My Dish antenna blew over on its back from the tripod last Thursday night. The soil is sandy and there's no apparent damage to the antenna, mast, arm or LNBF. The Check Switch screen shows good connection and devices. Currently, 119 is in Port 2, per the owner's manual, I moved the Dish 9 degrees East and 129 appears in Port 1. I moved the Dish back to the West to get rid of 129, but have yet to obtain Satellite 110. Thursday before I left home I upgraded to Top 250 and enjoyed the channels that night, the first night in camp. Then wind storm came through. As you know I missing many channels and Dish Home dosen't function either. A popup box informs me I need to upgrade to Dish 500. That's what I have with DPP Twin LNBF.
I worked this afternoon with the antenna changing the elevation/skew slightly to see if I could find 110. It appears that even with a good "check switch" my antenna has became a Dish 300.
Can you provide any information on this problem.
I worked this afternoon with the antenna changing the elevation/skew slightly to see if I could find 110. It appears that even with a good "check switch" my antenna has became a Dish 300.
Can you provide any information on this problem.