Disgruntled VOOM Employee

Do you really think anyone that works for voom could even afford it? ha thats a joke
i know oh so well/ i work my a** off for my 8.50 an hour and put in overtime on a regular basis to get a decent check
andrzej said:
Very true and happens all the time because this job doesn't require much training or knowledge.

It does require training, to be a good csa. And in the way of knowledge, that is a crock. In order to provide the best cust service possible you do have to know your stuff, although it is just that many of the csr that are hired don't know their stuff, so it gives us that do know our job and thrive to be better a larger responsibility. This responsibility includes improving our knowledge and others that do not have the same knowledge. This job requires the employees to have a specific type of personality or else you have people going home and commiting suicide. Hey its true ...i have seen it first hand.
Maybe like 3 of the people that work for the Sales center in San Antonio actually have voom, but we do get to watch voom on a daily basis. The voom people were nice enough to provide us with 4 high def tv's for the sales center and hook us up with voom. So if you ever call in an a sales rep says that "so and so channel is awesome I like it alot" its probably because they got a chance to actually watch the channel and do really think its awesome. We do get all the locals however and it seems most of the time we are watching some sort of sporting event though ;). Personally I would get the voom service but I dont have a credit card (dont like them much) and I cant have satellite installed in my apartment complex. Other then that it is a much better alternative to Time Warner.
Voom sucks

As an installer I have heard everything! The best though is when i arrive at the customers home and tell them about their locals. They say "well voom told me I will get all my locals with the antenna they provide"! Yea right what a joke. I work in the East and in a hilly terrain area. Therefore locals are not a given with a piece of sh*t sensar amplified antenna. The best now is that winegard screwed up the new multiswitches so that no voltage goes to the antenna to amp it. Of course there is a fix per voom all you have to do is install the switch then bypass it to a diplexer then into a 2 way voom switch and it will work. How funny is that! I have had it with voom its driving all installers here in the east friggin nuts! I hope that bird falls outta the sky right on cablevisions HQ's! :mad:
Gee, did you wake up with the wrong foot on VOOM today... This is the third thread in a row that I have seen from you posting the same thing. If you hate it so much, stop talking about it and move on to Dish and DirecTv and give that love and feeling to them. We do not need to hear your story repeated three or four times in a minute in 4 different threads with four different topics at hand. It gets old even after a few minutes of reading the same thing.
Oh I'm sorry thought this was a site to post on voom, good or bad. I see we just want positive comments. Ok well buy voom by all means. I'm sure you will love it! I'll be glad to hook up your directv or dish when you have it deinstalled or they go belly up!
SatinstallerhatesVOOM said:
Oh I'm sorry thought this was a site to post on voom, good or bad. I see we just want positive comments. Ok well buy voom by all means. I'm sure you will love it! I'll be glad to hook up your directv or dish when you have it deinstalled or they go belly up!

It is a site to put your experience whether is bad or good. But when you are telling the same story in 4 different threads and not contributing to the issues at hand, it is called "Trolling" and maybe you should move on to where this could be tolerated but not here. If you did not know I would not have anyone like you in my property. You are the kind of person that leaves bad impression about people who are trying to do a job for a living.
if i hate to install voom the way he does i would just decline the install i would not be out there in this weather installing something that i hated that bad.

p.s. I can't also say that the de-install are far and few between these day not had hardly any here in Indy and i can tell you that for a fact cause i see every job do in the state from the QC report everyweek.
Gruntled VOOM CSA

Just as a quick note I left VOOM because of the abuse. They tried to keep us working while toxic gas was in the building (wonder why people did not come in the next day), keep us from lunch, They punished us for policies we followed however they changed them without telling us. Empty promises, They fired one guy while he was on paternity leave and stuck in a hospital with his wife and sick kid, CSA's threatening suicide and now VOOM itself is falling apart. I wish I had much more to add however many like me have quit.

