Dish and Disney

Mr Do Gooder - let the paying customer decide what they want.

That's exactly what I'm proposing.

Aren't you tired of someone telling you, "I know you want SYFY, but what you REALLY need is 20 CD channels you're never gonna tune in! Now, THAT'S value!"
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There are a few channels that I would like, but I'm not willing to fork over another $10 to $20 per month for them. But there are dozens on the AT120 that are wasted space on my Guide. My point is that channels that ppl want to watch should be the channels ppl are allowed to choose. The choice is made for me by some nameless CEO (or in this case Charlie). If the channels are worth it and you as a company believe they are worth it put your money where your mouth is and let me pick and choose the channels I and my family want based on what I can afford. I shouldn't be restricted from viewing let's say BBC America because I can't afford to bump up my subscription. If they ever did that and allowed the consumer real power to choose (or we stood up and demanded the right to choose) then a lot of these niche channels would disappear. It's alot like the new Vonage commercial where the "thieves" (media service providers) are robbing this family blind and the family members say, "Thank you" as they hand over their possessions. With each bill we pay to a company that doesn't allow us real choice we are relinquishing our power as consumers, bending over, taking our spanking, and saying, "Thank you sir! May I have another!?"

I would love to decide what channels I want. Let me put my own package together. I don't need 10 religious channels. My kids are grown, so you can keep all of the cartoon channels. I don't need fox news, and CNN. One of them will do. Don't need the shopping channels. I don't speak spanish, so you can take those off. I don't listen to music on my T.V., so I don't need the music channels. Just sitting here and going through the guide, I could do just fine with about 20-25 channels. That includes my major network locals.
You people just don't get it. If you think it's solely Dish making the decisions on how to structure their packages, or if you think that removing those 10 religious channels and shopping channels will somehow save you money (quite the opposite), then well, think again.
You people just don't get it. If you think it's solely Dish making the decisions on how to structure their packages, or if you think that removing those 10 religious channels and shopping channels will somehow save you money (quite the opposite), then well, think again.

While Dish is given, forced or paid to take certain channels it is also in their interest to have lots of channels in the channel count so they can say we offer 120, 200 or 250 channels. That way when their packages are compared to other providers Dish can claim they have more or at least the same number of channels in their packages.

People also do the math the Americas 120 package is only $.30 a month per channels. If you cut it down the 20 - 30 channels that are actually worth watching the cost would closer to a $1.00.
I almost hope it does go to what everyone is crying for. Then maybe they will see that it can't work that way. There will be some niche channel that you love that will no longer be in existance because ot enough people want to watch it. You end up having fewer channels and end up paying the same amount of money. I don't think anyone realizes how nice they actually have it right now.

I'd like to see the complainers actually work for a TV provider and see what it takes to make things work. There is no way they make all of you happy.
While Dish is given, forced or paid to take certain channels it is also in their interest to have lots of channels in the channel count so they can say we offer 120, 200 or 250 channels. That way when their packages are compared to other providers Dish can claim they have more or at least the same number of channels in their packages.

People also do the math the Americas 120 package is only $.30 a month per channels. If you cut it down the 20 - 30 channels that are actually worth watching the cost would closer to a $1.00.

