Discussion: Who is Interested in a C-band or Large Dish Purchase? Build and Cost?

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I think, if we speak about hobby, than price can not be main obstacle, who cares. Some hobbies are much more expensive (art, cars, postmarks etc.). So, in SAT things quality and performance should be main benchmark.
In case of high winds, some dishes have very good survival capabilities. Of course, it is Tornado #4-5 than does not matter, any dish will fly away.
Plastic dishes like Andrew, Prodelin and others are one of the bests, IMHO. And if somebody has possibility to install big dishes than it is proper way to go.
:hail: Very great conversation going on here! :hail:

Like most of you I have tons of quality legacy dishes available for free within an hour's drive. Pick and choose what I want for myself or to place on top of the business. The only time that I require a new dish is for a customer and they typically have the budget to afford a product readily available to the commercial market. I have always felt that if I stocked a quality mesh design, I might sell a few to hobbyists and the majority to commercial installers for clients with lower budgets.

Frankly speaking, I have discussed a Titanium Satellite $700 + shipping, 10', 8 panel (16 section), quality construction, mesh dish with polarmount project with many in the industry and forum members. I expressed that in my opinion, it would be very risky to bring in any more than 50 units as this would likely be a multi-year supply. Listening to the passionate feedback, I was starting to believe that I was mistaken and they should sell quite well. Most reasoned that the tek2000 dishes were being dissed because they were too cheap and majority of potential buyers were holding out for a quality dish and would consider sub $1000 delivered to be an excellent deal. Another party has been interested in selling a similar 8' model

Seems that only one SatelliteGuys member bought a Tek2000 dish. The member who posted real photos and product review indicated that it was decent construction and felt that it was a good value. Other than the questions about who was selling and what was being sold, why have the low cost tek2000 mesh dishes not been of interest? Do you feel that the newbie hobbyists mostly want a free local legacy dish or a cheap new 2.4m solid 6 panel dish like Sadoun, Satellite AV and WSI used to sell?

Another consideration.... I want the C-band hobbyist base to continue to grow, but what will the old-timers get behind to promote to the newbies. While the majority of us have an interest in electronics and love to scrounge, "Go find an old dish" doesn't appeal to some newbies (especially the cord cutters). They often want to assemble something with directions and a chance of having all of the working parts included. :D
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I would have been all over this deal if it were not for the timing of it. Last month for me was the equivalent of a financial forest fire after being rear ended by an uninsured driver and having my car totaled out.

I have been looking for a new C-band dish for some time that would be affordable and of reasonable quality.

I am still looking for a reasonable C-band option, just have to wait a few months for finances to normalize.
It's the age of the internet, and it's the age of China prices.

Everybody wants to "save money", but they want/NEED everything in installments. Most people live paycheck to paycheck. They simply can't understand that a one-time cost $700 Dish plus say $300 shipping for a total cost of $1,000 could be BETTER than $100.00 per month subscription, which is $1,200 a year. See, that one-time cost dish paid for itself after 10 months. People are also jaded nowadays because most people in their 30- 40's and up have already seen nearly ALL the programming that's been available for 60 years, over and over again. Then you have the internet, where nearly everything is available for FREE, if you want it free. That doesn't require a 10 ft dish sitting in your yard either, or $1,000 lump sum right up front.

There's so much more to say, but saying it's a "limited market" boils it all down nicely.

People will have to be re-educated that these systems still exist. Then, I'd say your biggest market would be to TARGET the "sportsguys" with how one of these could be their holy grail... That's your biggest money market right there...
In my opinion if Tek2000 was an established company that everyone knew most cord cutters would buy there 8ft mesh. If Sadoun, Titanium, Amiko or Rick's offered the same dish at the same price I'd bet sales would be strong.

Maybe if I offer to deliver it, set it up, and hand out $50 someone might accept it.

Sold!! I'll settle for delivery to Arkansas :D
I have a high quality commercial 9ft. dish I can't even give away for free.

