Discovery Channels still there

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No retailer of programming is going to "devalue" the product they sell for profit. Yes, there is much still to be desired on H2H and we hope much is yet to come, but please remember in this thread that nobody is pushing H2H on anyone who doesn't want it. While "fluff" may have been a strong word for some when describing other carriers' packages, we all have to admit, in the "race for most amount of channels"....the "underwater basket weaving channel" and home shopping channels, and similar DO get counted, and you PAY for them in the pre-made packages. H2H may be a small player with less channels, but those who like it, DO enjoy what's available so simply and without contract. Many H2H people also maintain minimal subs to other services.

If this site does anything, it promotes CHOICE in programming and entertainment. H2H works for some and not for others. The same can be said for all other providers.
Unfortunately I don't have Pizza nor do I want it. Or at least I didn't. But if this is SkyVision's or SRL's thoughts & considers the Denver Networks, Spike, USA, TNT, TBS, HBO, Showtime, PPV & HD "Fluff" or "Filler" channels, I probably won't support H2H much longer. I can only hope that these are your opinions & not the opinions of SV or SRL.

The channels we get are the channels we get. If your not happy with them I told you get pizza, cable, IPTV, anything. Don't make yourself miserable if waiting for something to happen ain't happening fast enough. If it is meant to be it will happen.

I like certain channels on H2H and all the perks that go along with c band. It is not for everyone but must be good since numbers are increasing, even with limited choice. Maybe people are tired of being married to cable or pizza and the my way or the highway policy's.
we all have to admit, in the "race for most amount of channels"....the "underwater basket weaving channel" and home shopping channels, and similar DO get counted, and you PAY for them in the pre-made packages.

Most of those shopping or basket weaving channels are free on the c or ku someplace. Pizza counts them as something worth something so you pay for them.

H2H has its place but since its not the almighty LSD or Cable. It's treated as crap by those advocates. Do they feel so insecure that they can't accept H2H as an option?

Pizzas reign will end when fiber becomes common place. Wonder how they will treat the subscribers as they fall, probably worse than NPS :eek:
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I have always activated my own equipment and there has never been an activation fee. I know Dish had one if you leased it.

Equipment would be from free to whatever ya wanna pay. I've gathered some 311's which are the "stock" SD receiver they've had for years. If you buy a new 211 (which can do HD) they're on Ebay for $100 new and you own it. Pay a one time $40 fee and you made it a DVR (you supply the external hard drive). No DVR fees with the 211 (unlike other DVR's). They also have an OTA antenna input and you could record one satellite and one OTA program at the same time.
The channels we get are the channels we get. If your not happy with them I told you get pizza, cable, IPTV, anything. Don't make yourself miserable if waiting for something to happen ain't happening fast enough. If it is meant to be it will happen.

I like certain channels on H2H and all the perks that go along with c band. It is not for everyone but must be good since numbers are increasing, even with limited choice. Maybe people are tired of being married to cable or pizza and the my way or the highway policy's.
Not exactly miserable. Misery is like a thorn in you paw or a tooth ache. The lack of a few channels doesn't constitute misery. Annoyed maybe that H2H doesn't carry certain channels because they are considered "Fluff" or "Filler" channels but miserable, no.
I have always activated my own equipment and there has never been an activation fee. I know Dish had one if you leased it.

Equipment would be from free to whatever ya wanna pay. I've gathered some 311's which are the "stock" SD receiver they've had for years. If you buy a new 211 (which can do HD) they're on Ebay for $100 new and you own it. Pay a one time $40 fee and you made it a DVR (you supply the external hard drive). No DVR fees with the 211 (unlike other DVR's). They also have an OTA antenna input and you could record one satellite and one OTA program at the same time.

When I spoke with dish and NPS before I got Dave they wanted a $99 activation fee, plus like $500.00 for receiver & dish. This was last year. I guess you could go the cheap fleabay route and hope the stuff is good and save a few pennies. Why don't Dave follow that plan? The dish stuff I got is in pieces and used parts out of them. Dave IMO has better packages then dish.
Not exactly miserable. Misery is like a thorn in you paw or a tooth ache. The lack of a few channels doesn't constitute misery. Annoyed maybe that H2H doesn't carry certain channels because they are considered "Fluff" or "Filler" channels but miserable, no.