I don't know that it'll save me money. And never said that it would. I would be willing to pay $1 or $2 per channel for channels I actually watch. I do now in all reality and likely more because I never watch many of the channels on my guide. My point is CHOICE. And I have no idea how the whole system works. What I do know is that it isn't set up to work for the customer. It is set up to work for the corporations. We have bought into the idea that a SAM'S CLUB membership works for all types of business. But even at SAM'S I can purchase what I want or need even if I have to buy enough for a lifetime. I will eventually use it or give it away. I don't have that option with pay TV. Those who own the channels and those who deliver (dare I say) the service have lost touch. The customer is no longer always right. The customer is to be exploited. If I can afford let's say $50 per month but I have the option of AT120 and the myriad channels but there are channels to which I don't have access because of tiered packages that cost too much, or I can choose 15 to 25 channels I and my family will actually watch of all the channels offered by the provider (whomever that may be), I'd rather pick the 15 or 25 and have the option to choose.
Well if the TV providers can find a way to give the consumer the exact channels they want and still manage to make enough profit then maybe they will and everyone can be happy. If the TV providers can not make enough profit then it will never happen. There is no point in giving the customer what they want if you can't profit from it. It's a buisiness and they need to profit to survive. I kow that everyone understands that to a certain degree but sometimes it makes me wonder.
Yes, but because of the multiple channel ownership of the media conglomerates, they would unlikely offer that kind of choice. For instance, they might not let you choose one of their channels (say, Disney channel) without also paying for the ESPNs, ABC Family, Hallmark, etc. That is the main driving force behind the creation of the programming packages to begin appease the content providers. The first step in getting real choice in programming is to repeal the 1996 Telecom Act and limit channel ownership an entity can own/control.
Yes, but because of the multiple channel ownership of the media conglomerates, they would unlikely offer that kind of choice. For instance, they might not let you choose one of their channels (say, Disney channel) without also paying for the ESPNs, ABC Family, Hallmark, etc. That is the main driving force behind the creation of the programming packages to begin appease the content providers. The first step in getting real choice in programming is to repeal the 1996 Telecom Act and limit channel ownership an entity can own/control.

So, we are in effect propping up channels that cannot survive in the real market place. That's what I've been saying.
Well if the TV providers can find a way to give the consumer the exact channels they want and still manage to make enough profit then maybe they will and everyone can be happy. If the TV providers can not make enough profit then it will never happen. There is no point in giving the customer what they want if you can't profit from it. It's a buisiness and they need to profit to survive. I kow that everyone understands that to a certain degree but sometimes it makes me wonder.

True. But if we would vote with our dollars by keeping them in our pockets, they certainly wouldn't be making a profit then until they hear our voice and provide the service we demand instead of pushing packages we don't want or need.
Well if the TV providers can find a way to give the consumer the exact channels they want and still manage to make enough profit then maybe they will and everyone can be happy. If the TV providers can not make enough profit then it will never happen. There is no point in giving the customer what they want if you can't profit from it. It's a buisiness and they need to profit to survive. I kow that everyone understands that to a certain degree but sometimes it makes me wonder.

The way the packages are set up now, from customer stand point and business side is probably the best. There are some channels I don't use and some you don't. They all get to be seen. :D
I actually don't see much of a problem with the way it is. There are a lot of channels I want to watch and I have no problem paying to see them. If I didn't want to pay for them then I would drop to a lower package. It's that simple.
So, we are in effect propping up channels that cannot survive in the real market place. That's what I've been saying.
Yes, but it also sounds like you're saying that Dish and Direct are the ones who hold the cards in making the change in the situation. For the most part, they don't.
Yes, but it also sounds like you're saying that Dish and Direct are the ones who hold the cards in making the change in the situation. For the most part, they don't.

They are the ones with whom we (customers) deal. If we put the pressure on them, then they will have no choice but to put the pressure on the owners.
Please keep me up to date with what is going on between Dish and Disney i wish they would settle this lawsuit so we can those channels back in HD.
Last I heard they had a fist fight in the negotiation room and were scheduling a rematch on WWE.:D
Please keep me up to date with what is going on between Dish and Disney i wish they would settle this lawsuit so we can those channels back in HD.

the answer hasnt changed since earlier in the thread...As scott pointed out

I talked to both friends at DISH and ESPN (I live down the street from ESPN) and am told that talks are worse now then they ever have been.
Asking for an update every week is just a waste of time. Assume there is no update unless Scott or someone else with connections on the inside posts an update.

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Please keep me up to date with what is going on between Dish and Disney i wish they would settle this lawsuit so we can those channels back in HD.

I'll let Booker T give ya a better answer than I can..............................

the answer hasnt changed since earlier in the thread...As scott pointed out

I talked to both friends at DISH and ESPN (I live down the street from ESPN) and am told that talks are worse now then they ever have been.

Well if they are this bad for DISNEY channels I can only imagine how bad they will be when the Espn contract comes up for renewal.

Dish America now missing Cooking Channel.

Dish & NY Sports

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