I'd love to see the back and open front of the H3.
very naughty... Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind, though... Well I could, but then I'd be lying...
I like the HwS's facelift... I was wondering how the HwS was going to fit in with the new fancy remotes/receivers... Didn't think about a simple facelift but that's the most practical solution!
As for the remotes, first thought that comes to mind is I
love that they use 2 AA's vs 4 AAA's. I usually have spare AA's around the house, AAA's, not so much, and certainly not 4... The 4 AAA's defintely lasted a lot longer than expected, so even though it was a pain to replace them, the fact they lasted a quite reasonable amount of time made up for it.
The new remotes are so small... I'm going to need a new home defense weapon now (actually had six or eight the majority of the time.) I've been used to the "old" layout for nearly a decade, so not sure what to think of the new ones. The learning curve's not bad at all, and I'm sure the majority will appreciate the smaller size, fancy design and vastly reduced amount of keys. They certainly fit in with the designs of all my other TV/Blu-Ray/etc. remotes. Actually they're really good looking. They certainly make the 40 look a bit old fashioned now. I'll be keeping 40's around for nostalgic/power user purposes. The 40s now look like they might've once belonged to a machine that still relied on punch cards/tape reels

. I remember when the 20's/21's made the 6's/etc look archaic... The 40s are identical except they look better being black (thankfully the 722k was black, geez the silver 622 was fugly, even back then silver was out and black was in. At least it wasn't white!)