I can't figure out why no one has claimed that beauty!

I agree that newbies are unlikely to plunk down $1000 for a high quality consumer dish. I was considering the Titanium 10' to appeal to a hobbyist wanting something new and of a quality build, but not able or willing to purchase a $2000 - $5000 commercial product. It also seems that most hobbyists are unwilling to plunk down $400 or $500 for lesser quality or smaller size. Where does this leave the growth or even maintenance of the interested consumer?
but not able or willing to purchase a $2000 - $5000 commercial product.
There is one 5meter dish, seems not self-made on sale for only 1,5 grands. I am really puzzled, it is still on sale. Screen_38 May. 24 22.25.jpg
, etc. as
I agree that newbies are unlikely to plunk down $1000 It also seems that most hobbyists are unwilling to plunk down $400 or $500 for lesser quality or smaller size. Where does this leave the growth or even maintenance of the interested consumer?

It's going the same direction Amateur Radio is headed. Up coming generations ask why would you do all that antenna, radio stuff to talk to someone in a far away place when the internet can do that perfectly clear in seconds.
New FTA hobbyists candidates are using software solutions to achieve their desires and don't want to mess with hardware, especially big stuff like dishes. There are a few of you out there that have got bitten by the bug, welcome and hang in there. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy wild feeds, network stuff, etc, while I stll can :)
There is one 5meter dish, seems not self-made on sale for only 1,5 grands. I am really puzzled, it is still on sale.View attachment 97670

I am surprised no one has retrofitted that for transmission.

It's going the same direction Amateur Radio is headed. Up coming generations ask why would you do all that antenna, radio stuff to talk to someone in a far away place when the internet can do that perfectly clear in seconds.
New FTA hobbyists candidates are using software solutions to achieve their desires and don't want to mess with hardware, especially big stuff like dishes. There are a few of you out there that have got bitten by the bug, welcome and hang in there. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy wild feeds, network stuff, etc, while I stll can :)

I agree with this. Although once I do get the current dish I have setup, I will be looking for a Bullseye II I just wish there was a sub 200 dollar option for that feed horn out there. Brian what is the approximate dealer cost to do a run of Cband Dish's? I know there are storage fees and other stuff involved but would it be worth it to have a bunch in stock over time even if they trickle out the door? Also you have to remember the TV station market where you could also sell that to them as a cheap way to get network feeds. Knowing most stations they would take a low cost option, especially the small mom and pop ones.

Too bad there wasn't a flat panel cband and KU band dish that one could put on the roof and not have the need for a motor. That would be cool.
When I first retired I had bonus money that was a nice extra lump sum to spend on what I wanted. I spent most of it on ham radio gear, antennas, tower, etc... Then I found out about FTA. Before that moment, it was a secret and a mystery to me. Its a wonderful hobby and I enjoy it very much, but... When I have people over here it is always the same remarks "why do you need so many dishes?" I usually answer somewhere around the response of "I'm obsessive". The people I talk to fade quickly because it is high maintenance, and they want an electronic program guide.

But there is no greater thrill than seeing that high definition feed you just found. C band forever.

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Well, thanks to this thread, I went ahead and bought one of Mike's dishes.

I'd say in addition to the deadlines, visibility is another reason why these dishes did not sell as well.

When I first saw his thread before his original May 16 deadline it was on Thursday. That was just not enough time to get together the funds so I thought I'd missed the boat and didn't come back to the thread after that.

But then thanks to this thread I saw that the deadline was extended. I had not noticed Scott had posted a reply on 5/22 in the thread.

I don't always check these forums every day and when I do I don't always check all the subforums. Buried away in the C-band sub-forum and not a sticky thread makes it easier to miss things.
i always felt i was frugal, but my friends tell me i am just cheap.
90% of my dishes have been free, the rest i paid very little. last weekend just picked up a 10ft winegard for 75 bucks.

