DISH CES Press Conference Announcements

All your doing is putting all of that content into one app in turn that content is already on the device. People will continue to use Hulu, Neflix and Watch ESPN apps. They are not going to pay 20 bucks just to have the ability to see that content within a single app considering that its only a few clicks away on their device allready. Most TV providers such as Directv, Comcast, Cox already have solutions where that content can get streamed to the devices with a pay tv account. As a Millennial, why pay for something that I could get for free off of my parents account. All they need is the username and password to access! Millennial's wont subscribe to some sort of pay tv service until they are married and have kids, and own a home. Which wont happen because of the current student loan situation. Why pay 20 bucks when you can torrent for free is really what its going to boil down too. I like the idea behind the service but I don't think it will be accepted.
Because this is exactly what cord cutters and young ones who refuse to purchase traditional Pay-TV have been explicitly asking for, a low priced monthly service that provides a few of the most popular channels that includes ESPN without a whole bunch of channels they never watch. Believe it or not, those folks are willing to pay money for a service, but just NOT the ones we currently subscribe to that cost $80+ per month for many channels we never watch. They are willing to pay for SlingTV. It is precisely what those folks have been screaming for. Further, only a fraction of the US population know ANYTHING about Torrents. People want execute an app and start streaming/watching TV. K9, you are NO Joe Blow or Joe Sixpack, you are a rare individual with knowledge beyond the masses. Once you leave the world of forums and few friends who are also tech savvy, you come into the hundreds of millions in this country who haven't a clue what you would be talking about.
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Also torrents are illegal. Using someone else's account information is against the TOS. Some of us like to stay on the legal side of things and its great that Dish is providing that to us.
Sling TV might be aimed at the younger set but I wonder how many of us over 50 folks would go for it. I still think I might but its a wait and see. Somewhere I read that originally Dish had agreements with Turner, Scripps, and A&E. There's a few A&E networks out there they didn't mention or maybe they'll add later...History, H2, Crime And Investigation, Lifetime, LMN, Military History. As for 4K Tv for most of us its not exciting as of yet. One a curved screen would turn me away from those sets I've seen. The lack of content right now is another point for me. Probably half the country wouldn't know if they were watching a 1080P show on their current tv, and most of those folks have newer HD sets. Not sure how many will spend money on a 4K set within 5 years.
Because this is exactly what cord cutters and young ones who refuse to purchase traditional Pay-TV have been explicitly asking for, a low priced monthly service that provides a few of the most popular channels that includes ESPN without a whole bunch of channels they never watch. Believe it or not, those folks are willing to pay money for a service, but just NOT the ones we currently subscribe to that cost $80+ per month for many channels we never watch. They are willing to pay for SlingTV. It is precisely what those folks have been screaming for. Further, only a fraction of the US population know ANYTHING about Torrents. People want execute an app and start streaming/watching TV. K9, you are NO Joe Blow or Joe Sixpack, you are a rare individual with knowledge beyond the masses. Once you leave the world of forums and few friends who are also tech savvy, you come into the hundreds of millions in this country who haven't a clue what you would be talking about.

I'm young and fall into this category and haven't been asking for this. The only reason why I even have a cable subscription is for my Chicago sports. If it wasn't for that I would not sub, to this or any service because I am happy with Hulu, and OTA. Also, I am pretty sure that just about everyone in my generation know what a torrent is. (Under 35) If they tell you they don't they are lieing, or living under a rock. Yes people want ala cart but the majority of sporting events can be had via other means, including watch ESPN. Believe it or not people do share passwords to access Watch ESPN. Even my 10 year old daughter knows how to get to sites that host torrents and illegal movies. Most people in my generation already get the content they want via other means. I don't think this will change anything. What I think is that this is a marketing ploy to get cord cutters to get a few basic channels that they can already get via other means IE: hulu, watch espn, ect. HULU plus has everything a cord cutter would need from the channels young people like myself watch. Why order Comedy Central via a web subscription when I can watch Tosh.O on Hulu plus a few short hours after it airs, on my own time, and when I feel like watching. Also, I can see Hulu on any of my TV's and smart phones already. Same goes for Watch ESPN. I do see happening is dish will offer the service, and will get undercut by the content providers who will offer the same content via their own subscription services. Dont believe me? Look at what CBS is doing now as they are putting their own content package together in a similar fashion.
I'm young and fall into this category and haven't been asking for this. The only reason why I even have a cable subscription is for my Chicago sports. If it wasn't for that I would not sub, to this or any service because I am happy with Hulu, and OTA. Also, I am pretty sure that just about everyone in my generation know what a torrent is. (Under 35) If they tell you they don't they are lieing, or living under a rock. Yes people want ala cart but the majority of sporting events can be had via other means, including watch ESPN. Believe it or not people do share passwords to access Watch ESPN. Even my 10 year old daughter knows how to get to sites that host torrents and illegal movies. Most people in my generation already get the content they want via other means. I don't think this will change anything. What I think is that this is a marketing ploy to get cord cutters to get a few basic channels that they can already get via other means IE: hulu, watch espn, ect. HULU plus has everything a cord cutter would need from the channels young people like myself watch. Why order Comedy Central via a web subscription when I can watch Tosh.O on Hulu plus a few short hours after it airs, on my own time, and when I feel like watching. Also, I can see Hulu on any of my TV's and smart phones already. Same goes for Watch ESPN. I do see happening is dish will offer the service, and will get undercut by the content providers who will offer the same content via their own subscription services. Dont believe me? Look at what CBS is doing now as they are putting their own content package together in a similar fashion.
Again, you are NOT the norm nor do you represent the vast majority of young people I've encountered who refuse to pay for traditional pay-TV nor do you represent the young people of the demographic that all market research as identified as those, the vast majority, who ARE willing to pay for a service like Sling TV, or possible Apple TV, etc. The fact you have a 10 year old daughter takes you even FURTHER out of the norm for the demographic. Again, K9, you are in the exceptional category, NOT the common one. Such services are NOT for you, but are what the majority of others have been dying for.
Again, you are NOT the norm nor do you represent the vast majority of young people I've encountered who refuse to pay for traditional pay-TV nor do you represent the young people of the demographic that all market research as identified as those, the vast majority, who ARE willing to pay for a service like Sling TV, or possible Apple TV, etc. The fact you have a 10 year old daughter takes you even FURTHER out of the norm for the demographic. Again, K9, you are in the exceptional category, NOT the common one. Such services are NOT for you, but are what the majority of others have been dying for.