Do you understand what fluff or filler means?
How much would it cost for someone who is an auto mechanic by trade, to buy & set up a 410 receiver, if you can even find one, along with a satellite dish, cable & the know how to set it up?
Do you understand what fluff or filler means?
It means the following:
Oh wait!
What about the Denver Networks?? What about Spike?? What about USA, TNT, TBS?? And HBO & Showtime? What about PPV?? What about HD?? HD would be sooo awesome on H2H. I would definitely get HD.
Things are what they are, we need to be happy as is. If you need a lot of fluff and filler channels move right along over to pizza or cable. It will be quite an experience I guarantee it.
How much would it cost for someone who is an auto mechanic by trade, to buy & set up a 410 receiver, if you can even find one, along with a satellite dish, cable & the know how to set it up?

Do you want to do it yourself? Look at this I did for a client a couple years back:

Parts were not bad at all. Except for the 410 everything was new. BTW guy is still a happy HITS subscriber, kicked cable to the curb.:)
It means the following:
Oh wait!
What about the Denver Networks?? What about Spike?? What about USA, TNT, TBS?? And HBO & Showtime? What about PPV?? What about HD?? HD would be sooo awesome on H2H. I would definitely get HD.
Things are what they are, we need to be happy as is. If you need a lot of fluff and filler channels move right along over to pizza or cable. It will be quite an experience I guarantee it.

If SES 1 was offered with a combo mode capable receiver we could get it all. HD would be nice on HITS because they don't skimp on bandwidth like pizza.
When I spoke with dish and NPS before I got Dave they wanted a $99 activation fee, plus like $500.00 for receiver & dish. This was last year. I guess you could go the cheap fleabay route and hope the stuff is good and save a few pennies. Why don't Dave follow that plan? The dish stuff I got is in pieces and used parts out of them. Dave IMO has better packages then dish.

if you worked with NPS thats why...They did their own "add on fees" to Dish.
Plenty of brand new receivers on Ebay. Plus there are lots of good deals out there. I know I've sold a few Dish receivers here and have had no issues. I've seen HD receivers on there (the 211 which is newer model) for $100 brand new. If I order from the DishStore which is a Dish retailer they want 120 for it

As for Directv, they have their own rules. They use to do "buy your own" for years but as of 06 or so they stopped doing that. I guess they figure its easier to do the lease route
One thing I like about my H2H subscription is that most every channel is a good "real" channel. Dish Network and DirecTV have MANY additional channels that sell items such as bras, gemstones, vacuums, pantyhose, acne creams, natural healing books, etc.

So, in reality Dish Network's packages should really be as follows after I counted "real" channels:

Top 150 = Top 88
Top 200 = Top 125
Top 250 = Top 165
Dish Network and DirecTV have MANY additional channels that sell items such as bras, gemstones, vacuums, pantyhose, acne creams, natural healing books, etc.

those channels usually PAY to be on there...much like the religious channels do. They also help keep the bill down
If you dont like them lock them out. isnt that hard ;)

Also alot of those channels are mapped in numerous spots on the dial. SO it may be one station but its duplicated 3 times.
One thing I like about my H2H subscription is that most every channel is a good "real" channel. Dish Network and DirecTV have MANY additional channels that sell items such as bras, gemstones, vacuums, pantyhose, acne creams, natural healing books, etc.

So, in reality Dish Network's packages should really be as follows after I counted "real" channels:

Top 150 = Top 88
Top 200 = Top 125
Top 250 = Top 165

There is 19 cable channels in the Family pack with Direct,. they boast 60.
sounds like srl and sky are talking like NPS getting your hopes up just to let you down . best thing to do is dont by there programming

I thought the point made a few posts ago was they they weren't talking :)
I have to use the words Fluff and Filler...and I just did :D

I'm not a ranter by nature, DNA or metamorphosis, but the point is, as was made above, there is still a choice, a real choice for a lot of people. We don't need to b*tch and moan about missing channels, I like my H2H line-up and like many, also have pizza, because I want some of the channels not on H2H.

Here's the thing though, this family spends a lot of time channel surfing across both providers, often finding nothing worth watching, or just repeats.

What I find interesting is, when that happens we tend to end up on H2H - don't know why, we just do, preference I guess.

I know, if we decide to "kick one to the curb" it will be pizza, I enjoy my BigDish.

My 2c :)
those channels usually PAY to be on there...much like the religious channels do. They also help keep the bill down

They also charge for OTA channels that people could receive for free with

better quality if they put up antennas... which brings the bill back up! ;)

Pizza sure needs a lot more of them there filler channels to get their prices down! :D
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