DirecTV2PC Issues & Feedback

Played fine befor the national reboot. Hd was not smooth after. The receiver downloading program guide info may have been the cause. I will test it again later today to see if it is running smoothe again.

The issues I have are the time bar that want go away (Yellow arrow). And the "convergence". (Red arrow)Red seems shifted to the left and blue seems shifted to the right (blue arrow). See pic. The problem only shows up in the video, not the app. As I posted before I am using a 19" Dell lcd E193FP analog mon, VGA.

HD works well here.

Gateway M-6862 Laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5750 at 2.0GHz,
4GB of DDR2 memory,
ATI Mobility RADEON HD 2600 512MB graphics

wireless 54g
Slow, choppy.. useless. I have a decent machine. 3ghz pent 4, 2gig memory, vista.. network always runs good. Frequently stream via tversity and use D OnDemand.

Very disappointing. Wont waste any more of my night on this thing. Should be easy to use and accessible... a failure.

The performance of this program all comes down to decompression. In the case of HD it's MPEG4. There are two ways to decompress MPEG4. First with a hardware decoder (like Xbox360 or the sat reciver has). Second with a software decoder, which requires alot of processor power. You don't say what type of video you have but your P4 is not that powerfull by todays standards.
Working great here. No lag connects to both HR22 and20 Played back recorded program on receiver and also another on PC. No problems so far.

Anyone ever get this to work with XP SP3? I see the on requirements page that is says it only works with SP2. I can get it to work fine on my laptop with Vista. My desktop has XP SP3 on it and it sees the recordings on the HR20's but when it goes to play them I get the cannot connect to server message.

See my post #38 above yours.
The issues I have are the time bar that want go away (Yellow arrow).

Did you just leave your mouse and keyboard alone for a minute. I noticed that the bar stays when you move your mouse but goes away when it is not active.
When trying this on my laptop. The Directv2pc application "stops responding" when I hot play on a program.

There requirements are so high, most people I know wouldn't be able to use this because of that. Therefor making this feature/ service not used by many. Why cyberlink???
When trying this on my laptop. The Directv2pc application "stops responding" when I hot play on a program.

There requirements are so high, most people I know wouldn't be able to use this because of that. Therefor making this feature/ service not used by many. Why cyberlink???

The requirements could easily be satisfied by a year old $400 PC.

The problem is PC manufactures have been allowed to emphasize fairly useless features while ignoring the critical subsystems that actually drive performance.

Until consumers demand that integrated graphics meet a minimal level of performance, people will keep complaining that their new "high-end" pc or laptop can't watch video smoothly or play games.
There requirements are so high, most people I know wouldn't be able to use this because of that. Therefor making this feature/ service not used by many.
My question isn't about hardware specs, but simple functionality. Why would I want to watch TV on a PC from inside my own house?

And I'm just asking an honest question - not trying to start anything. :)
That's basically my feeling as well; "I GUESS" if another user who doesnt have a DVR in there room, but does have a PC there, maybe then that can come into play..
I'll give you a couple of reasons that I am happy this feature has been added. For starters, for those of us with kids that like whatever pseudo advertising Nickelodeon/Disney throws in front of them, this gives those of us with laptops a way to watch something else. Also the other practical application is for those of us that want to enjoy the my case while enjoying a fine cigar and not have to drag the TV tuner/antenna outside while watching a football game. I understand a lot of people on this site may be old school but there is a market for this feature amongst those of us who have grown up with technology all around us (late 70s birth years and younger.)
What version software should I have? It tells me to activate then says failed...Reason failed is wrong activation key, but i just used the one they sent me during install.
When I try to get the software, I'm getting a message that the page can't be accessed. Did DirecTV shut it down?

Also, I will use this to watch TV on my porch during the summer. There's no connection out there, but now I can sit out and watch ballgames.
Does this have to be connected Wired or should this be working on my network?

I thought same thing. I did get another CDKey so going to try that and downloading the software again. I also made my laptop on wired network versus wireless. Need a few more minutes for download then I will post my results.
I thought same thing. I did get another CDKey so going to try that and downloading the software again. I also made my laptop on wired network versus wireless. Need a few more minutes for download then I will post my results.

Ok Ill try it over again too.

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