Discovery Channels still there

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How much would it cost for someone who is an auto mechanic by trade, to buy & set up a 410 receiver, if you can even find one, along with a satellite dish, cable & the know how to set it up?

The know how can be found here on SatelliteGuys if you run into trouble.

On Ebay, 410 receivers pop up anywhere from $60 to $100 and sometimes a little more.

I found 920 and 922 receivers cheaper than the 410s which would be a another option.

Hunt down a free BUD, buy $25 in concrete to set it up in and I even got poles for free.

Depending on how much coax you need, either get a 1000' roll on Ebay or shorter

lengths at Lowes, Home Depot, or again Ebay. You can setup easily for under $200

which is cheaper than setting up a OTA antenna with a rotor! :D
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I have to use the words Fluff and Filler...and I just did :D

I'm not a ranter by nature, DNA or metamorphosis, but the point is, as was made above, there is still a choice, a real choice for a lot of people. We don't need to b*tch and moan about missing channels, I like my H2H line-up and like many, also have pizza, because I want some of the channels not on H2H.

Here's the thing though, this family spends a lot of time channel surfing across both providers, often finding nothing worth watching, or just repeats.

What I find interesting is, when that happens we tend to end up on H2H - don't know why, we just do, preference I guess.

I know, if we decide to "kick one to the curb" it will be pizza, I enjoy my BigDish.

My 2c :)
I've seen a lot of talk in these forums of people having 2 or 3 subscriptions & I know it has to cost well over a 100 bucks per month but that 100 dollar plus per month is waaay outside my budget. That's why I can only hope that some of these "Fluff" & "Filler" channels will come back to C-Band. In the mean time, I will probably keep my H2H subscription & my FTA stuff going.
I am glad to see the Discoveries are still intact. Without them, I might just give up TV all together & start watching stuff off the internet.
They also charge for OTA channels that people could receive for free with

better quality if they put up antennas... which brings the bill back up! ;)

Pizza sure needs a lot more of them there filler channels to get their prices down! :D
I bought a Channel Master ariel antenna about 2 years ago. It's about 14 feet long & was said to have a range of up to 120 miles under ideal conditions. I also bought all new heavy duty coax & still can only get 1 Fox channel. And if I turn the antenna, I can get ION. That's it. The antenna & it's pole are solidly mounted to two, twenty foot long water pipes & sunk into the ground about two feet & fastened to the gable. The total height is about 44 feet high. Before the digital transition, I was able to get 8 local channels with an old 8 foot antenna mounted only about 24 feet in the air. A couple were kinda bumpy & squiggly, but it was way better picture than I get now.
I bought a Channel Master ariel antenna about 2 years ago. It's about 14 feet long & was said to have a range of up to 120 miles under ideal conditions. I also bought all new heavy duty coax & still can only get 1 Fox channel. And if I turn the antenna, I can get ION. That's it. The antenna & it's pole are solidly mounted to two, twenty foot long water pipes & sunk into the ground about two feet & fastened to the gable. The total height is about 44 feet high. Before the digital transition, I was able to get 8 local channels with an old 8 foot antenna mounted only about 24 feet in the air. A couple were kinda bumpy & squiggly, but it was way better picture than I get now.

Wow, that is one sad reception area. :(

You must be in the middle of nowhere or have some real rugged terrain.
I've heard quite a few horror stories due to the digital transition. Living in the big city does have its perks but also it's pitfalls. When cliff effect is reached on digital it's all or nothing, same with satellite. Now they want to chop off channels 32-51 on the UHF band and sell it off. Soon we won't have any ota tv anyplace to worry about :(

I subscribe to H2h Digital Deluxe ($36) & Dish Network's Welcome ($15 + $6 DVR) for a total monthly bill of around $57 plus taxes.
I wonder why I have such a hard time finding these special deals on the Pizza dish. The cheapest package they tell me is $24.95 plus $5.00/mo for the local channels. That's not to mention the h**l they drag you through if you have bad credit or no credit cards. And I could have sworn the Dish Network told me the free PVR would cost me $9.99/mo. I could be wrong but I remember having a slightly heated conversation with them.
I just want the locals. They want my blood.

there is a way to do it if all you want is locals...well sort of. They dont carry "locals only" anymore. The basic package you can get is the "Welcome Pack" as popcorn mentions. Its 14.99 and includes your locals. If you want the locals in HD here is the way to do it. Now it also depends on the market you are considered to be in for locals. This works for Spokane & Seattle (NOT Yakima)