A lot of this has to do with mishandled management. If we were not so scared of losing our bottom wage CSA jobs those of you out there need to rise up against your bean counting, fake smile, poop shoveling management corn pies. Who cares if they wont listen if you can't take down your progam take down the whole company. Who cares if your not unionized. Just don't do anything that will get you a prison number.

BTW Do not email VOOM the email team has dwindled to less than a handfull and it takes them forever to answer you.... correctly.

Now that it is over my steam has been dwilndled and I see sunshine as I get up in the morning. My new job is nothing like Dakotah/West or VOOM at least they fill my head with happy sprinkles when they are telling me to bend over. :p J/K they treat me well....
BTW Do not email VOOM the email team has dwindled to less than a handfull and it takes them forever to answer you.... correctly.

I spoke with them online yesturday, and was answered in about 10 seconds. My install is still scheduled for tomorrow (012605). Can't wait.... :)
I don't know zip about Voom but I have been with several large company's in my time and all the ones that went belly up absolutely made it a protocol to keep " business as usual " until the very moment they pulled the plug. They would stand to loose allot of revenue if they did it any other way. From a business point of view if Voom were making money they would not be selling their sat and uplink center. So whats coming for V*, who knows, but I would say that if a company that already has a huge customer base in place and also a full channel lineup were to add Vooms HD channels it could go well for them. Just my OP
Well I've heard it all: " what's next Lawsuit's", For the " Voomer's on this site. Who can say " Voom " is worst then " PrimeStar, Dish,DTV or Cable. ", in content. " customer service is a little weak, installers are mostly weak," but they also install " Dish, DTV ", could be the main problem. "who know's". Voomer 12-16-2003 and still happy>
Bings said:
BTW Do not email VOOM the email team has dwindled to less than a handfull and it takes them forever to answer you.... correctly.

I spoke with them online yesturday, and was answered in about 10 seconds. My install is still scheduled for tomorrow (012605). Can't wait.... :)

Not to criticize, however there is a difference between email and online chat, and if you send an email with an easy question like whens my install of course they will answer it fast because it takes 2 second albeit if the computer works right to look that up and use the correct canned resopnse.

With chat a CSA can take on 3 customers at a time.
I wasn't surprised what happened to VOOM, BTW and I was there when it happened One Of the VOOM bigwigs (rob something or another) was caught watching Playboy Hot HD at the Spokane Operations Call Center (when that was around) A call went back to NY about it and He had to fly back Jobless.... anyways I hope those Who stuck it out Is enjoying Dish I hear they are better. Don't know much of their call centers. I moved to a Better job with Webdesign
I wasn't surprised what happened to VOOM, BTW and I was there when it happened One Of the VOOM bigwigs (rob something or another) was caught watching Playboy Hot HD

I was there When Rob got fired not when Voom crashed :o
This is a sore spot. It's not that they only know 25 words. They actually speak very good english. I have been dealing with the Cisco reps that are farmed off shore to India. I was told that Cisco pays them one fraction of the cost of a call taken in the U.S. I was told exactly how much, but it is not important. The main issue is not in how many words they can say correctly, or how they put sentences together. The real problem is in how they understand what you are saying to them. I will admit that in some cases, I have gotten nowhere between 3 or 4 of those guys. Then I call Cisco and threaten to drop my contract with them if I don't get a US engineer. Usually, 15 minutes after I get the US Engineer, I am fixed and on my way.

Let's list how many company's suck, just because they started farming their support center out to India. I will start the list with two big names:


I am not saying that I have anything against the citizens of India. I do not. I have gotten several Ace, #1, hot shot experts that were in India. This is over the past 6 or 7 years, and many calls. The tech are very pleasant, eager to help, they think they know what they are doing. It's too bad that customer satisfaction comes from the timeliness resolution of the trouble, if it wasn't for that, they all would be great. JM

DarrellP said:
At least we don't have to talk to Ravi in India who only knows 25 English words.

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