's generally one or two gen behind its competitors. But, it works as it should, and does so simply and easily.
Rey, which is AMC. To be honest, do you think it will return? It would br strange to bring it back after all these offers.

I agree it gets to a point that what else is going to be said about this issue but you all need to keep it civil. I wasn't even on until I got emails reporting this thread. You guys discuss what you want but please keep it civil.let's try to enjoy what's left of the weekend.
Already freaking out..... :eek: I already signed on with D* though. Funny thing is, I am kind of sad about leaving E*. Other than their channel dropping, they have treated me quite fair. If they hadn't dropped every NY RSN, I would have hung in there until the new season of Walking Dead started.

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