Get a 211...they run $100 new on Ebay. This is a HD receiver
With Seattle & Spokane you only need a Dish 500 that sees 110 & 119 (Yakima requires the D1000 which also sees 129)
In the Dish area there are "DIRT" Dish Internet Response Team" folks who can set you up on the Welcome Pack from the get-go. These are the ONLY folks who can do it
Pay a one time $40 fee and you can hook up a 1TB drive (that is the max they allow) but you can change them out if you need to

You would own the equipment and would be on a month to month contract. There is no credit check (since you own the equipment) and last I checked no CC is needed to "secure" the account. I know they send you a bill within 10 days for the 1st month so you need to pay that but you can use a check/money order

so you'd be looking
$100 (or so) receiver
Dish500 (hell I think most of us have one laying around)
$40 one time fee if you want to hook a DVR to it
Also if you can get any locals OTA you can hook up an antenna to the 211 and have the ability to record one OTA and one satellite show at same time

Welcome pack includes
Comedy Central
Food Network
Home & Garden Television (ADDED)
ICTV (ADDED) (just a shopping type channel)
The Hub (formerly Disc Kids)
WE: Women's Entertainment
The Weather Channel

and some public interest channels. Now the only HD you would get with that is the locals (again depends on location). Looking at the list if you get Seattle locals it would be Big 4, KONG, Joe TV (My Network) and PBS. SPokane is just the Big 4 nets...unless you're location of "WA" isnt Washington ;)
I tried not too long ago to activate a "owned" receiver for my dad and could not do it.

One of "Charlies Angels" (Customer service person) or maybe it was "Peggy" told

me on the phone that they will not activate customer owned equipment anymore period.

I tried several times and still got the same answer... NO!
you can still activate owned equipment with Dish...unless it was a model they no longer support (the real old stuff)
A neighbor saw my BUD and figured that I would want their old Dish pizza junk and I did take it.

The receivers were lucky to be 2 years old and they were just fed up with the pizza and wanted to

get rid of the stuff shortly after the contract ran out.

That was just within a year ago that I tired and tried and...
Pizza promoting again, thats the same crap that happened at Satforums. I think some of those clowns migrated over here. They are like a rust, it never sleeps.

Funny how they can talk about the 4DTV and H2H bad here, but go to the pizza forums and talk bad about pizza and your lynched. Sound's like a double standard :eek:
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A neighbor saw my BUD and figured that I would want their old Dish pizza junk and I did take it.

The receivers were lucky to be 2 years old and they were just fed up with the pizza and wanted to

get rid of the stuff shortly after the contract ran out.

That was just within a year ago that I tired and tried and...

I now have 13 DirecTV receivers, one can be authorized. Ice said Dish is different but I never seen it. The referb direct sent me yesterday to replace there original referb junk crashed and rebooted by itself twice already. Bet this box has some bad ram. Pizza is nothing but headaches.:sick:
I now have 13 DirecTV receivers, one can be authorized. Ice said Dish is different but I never seen it. The referb direct sent me yesterday to replace there original referb junk crashed and rebooted by itself twice already. Bet this box has some bad ram. Pizza is nothing but headaches.:sick:

Hoarding Direct TV receivers, not good! Actually the 211k that Dish has seems to be rock solid. Bought it new from a supplier. Bought the dish 500 at the time from a sick looking guy at a garage sale who I will call Pierce Tat. Said he couldnt get it to work. Cables and stuff still attached. Added about 39 barrels to my collection. Gave him $5. Hooked everything up and it worked straight out. I just used premium cable with the correct specs. I have to agree with you Direct stinks in a lot of ways. Heck you could probably put that butt ugly 211K inside the VC-2 compartment of a 920 or 922 and rig it so it can see the remote and you can save some space. With dish giving me all that I want and H2H I want not for TV. Still spend about the same as with NPS but twice the service. ;)
Well, I gave up on Pizza. They (people or bots named Peggy that work there) have been programmed to say certain words in a given order to confuse the average thinking human. I would be afraid for sure now, to buy a 211. I wonder if certain restrictions apply in some areas of the country & not in other areas.
Since the Discoveries are staying with H2H for now, I'll continue to support it & will try to add another 20 feet of water pipe to my existing 40 foot tall aerial antenna making it a total of 60 feet high to try & pick up those Seattle stations that are only 60 miles away.
I guess some folks dont want to listen to advice...

I laid it al out for you very easily above...and the one part I mentioned in regards to setting up with Welcome Pack

In the Dish area there are "DIRT" Dish Internet Response Team" folks who can set you up on the Welcome Pack from the get-go. These are the ONLY folks who can do it

Dont go through Customer Service. This package is a unadvertised one that only specific reps can offer
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