I thought 400 dollars was a good price for a new 10' dish, but i would probably never pay that much for something that is so available in my area.
the winegard was 1 of three that i have had my eye on for a bit. still trying for the other 2 :)
The only thing stopping me right now is storage, not price. I could pony up the money, but until I have a house (or a family member willing to let me use some basement space for a few years) I don't see myself buying a big dish soon. My fiancee would NOT be pleased if I had boxes full of BUD on the balcony.
I'll fess up, I also purchased an 8' system from Tek2000. For the price the dish is OK. There are some things that could probably been done better on the mount, but so far so good. Have only had it up for 7 days now, but it does a decent job and so far am pleased. There were no instructions, so it would of been a real hair puller if you have never seen a polar mount.

For me it was about $750 to the door for a complete system. Not exactly chump change, but not a great deal either. I think it was a fair price for what was received.

Most people have stated it here prior to my post. Most people want the PLUG AND PLAY. Also, most people don't think there is anything left to see on the satellites. I had forgotten about it until I saw something on the internet about FTA and checked it out. I had been involved before, but had moved into town and had forgotten about it. We all know that there is quite a bit of stuff available and most of it is of decent quality.

We all enjoy the challenge of setting something up and making it work. So, that makes us a bit different from the Plug and Play crowd. We also like to know what makes something tick. So we are a niche market. Fortunately, there are other people that will venture into the hobby. We just need to do a better job of getting the word out and to emphasize that it is not a replacement for the other sources of TV, as most folks can't get by without their Movie and Music channels.
It could also be pointed out that the cost of one of these BUDs and shipping it out is the same amount as the cost of subscribing to cable television or pizza satellite for a year.

Perhaps people are shocked by that $900+ all at once upfront price. When it's broken down into $80 a month chunks for a year however it is not so shocking.
Where I live there is no market. I'm surrounded by free quality dishes for the taking. I'm storing them now. It is a great deal considering the overall cost of installing a c-band dish. If I lived in the "Rust Belt" I would like having a new condition unit for sure. But there are 40's & 50's era cars in farmers fields with little rust and C-Band dishes don't rust here either. But if somebody isn't a FTAer and doesn't care for the hobby, just wants a dish, there are very few consumer options. Oddly enough the hobby crowd may not be the best retail market.

My 10 footer is visible from the main road. In the 7 months that it has been mounted, 5 people have stopped by and asked me if I wanted their dishes. I'm about 200 miles west of you Magic Static. I had no idea there were this many unwanted dishes within 3 miles of my home.
Discussion: Who is Interested in a C-band or Large Dish Purchase? Build and C...

Doubt that we will ever see a motorized fresnel C-band dish in production. Design really is only practical for a fixed multi-satellite mount with several adjacent satellites. Not very good performance for the surface area and it would take up quite a large footprint. I can just imagine the low WAF (Wife Approval Factor) on the installation of a 15-20' fresnel and taking over the entire yard behind it for placing multiple feedhorns.

Flat panels are available but at a very high cost and they require a substantially larger surface area to provide adequate gains.

Stamped or mesh panel prime focus type dishes are the least expensive way to provide the necessary signal gain and be shipped at a reasonable cost. One piece formed or spun provide the best performance, but are extremely expensive to ship. The regional manufacturing and/or distribution with local pick-up that existed to support one piece designs during the consumer C-band era no longer exists. :(

Good to hear of another successful tek2000 purchase. To bad no instructions, that would challenge a first-timer! The reseller must be directly importing a product and willing to sell at a very low profit to capture the market then increase to a sustainable price, has no overhead / customer support or is selling other products to support the operation. The current cost of these dishes is too low to support even a one man, at home business model unless it is someone's hobby or a factory discount site. Time will tell... :) maybe it is about selling a complete system. $750 delivered, there seems to be a good profit margin on the supporting accessories.

Brian Gohl
Titanium Satellite
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