I am within the norm and I fall within that targeted age group of 18-35. People have kids young (early 20's here).. haven't you seen 16 and pregnant! Or perhaps you should watch a little show called Jerry Springer! LOL The way you judge and how you posted / what you said, shows that you don't fall within the demographic and you are trying to tell my generation what we want to watch and how we should watch it. Remember people dont like change and they will keep the habits they have now when it comes to how they watch. If they like hulu and get the content they want there they are not going to stop going to hulu. I have experience as I am within the demographic and I know what collage kids are doing as I live in a collage town and have friends who go to the U of A. Plus, I work with a bunch of great guys who just came out of college, and none of them would subscribe because there was a reason why they dropped cable in the first place. They could get the same content for cheaper and at other places. Yes, I know more about whats going on in the industry than most and while you claim to be an expert at what my age group is living, I can tell you its going to be harder to get people to sign up for a service like this than what you think. After all lets look at another service who targets the same demographic, IE: WWE Network and they are barely afloat. While there may be a mad rush initially, kids my age wont sub because they already have their viewing habits set in stone. Anyone 40+ wont get it. But that's how my generation is.
I am 28, and think this will fit quite a bit of my friends. Not the ones who would come to this site, or any other real forum, but those that just have an XBox or PS4 setup, they would use this and even pay for it. I also live in a college town(about 7 miles from ASU) and most the kids there would also do it, for the same reason. I have to agree that people that come to this forum are not going to be the target audience. The target audience are going to be those that just want to sit on their gaming systems and have everything together. Especially those that subscribe to Netflix and Gamefly. The kids that just want a simple solution with a simple setup.
Also great for a certain set of friends that like to go camping with a projector, PS4 and internet(don't say it, Iknow,it is not camping.), they would love to have the playoff games out there. This just seems like a solution to all thsoe that have already wanted to borrow my DA info.
Also great for a certain set of friends that like to go camping with a projector, PS4 and internet(don't say it, Iknow,it is not camping.), they would love to have the playoff games out there. This just seems like a solution to all thsoe that have already wanted to borrow my DA info.

Haha. Yea it seems like the people who are single and live in an apartment would want this, but the moment they set up a 2nd tv for this they are screwed with the one stream limit.
ATSC would require the signal be re-encoded/compressed in MPEG2 and then piped through an ATSC modulator. Dish would probably have enough volume to bring the ATSC component costs in line, but they would be going it alone.
Not to mention their contracts with programmers prohibit them from transmitting in ATSC to consumers.
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Most of them only have one stream at a time. They are funny like that. I was a huge TV guy when I was a kid, so that is why I am so adamant about the traditional service, but after hanging out with some of these folks for the last long while, they stream in their bedroom and living room. Never both at the same time. Youtube is actually the most common thing up.
Through the fact that the majority of Americans can get CBS OTA, paying that much for CBS alone wouldnt be warranted. I would like to see maybe CBS channels and Showtime channels together in the package for $6.99, and that would be worth it. Any less channels, no. Any more price, no. That would be a happy medium.
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I haven't read through all the posts in this thread in the last 24 hours, but are there any screen shots of the new UI? That's the only real problem I have with the Hopper is that the UI seems a bit dated.

Switching Hoppers from room to room

Hard Drive Bargain Watch, Part Deux

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