If you don't want to pass that on to your customers, then you settle for less profit or make cuts in other areas.
I almost peed myself laughing.

If you don't want to pass that on to your customers, then you settle for less profit or make cuts in other areas.
It doesn't have a sticker on the bottom that says "B Stock"?I just received my Roku today. Looks new.
I just hope enough people take advantage of the free stuff and make it hurt for dish... maybe make dish think again about it, and realize they were wrong. I'm waiting on my roku, and then disconnecting, that way I'm still getting something for my disconnection fee.
I agree with you that those in customer service should not be treated like garbage. That being said, it is very frustrating, calling pretty much any company for help, and getting a bunch of standard answers, then spending hours on the phone to work your way up the customer service ladder. I blame the companies for not training their employee's better.
It is unfortunate that the CS reps on the front lines take the brunt of angry customers complaints, but we as consumers are paying good money for our goods and services, and when we call, we should be able to get some answers in a couple of minutes on the phone, not hours of worthless babble.
Peas....really.This thread is all over the place lol.
for the record I could care less if they ever sold another pea period!
Tampa8 said:John Lacky
85 million
"When he became a free agent in 2009, Lackey signed with the Boston Red Sox. In 2011, he had one of the worst seasons by a starting pitcher in Red Sox history and the team missed the playoffs by one game after leading in the Wild Card race by 9.5 games in September."
Carl Crawford
142 Million
Played part of one year, hurt ever since. Batting avg was his worst ever.
I could go on, but it hurts.
OO my god,:rant: Dish doesn't have to offer anything. PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE!!!!
So I for one think its nice that they are. How about someone else telling use about another company that has gone to this experience to try and keep their customers happy.
TG2 said:I just hope enough people take advantage of the free stuff and make it hurt for dish... maybe make dish think again about it, and realize they were wrong. I'm waiting on my roku, and then disconnecting, that way I'm still getting something for my disconnection fee.
Anyone get the postcard in the mail today? It's basically the same content that was in the email the day AMC was dropped.
thechaz05 said:i don't see any other company going to the lengths dish is to make good on a programing change.
IMO, it's not the deals they are offering as compensation, but in how Dish goes about "giving" the compensation to it's subs. As I posted in another post, (somewhere in this giant thread,) instead of Dish just saying, "Hey, every sub who lost the 4 channels we dropped this is the how we are going to compensate you subs...Then spell out what the subs will receive, and what the terms & conditions apply. Bang! It's right there for all subs to see. Exactly what Dish is going to do for us...Again, not saying they have to do anything, as you correctly stated.
Trouble is that Dish makes each sub call in and "negotiate" what compensation they can get. This leads to different subs getting different deals. And a lot of that depends on how good the sub is at negotiation or how many "rounds" they want to go. This, IMO, is the frustrating part and this is what leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Again, I agree, by contract Dish doesn't owe us anything, but if Dish is trying to show "good faith" for their actions, then just do it across the board. Don't take away stations, then make us jump though hoops to give us what you're "giving" us.
I now step down from the Soapbox...
They also turned off the viacom channels at one point, the lifetime networks went dark, tru tv, the msg and fuse networks, the disney hd channels.Look at Dish's big disputes in the last 8 years. OLN went dark, because they refused to supply Dish the NHL game feed. The FOX dispute did hurt, as AMC currently is. Other than that, what else. My kids need to watch Shake It Up and Good Luck Charlie on SD? We had an additional Weather Channel for a weekend? TWC was never actually removed! We have seen local affiliates beening removed? Really? Remove FOX and AMC disputes, and there is very little to complain about on this front.
MSG is not regional in the sense that RSN's are. With D* you can get it in the sports pack on a national basis. And I can remember when Dish had it on a national basis too, or at least I think that's true.
I've learn to beat the system. I grow my own peas!
lparsons21 said:MSG is not regional in the sense that RSN's are. With D* you can get it in the sports pack on a national basis. And I can remember when Dish had it on a national basis too, or at least I think that's true.