DIRECTV unlikely to keep NFL Sunday Ticket

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It is in their quarterly report, which was 156,000 new subs, so if DirecTV is still losing, estimated by the experts, around 400,000 -500,000 thousand a quarter, that still leaves over 300,000 in the wind.

I also think it is more logical that people leaving DirecTV would go to Dish then the reverse because of the price difference, specially that second year price, while Dish stays the same for 2 years.

So if Dish lost net 202,000 but gained 156,000, that really means 358,000 longer term subs left.
They're both losing subs to non-sat TV (including their own streaming alternatives, DTV Stream and Sling) but there continues to be churn between the two. And yes, I would certainly imagine that the churn is more in the direction of DTV to DISH than the other way around, although DTV is, I would bet, doing a much better job of retaining customers by converting them from sat to DTV Stream than DISH is by converting them to Sling (which is sub-optimal anyway given Sling's much lower revenues).

As to the doubters of a coming merger, I just keep pointing back to Ergen's public comments, repeatedly calling such a merger "inevitable" and most recently backing up what I've been saying for months, which is that a merger is on hold for now due to fear of campaign-season politics which could trigger a regulatory move to quash the deal (or place "onerous" conditions, such as rural-area price controls, on it that both sides would very much like to avoid).
There is still no sunday ticket we wait and see what happens to 250k rural subs to sunday ticket who have no internet access..
Get Star Link.
Most people can't afford Star Link or have the time to wait a year or so for it to be available in thier area.
And yet they can afford a expensive TV service like DirecTV.

I have read both here and elsewhere people paying over $75 for 3 down/ 1 up speed in those underserved areas, or for services like Hughes which is even more then Star Link.

Also, if they did have Star Link, they could have more options for TV service that would save money and easily make up the difference for Star Link being more expensive then their icky service.

And yes, it can take up to a year, they should get one reserved since ST will be streaming in a year.
And yet they can afford a expensive TV service like DirecTV.

I have read both here and elsewhere people paying over $75 for 3 down/ 1 up speed in those underserved areas, or for services like Hughes which is even more then Star Link.

Also, if they did have Star Link, they could have more options for TV service that would save money and easily make up the difference for Star Link being more expensive then their icky service.

And yes, it can take up to a year, they should get one reserved since ST will be streaming in a year.
You don't have to wait years and years for directv to be installed
You don't have to wait years and years for directv to be installed
And yet you cannot get broadband with DirecTV.

With Star Link you can get both and in a year's time NFLST.
There is still no sunday ticket we wait and see what happens to 250k rural subs to sunday ticket who have no internet access..
While we will have to wait to find out anything for sure, my guess is that nobody in any negotiation going on right now gives a rat's behind about those people. Progress always leaves some people behind.
And yet they can afford a expensive TV service like DirecTV.

I have read both here and elsewhere people paying over $75 for 3 down/ 1 up speed in those underserved areas, or for services like Hughes which is even more then Star Link.

Also, if they did have Star Link, they could have more options for TV service that would save money and easily make up the difference for Star Link being more expensive then their icky service.

And yes, it can take up to a year, they should get one reserved since ST will be streaming in a year.
I have friends on fixed income .... Yes they have D* and crappy internet .

They don't want to pay over $100 for internet PLUS $500 set up fee, which is ridiculous.

Afaik, no one should have to pay over $100 for internet.
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While we will have to wait to find out anything for sure, my guess is that nobody in any negotiation going on right now gives a rat's behind about those people. Progress always leaves some people behind.
The object for Starlink is to get EVERYONE internet, not just those in major cities ... everyone.
I have friends on fixed income .... Yes they have D* and crappy internet .

They don't want to pay over $100 for internet PLUS $500 set up fee, which is ridiculous.

Afaik, no one should have to pay over $100 for internet.
No one should have to pay over $100 for TV.

Noticed you did not say how much your friends pay for DirecTV and crappy internet.

Only way to do a fair comparison to Star Link and other services.
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While we will have to wait to find out anything for sure, my guess is that nobody in any negotiation going on right now gives a rat's behind about those people. Progress always leaves some people behind.
They care about profit...sunday ticket only has 2 million or so subs..250k is a big chunk to lose..especially when a quick phone call to directv will solve the issue..much like TNF and commercial establishments..but I agree..they only care about making money
I love all this Star Link talk. Can we talk about transporters? Phasers? Mind melds?

Fact is that the VERY EXPENSIVE theoretical system does not yet, and therefore may never, actually exist for 100% of the USA. Therefore discussions of it in a throwaway "just get SL" are silly.

Fact is a streaming deal for ST means it will no longer be available to 100% of the country, as it is today.
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I love all this Star Link talk. Can we talk about transporters? Phasers? Mind melds?

Fact is that the VERY EXPENSIVE theoretical system does not yet, and therefore may never, actually exist for 100% of the USA. Therefore discussions of it in a throwaway "just get SL" are silly.
Not planned for 100% of the country, only for the underserved.

And I have it for my back up service, works great.
Fact is a streaming deal for ST means it will no longer be available to 100% of the country, as it is today.
100% of the country does not have DirecTV, only roughly 9% , that means 91% does not.

And all this complaining about ST going streaming keeps missing a fact, AT&T/TPG/DirecTV did not bid on it, what choice does the NFL have, not one traditional provider, Dish, Comcast, charter, etc bid, the only ones who did was the streaming companies.
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