I am hearing we will have it within the next 30 days.
I wonder what package it will be in. If I remember correctly, years ago it was in HD Platinum (what is now Blockbuster @ Home) on channel 374 (or something close to that) as an HD only channel. However, I know from previous channels added back or rebrandings,etc. like Sundance Channel, Fashion TV, Velocity,etc. that the channels end up in entirely new packages. However, this does not always hurt my feelings if I do not watch the channel or would not watch the channel after the rebranding to incur a future price increase. To be honest. I do not think I ever watched The Smithsonian Channel when we had it those years or even when we have it on the Roku. However, I am sure son may enjoy it. From what I remember though, it seemed like the same programs over and over again.