How much would it cost for someone who is an auto mechanic by trade, to buy & set up a 410 receiver, if you can even find one, along with a satellite dish, cable & the know how to set it up?
The know how can be found here on SatelliteGuys if you run into trouble.
On Ebay, 410 receivers pop up anywhere from $60 to $100 and sometimes a little more.
I found 920 and 922 receivers cheaper than the 410s which would be a another option.
Hunt down a free BUD, buy $25 in concrete to set it up in and I even got poles for free.
Depending on how much coax you need, either get a 1000' roll on Ebay or shorter
lengths at Lowes, Home Depot, or again Ebay. You can setup easily for under $200
which is cheaper than setting up a OTA antenna with a rotor!

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