Though I like VOD and avail myself of some of the content, I am an old school "channel surfer". I would love to have 20 good, commercial free, push service channels. Not movie channels, per se. But like the old cable channels when cable first came to my area. TLC (owned by Appalachian Community Service Network) which was commercial free, CBS Cable commercial free, Entertainment Channel with a ton of CBC stuff commercial free, Bravo before it became crap commercial free, AMC commercial free, Nickelodeon commercial free, most "real" sports were still on broadcast TV and I actually got to see more Reds games than I do now.
The point is that with more and more channels the pool gets shallower and shallower. We have a ton of choices, but if you looks at what each channel has to offer, they can't afford to do a whole lot because the audience is so diluted. So the programming suffers. Just look at the crap on the Discovery Networks now vs ever 5 years ago! Thank goodness we still have PBS to provide real educational programming!