Quite. Millions of people watch NO SPORTS AT ALL.
Sure. Sports are popular. But millions of people WATCH NO SPORTS AT ALL.
There are 100+ channels that millions of people don't watch on most services that in total cost what the handful of expensive sports channels cost. Most of them can be dropped and the MVPD wouldn't lose a single customer. If the MVPD dropped ESPN, they would lose a significant number of customers. A number people (hundreds?) left DirecTV when they dropped Versus (later became NBCSN) back when they carried the NHL. How many would leave if they dropped Logo or History or Nat Geo Wild? Maybe they'd lose a couple of customers over Hallmark…
Did I mention women?
We'll, there was the estrogen soaked thing a sentence before that I gave a separate eye roll emoji. That paragraph basically said women would rather watch Hallmark Channel than ESPN.
Most I know don't. Most found soccer because they have some sort of disdain for American things.
Odd. Most I know are fans of the US National teams. Many play(ed) or referee(d) soccer. Most complain about the local NFL or MLB team's lack of success and follow the local MLS team's games. Maybe I just hang with a more sports centric group, but it seems most of the people I run into fit that category. It seems that way everywhere I go.