Direcway vs WorldDIRECT Dish for RTN

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 5, 2008
I am currently using a DTV AT-9 dish (24x29" rounded rectangle) with a Tracker II+ lnb fed to a CS5000 for AMC9 - this worked ok until LEO-1 came along. Even though RTN is actually coming in at the moment, I don't expect it to last and I want to make a change. I have Direcway and WorldDIRECT dishes (each with their original linear lnb's) and am wondering which would give me the best performance for RTN on AMC9?
Some of the Directway/DirecPC dishes are 39x23 so they should help

the bigger the dish the better
I am currently using a DTV AT-9 dish (24x29" rounded rectangle) with a Tracker II+ lnb fed to a CS5000 for AMC9 - this worked ok until LEO-1 came along. Even though RTN is actually coming in at the moment, I don't expect it to last and I want to make a change. I have Direcway and WorldDIRECT dishes (each with their original linear lnb's) and am wondering which would give me the best performance for RTN on AMC9?
The Directway I have beats my Starband (Channelmaster 75e) dish by 3% on verticals and 5%+ on horizontals with the stock Rx LNB.
Funny enough it was dual-polarity. (rev. AB)

That's the good news.

I see you're in Colorado so you probably won't have as much trouble as I did with me being on the West coast
Unfortunately, to date I have gotten RTN once at 66% (Coolsat) on a good clear day with my Directway (39x24)
LEO-1 comes in at 69-72%Q easy but getting RTN up above 63% is a exercise is frustration most days
I figured that the Direcway dish would be better than the WorldDIRECT dish just because of it size. However, I've seen some comments about how some lnb's are more stable and perform better (even if they have poorer stated sensitivity). That's why I wondered if a tough catch like RTN might be aided by a good lnb even with a smaller dish. I just don't have any experience with the lnb's on these two dishes and the relative performance of the dish/lnb combinations.

Anyway, it sounds like RTN will be a bit difficult even if I move up from my current small AT-9 dish. By the way, I have had good luck with the AT-9 dish and TrackerII+ combo on 97/103 on one dish and 123/129 on another. I only lose weaker transponders in heavy snow or rain. Other signals on 83 are also fine with the AT-9; RTN is by far the toughest signal I've gone after so far.
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