Yes he want to get to the most people, which is more-
DirecTV satellite with 10-11 million households and declining or over 100 million households and growing as broadband providers are expanding into rural areas.
Once again, no one in power gives a **** about rural Americans. "Good" internet will exist where a capital return can be made on it. That is to say, exactly where it is today. Absent a massive government subsidy, that is it. And, IMHO, no political group of any stripe really cares about rural America.
And again, there are 130 million households in the United States, only 68 million subscribe to Live TV, that means 62 million do not, most of those are younger people that do not get Live TV, that is a huge untapped market for the NFL and one of the things Goodell alluded to.
These people are called "people that don't like sports'. Out of date technology, but still true quote. "Why are sports important to TV? Because nobody can go to Blockbuster and rent tonight's game." Still true. Sports are only valuable LIVE. People that like live sports, have LIVE TV. Really that simple.
So people that don't like sports, now don't have to pay for them. Good for them.
The number of people who have ST (and ESPN, and FS1, and Golf Channel, and their local RSN, etc.) is a known number. Those that currently do so.
Plus a literal handful of people that wish oh wish streaming was something other than it is, and always will be. For 95% of people, its just the modern version of HBO, a supplement to linear TV.
There is nothing to it except DirecTV will talk to the winner, that's it.
And offer to solve two huge problems the "winner" has. As the "winner" will L O S E money by the bucketsfull on this deal, they need to lose as little as possible. So, on the commercial side, DirecTV offers almost metaphysically 100% of all the commercial establishments who want the service, and can easily simply pass it through to them on a no profit basis (or even make a modest profit from the service) and avoid the tens of thousands of such establishments that would drop the package otherwise, thus cutting the "winner's" losses substantially. Likewise, as 99.9999999% of people who currently want ST, have ST, DirecTV offers to supply those customers, a significant %age of which would otherwise be unserved because of broadband issues.
Meanwhile the "winner" can try to sell out of town NFL games, on against "free" games on OTA TV, to people who would rather watch The Handmaid's Tale or Ozark.